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Managing Your Guidance Department Through Aspen Albert Mercado-García, B.A., M.Ed., CCC, CAGS Guidance, Career and Academic Enhancement Supervisor Milford.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Your Guidance Department Through Aspen Albert Mercado-García, B.A., M.Ed., CCC, CAGS Guidance, Career and Academic Enhancement Supervisor Milford."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Your Guidance Department Through Aspen Albert Mercado-García, B.A., M.Ed., CCC, CAGS Guidance, Career and Academic Enhancement Supervisor Milford Public Schools

2 Profile of Milford High School Guidance Department 1150 Students Grades 9-12 5 Guidance Counselors 1.5 Adjustment Counselors 1.0 Supervisor 1.0 Administrative Assistant

3 Time Spent on Non-Guidance Duties RuralSuburbanUrbanAverage % Days % % Elementary School 19.6 1 34.1 2 14.725.612.922.427.3 Middle School 23.340.523.641.022.739.540.3 High School 20.335.317.029.615.727.330.7 Notes: 1.The percentage of time is based on a full school year. For example, elementary school counselors in rural schools estimated they spent 19.6% of their time over a full school year on non-guidance duties. 2. Days are based on a 174 day school year. Gysbers, N.C., & Lapan, R.T. (2003). Non-guidance duties performed by school counselors: What are They? Why are they a problem? What can be done about them? Manuscript submitted for publication.

4 Aspen can help you regain or recover time. Time that can be used to support your role as a guidance counselor.

5 Some of our enhancements Transcripts Class Rank and GPA Grade Distribution Reports Failure Letter Honor Roll Letter Attendance Review Journaling 504 Management

6 Enhancements-Cont’d. Legal Alerts Managing Non-Custodial Parents MCAS Data Collection

7 What are some other ways that Aspen can be used to manage your guidance program?

8 Questions?

9 Thank you.

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