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Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc. Solid Terrain Modeling in the Digital Age Lawrence Faulkner - Solid Terrain Modeling.

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Presentation on theme: "Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc. Solid Terrain Modeling in the Digital Age Lawrence Faulkner - Solid Terrain Modeling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc. Solid Terrain Modeling in the Digital Age Lawrence Faulkner - Solid Terrain Modeling

2 Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc. Executive Summary Solid Terrain Modeling (STM) produces physical, 3D models from digital data. Patented process used commercially by STM and licensed to US Govt through BAE Systems. Realistic, full-color terrain models in days, not weeks. Used for Operational Planning, Briefing/Debriefing, Training.

3 Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc. Executive Summary Model making service (unclassified) by STM in California. $500/square foot plus shipping. Can set up full production facility for local and classified production. –Labor, facility and equipment costs –Annual license fee –Scalable to suit need

4 Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc. STM’s Process Prepare the digital source data –Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Can be Stereo Photogrammetry, IF-SAR, LiDAR, any 3D source. –Digital Orthophoto Can be aerial, satellite, map or a combination. Must be georeferenced and orthorectified.

5 Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc. STM’s Process Cut the DEM from a solid block of foam Coat the surface with white primers Print the image on the surface Apply protective clear coating

6 Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc. Cutting the model Start Thursday 15 hrs cut time –3 rough passes –1 detail pass 20 meter DEM 2x Vertical Exaggeration

7 Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc. Coating application… Start Friday Dry and ready for imaging on Saturday

8 Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc. Printing… Start Saturday 5 hr print time 200 DPI TIFF input image Rendered at 720 DPI

9 Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc. A finished model Clear overcoat applied Monday Model shipped on Monday

10 Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc. Education/Training Flight Obstruction Training DEM: Airborne1 LiDAR IMAGE: I.K. Curtis Orthophoto MODEL SIZE: 32”x55” MODEL SCALE: 2:1 vertical exaggeration DATA ENGINEERING: EDAC/STM

11 Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc. Examples

12 Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc. Air Collision Litigation DEM: USGS 30 meter IMAGE: I-CUBED 15 meter MODEL SIZE: 31”x46” DATA ENGINEERING: STM

13 Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc.















28 This is just the half of it…

29 Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc.




33 Keep the Spatial in Geospatial Increasing quantity and complexity Context is crucial Make it easy to understand –Interpersonal Communications cannot be sacrificed to Technology –Decisions are a collaborative agreement –Invite Participation

34 Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc. Its all about communication Talk about issues, not how to read a topo map Use in conjunction with a computer generated fly-through to preserve perspective and context Needs no operator, anyone can tell their story using the model Get more use out of your GIS database!

35 Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc. Decisions Group decisions require trust, respect and shared confidence Interpersonal dynamics should be maintained Data presentation should be as democratic as possible

36 Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc.

37 Activate the Model Geo-Referenced Data Projected onto the surface –Live position tracking –Video Feed –Simulation

38 Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc. Airborne Infrared Sensor Data – “The Old Fire”

39 Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc. Animated Rescue Scenario

40 Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc. Detail of Previous Slide

41 Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc. Grand Challenge 2004 Live Vehicle Tracking

42 Solid Terrain Modeling, Inc. DARPA Grand Challenge 2005

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