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11 PMU simulation and application for power system stability monitoring Harmeet Kang Areva Technology Centre – Stafford, UK Sept. 2009 MOSCOW.

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Presentation on theme: "11 PMU simulation and application for power system stability monitoring Harmeet Kang Areva Technology Centre – Stafford, UK Sept. 2009 MOSCOW."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 PMU simulation and application for power system stability monitoring Harmeet Kang Areva Technology Centre – Stafford, UK Sept. 2009 MOSCOW

2 22 Historical Perspective  Impossible to compare data from geographically different locations  No context to the measurements  Slow RTU data  Technology cost prohibitive

3 33 Why Synchrophasors  Difficult to do post analysis if measurements cannot be aligned  Very difficult to develop a pre-emptive strategy if the phase angles between various points in a system cannot be determined  GPS and Ethernet have made it possible to have time aligned measurements from geographically different locations  Systems are operating closer to the limit than they were before  Better State Estimation

4 44 Comparison with traditional SCADA Parameter/AttributeSCADASynchronised Phasor Resolution2-4 measurements/sec Maximum 50/60 meas./sec ObservabilitystaticStatic/dynamic Phase AngleNoYes

5 55 What is a Phasor IEEE C37.118 specifies that the angle  is 0 degrees when the maximum of the signal to be measured coincides with the GPS pulse and -90 degrees if the positive zero crossing coincides with the GPS pulse.

6 66 Measurement

7 77 Phase Angle Not constant if Frequency is constant 2π(f–f0)T0, where f0 = 1/T0 =2π(49.93–50)0.02=-0.504 degrees/measurement = 25.2 degrees between two GPS pulses 50 Hz 49.93 Hz

8 88 PMU device basics GPS Receiver Microprocessors Oscillator A/D Analog Digital IEEE C37.118Data Electrical signal Digitised Samples Data Frame over Serial or Ethernet (TCP/UDP) P847PMU Anti Aliasing

9 99 PMU device basics GPS Receiver Microprocessors Oscillator A/D Analog Digital IEEE C37.118Data Electrical signal Digitised Samples Data Frame over Serial or Ethernet (TCP/UDP) P847PMU Anti Aliasing Phase delays /Variable CT/VT Mag/Angle Errors Fixed delay in gathering data Small error

10 10 GPS input Time  Output Site 1 Light ON Light OFF Time  Output Site 2 Light ON Light OFF 200ms +/- 1ms <100 ns Leading edge is timing point

11 11 MiCOM P594  MiCOM P594 is the universal time synchronising unit for the substation  Accurate for PMU applications  Accurate for GPS line differential  Accurate for NCIT merging units  Accurate for all other purposes  Modulated IRIG-B  Un-modulated IRIG-B  4 x 1 PPS fibre outputs to synchronise P54x relays  P594 Status, Static Output Relays  Visual time reference on LCD One Device Synchronises All – One Single Investment

12 12 Acceptable Total Vector Error (TVE) Where X r (n) and X i (n) are the measured real and imaginary components and Xr and Xi are the reference values. This measurement accuracy varies with the magnitude and frequency of the input signal. 1% TVE ~ 0.5 degrees ~ 26  sec @60Hz

13 13 Measurement Window Filter Coefficients are chosen to provide A zero degrees phase shift if the middle of the window corresponds to the peak of the signal

14 14 Filter Length  Programmable  1 – 7 Cycles  Default - 5 Cycles

15 15 Impact of Filter Length Particularly important to have good noise rejection as inter area and local oscillations are around 0.1 -3 Hz

16 16 MiCOM P847 Main Functionality Multifunctional Disturbance /Transient Recorder Phasor Measurement Function Breaker Fail Re-trip & Backtrip Fault Location, Events, Recording Communications Programmable Logic, I/O Marshalling Local/Remote Control & Monitoring Voltage, Current & Freq. Protection

17 17 PMU’s in a System PMU1 PMU2 PMU3 PMU4 PDC E-terra

18 18 Phasor Data Transfer

19 19 IEEE C37.118 Protocol  Configuration => To PDC  Header =>To PDC  Data => To PDC  Command <= From PDC

20 20 PMU Protocol Settings

21 21 PMU Data & Config

22 22 Communication/Data Architecture PMU SsPDC Ethernet or serial To Control Centre Super PDC Small Signal Stability Visualization Archiving To Regional Control Centre/EMS Substations/DG Archiving

23 23 Why Substation PDC 1) Can create a virtual PMU for a complete substation out of many PMU's, hence lowering network congestion 2) Provides a reliable and persistent data storing environment when the communication link is down 3) Can be used to make the Control Centre ‘catch up’ data to a certain extent if the communication link is intermittent 4) Creates a set up for the future where direct control actions (substation based logic or Wide Area Control) can be taken based on PMU data.

24 24 Communication Issues  Communication bandwidth can be reduced by combining data from multiple PMU’s in one channel  Communication bandwidth can be reduced by choosing integer data transfer (16 bit) over floating point(32 bit)  Must be considered carefully – depends on what applications are using phasor data  The same channel should be capable of configuring a substation PDC or PMU without loss of data

25 25 Embarking on a PMU based WMS system

26 26 PMU / WAMPAC roadmap Short Term 1-3 years Medium Term 3-5 years Long Term > 5 years Situational Awareness – Angle/Frequency Monitoring Situational Awareness – Advanced Visualisation Tools State Measurement (Linear) Post Mortem AnalysisModel Benchmarking; Parameter Estimation (Dynamic) Real-Time Control State Estimation (Improve)State Estimation (hybrid system) Adaptive Protection Model Benchmarking; Parameter Estimation Stabilization (PSS) Power System RestorationPlanned Power-System Separation – Special Protection Systems Voltage Stability Monitoring Advanced Stability monitoring applications Envisaged User Requirements

27 27 PMU Locations and Number of » Which feeders are key to the interconnection between grid regions » Which nodes exhibit large shifts in power angle based on a loss of generation, load and change in topology. » Which areas are of interest from a load modelling perspective » Which areas of the grid are known to contain dynamic stability issues » Which areas can form frequency Islands » Which areas of the grid are prone to voltage collapse » Which nodes will be most beneficial for the current state estimator improvement and a future linear state estimator

28 28 PMU Locations and Number of Phenomena Power Angle Load Dynamics Stability monitoring Frequency Islands Voltage Collapse State Estimation

29 29 System Study and Virtual PMU’s

30 30 Application of PMU’s in Power System Stability

31 31 Small Signal Stability Ability of a power system to maintain synchronism When subjected to small disturbances. In today’s practical power systems, the small signal Stability problem is usually of insufficient damping of system oscillations Ref: Power System Stability and Control Prabha Kundur

32 32 Small Signal Stability

33 33 System Oscillations Ref: UNDERSTANDING POWER SYSTEM STABILITY Michael J. Basler and Richard C. Schaefer

34 34 Oscillations

35 35 Anatomy of an Oscillation

36 36 Power Transfer Between Two Systems after a disturbance

37 37

38 38 PMU Data

39 39 Modal Analysis Oscillatory Modes and associated damping factors for two buses in a system after a small disturbance

40 40 Frequency ModeAmplitudeDamping FactorPhase 5.9150936010.1549216913.803229646-0.56479 -5.9150936010.1549216913.8032296460.564785 2.5282762186.1666772655.9618749812.05712 -2.5282762186.1666772655.96187498-12.0571 0.113612770.052975648-0.243568244-0.08402 -0.113612770.052975648-0.2435682440.084017 1.1603290290.0164644541.2281819750.067127 -1.1603290290.0164644541.228181975-0.06713 2.00441464813.749127227.0250195957.03535 -2.00441464813.749127227.02501959-57.0354 5.8864555960.0593262093.676118362-0.39502 -5.8864555960.0593262093.6761183620.395017 5.8160917330.2685175154.184619447-0.7797 -5.8160917330.2685175154.1846194470.779701 0.4992346859.0928624274.83845200818.89328 -0.4992346859.0928624274.838452008-18.8933 1.3239925766.442463684.98831299326.19057 -1.3239925766.442463684.988312993-26.1906

41 41 Significance of Negative Damping

42 42 Effect of Data Transmission rate of application Every PMU measurement Every second PMU measurement Every tenth PMU measurement Every second

43 43 Operator View of PMU data

44 44 Conclusions  Technology enablers have made PMU’s a logical choice for Wide Area Applications  PMU’s can be used for variety of monitoring and stability applications  The common angle reference provides context to the measurements  Adaptive filter length and data rate can be used to match measurement to application  PSS tuning can be done to improve system response to disturbances  PMU Simulation can help in planning –location, number, characteristics

45 45 Conclusions Applications  Real-time measurement of the power system state  Real time monitoring of angular stability  Real time monitoring of damping issues  Post event analysis  Post-Disturbance Analysis and Compliance Reporting  System Operations and Planning

46 46 Thank You

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