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4 th Annual SPDG National Meeting FHI 360 Conference Center 1825 Connecticut Ave. NW, 8 th Floor Washington, DC October 9-10, 2014 Jennifer Coffey, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "4 th Annual SPDG National Meeting FHI 360 Conference Center 1825 Connecticut Ave. NW, 8 th Floor Washington, DC October 9-10, 2014 Jennifer Coffey, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 th Annual SPDG National Meeting FHI 360 Conference Center 1825 Connecticut Ave. NW, 8 th Floor Washington, DC October 9-10, 2014 Jennifer Coffey, Ph.D. OSEP Project Director and SPDG Program Lead John Lind Director, SIGnetwork

2 Welcome!

3 Thank You! Planning Committee Members & Partners State Grantees & Evaluators Pat Mueller, VT Leanne Hawken, UT Debra Ahrens, WI Cheryl Huffman, UT Martha Buenrostro, OR Steve Chasson, WY Jocelyn Cooledge, AL OSEP Project Officers Jennifer Coffey Pat Gonzalez Corinne Weidenthal Tina Diamond Shedeh Hajghassemali Susan Weigert David Guardino Grace Zamora Duran Terry Jackson Partners Jeanna Mullins, RRC Program Kim Hartsell, RRC Program Signetwork Team Linda Lynch, Melissa Moseley, and John Lind

4 Meeting Materials SIGnetwork: 4 th Annual SPDG National Meeting webpage 4th-annual-spdg-national-meeting). 4th-annual-spdg-national-meeting Coffee Honor System

5 Now that we are not holding PLCs… Think about whether you would like a “pop-up” meeting or Webinar –We will support you any way we can The SIGnetwork is for you, so when you share your needs, we meet them

6 Objectives of the Meeting Increase knowledge and skills about evidence-based professional development practices Increase knowledge of and ability to use new tools presented Build a stronger program network

7 Learning Targets Make one change in your professional development system as a result of what you learned here. Begin using one new tool or modify one or your tools, as a result of what is shared. Make a new connection and contact that person after the meeting.

8 Evidence-based Professional Development Discussions Please write your ideas for topics on a post-it and place in the basket in the foyer. Everyone will have a chance to vote for their favorite topics.

9 Morning Agenda 8:30–8:40Welcome and Introduction to 10 & 10 8:45–9:0510 and 10 Tool Sharing Sessions – Round One 9:10–9:3010 and 10 Tool Sharing Sessions – Round Two 9:30–9:45Transition Break 9:45–10:00Review Agenda and Introduce Panel 10:00–11:30Supporting Administrators Panel 11:30–1:00LUNCH (on your own) 12:15–1:00Evaluators Meet with Dr. Coffey (optional)

10 10 & 10 Tool Sharing Two 20-Minute Sessions Please see your 10 & 10 handout for descriptions and locations (p.3) This format is informal in nature. –Within a 20-minute time frame presenters will have 10 minutes to describe a tool/resource and 10 minutes to take questions from participants. Note: Lammert Tool Sharing (p. 6) has changed to session two Market Place Presentation, see flyer

11 10 & 10 Sessions SESSION ONE: 8:45 – 9:05LOCATION Observation Checklist for High-Quality Professional Development Training (HQPD Checklist) Academy Hall Professional Development Planning Guide for Culturally Responsive Practices: Equitable Classroom Practices Observation Checklist Vista A&B Student Data Triangulation ToolVista C Tools to Foster Effective District Implementation TeamsBalcony B National Center on Intensive Intervention Data-Based Individualization Implementation Rubric Balcony C Creating Useful and Used Training EvaluationsBalcony D TAP-IT ProtocolBalcony E SESSION TWO: 9:10 – 9:30LOCATION Team Functioning Scale Academy Hall Observation of High Quality Training & CoachingVista A&B Institutions of Higher Education Technical Assistance LogVista C SSIP Infrastructure Analysis ToolsBalcony B Massachusetts Tiered System of Supports (MTSS): Self-AssessmentBalcony D Tier 2 Implementation and Fidelity ToolsBalcony E

12 Supporting Administrators so They Can Support Implementation Eric Kloos and Cammy Lehr, MN DOE Connie Hawkins, Region 2 PTAC and ECAC-NC

13 13 I don’t know who it is, but the author of these “easy-to- assemble instructions should be severely punished!

14 How do you protect implementation from leadership turnover?

15 ecac 201015

16 St. Cloud and MDE Agreement District 1 and MDE Agreement to Actively Manage District-wide PBIS Implementation Priority District GetMDE & Partners GetDistrict GiveMDE & Partners GiveShared Outcomes Improve District-wide PBIS Implementation Integration of implementation frameworks and tools into District management of PBIS implementation district-wide (see module-1 ) module-1 Working model of district-wide PBIS continuous regeneration and sustained implementation using implementation frameworks and tools Staff time at District monthly at PBIS meetings to learn about implementation frameworks and tools associated with sustaining PBIS Staff time preparing for, participating in, and meeting needs emerging from St. Cloud district PBIS meetings The District, MDE and Partners understand what it takes to provide ongoing active management of PBIS implementation and innovation across a district Data-based decision making Access to customized PBIS district-wide implementation data dashboards from MDE and Wilder Research, including regular and ongoing effort, fidelity, and outcome data reports Experience learning which data are most helpful to guide districts in actively managing and sustaining PBIS implementation Agreement to share and review the districts PBIS implementation data on a regular basis at monthly meeting District-wide PBIS implementation data in an actionable format (within context of statewide district implementation data patterns) A district-wide data-based decision making process is developed to implement and sustain ongoing PBIS efforts in the district. Professional Development Knowledge about PBIS implementation through participation in a Community of Practice with other selected districts actively managing PBIS implementation MDE & Partner staffs learn from Community of Practice discussions and data review cycles about how best to meet the PBIS professional development needs of participating districts and schools Staff dedicated time to participate in the Community of Practice and other professional development opportunities provided by MDE & Partners Data-informed district-wide professional development (provided by MDE staff, George Sugai, Karen Blase, and others) and reserved space at MDE Implementation Forums and content-specific PBIS trainings or capacity building sessions (such as SWIS facilitator training, TIPS training, PBIS trainer training etc.) Increased competence of the district, MDE and Partner staff to implement, manage and evaluate district level PBIS Strategic PBIS meeting calendar and agenda planning Assistance with planning PBIS district meeting calendar and customize agenda items based on available data and associated implementation frameworks Feedback on the efficiency and effectiveness of pre-planning district PBIS meeting calendar and agendas Share responsibility for district PBIS meeting calendar and agenda planning with MDE staff Staff time to assist with pre- planning and meeting needs emerging from district PBIS meeting calendar and agendas. The district, MDE and partner staff develop a model for meeting calendar and agenda planning to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of PBIS implementation and scale-up Transfer Implementation Frameworks and tools to other St. Cloud initiatives Understanding of Implementation Frameworks, tools, and processes (such as the District Capacity Assessment) and how they can be used to implement other district-wide initiatives Experience in working with a district team to learn about Implementation Frameworks and tools to transfer those frameworks and tools to other district-level initiatives Staff time to explore how the Implementation Frameworks and tools used to actively manage PBIS implementation can generalize to other district initiatives Systems coaching to explicitly highlight when and how to apply Implementation Frameworks and tools to other district initiatives The District PBIS Team, MDE and Partners understand how to successfully use and transfer Implementation Frameworks and tools to other initiatives

17 What is the parent role in protecting implementation when leadership changes? Parents who understand the program and participate in implementation activities make the practice a “building program” not a “principal’s project”

18 Parent influencers Parents can document the value of the program for their children and try to influence the new leadership Parents can move “up the org chart” to “speak up” and advocate for the continuation of the program Parents can ask questions if the loss of the effective practice impacts the implementation of the IEP

19 At your table 6 minutes for discussion What did you hear that resonated for you? What did you hear that you still have questions about? –Please write this down on a post-it

20 What kind of data do administrators need to keep them supportive?

21 Example of a District Data Dashboard: Effort, Fidelity and Outcome Data 21

22 2014 School SET Profile “A Snapshot over Time”

23 2014 District SET Profile “A Snapshot in Time”

24 What kind of data do administrators need to keep them supportive? Real Data and True Stories!

25 At your table 6 minutes for discussion What did you hear that resonated for you? What did you hear that you still have questions about? –Please write this down on a post-it

26 How do you achieve administrator (and staff) buy-in?

27 How do you achieve buy-in from administrators, staff and PARENTS? Add PARENTS to this question from the Beginning of the implementation process!

28 Inclusive Planning ecac 201028

29 Along with…. A Definition of WHY Identification of the “influencers” Clear Communication Answers to Questions “Rumor Control” Positive Behavior Support No risk learning environment Shared Responsibility

30 How Can Parents Support the Administrator? Building Level “purveyors” who actively support the program Communication link with other parents and parent organizations Members of Advisory Boards Advocates at the “system” level “critical friends” RDA Stakeholders

31 District Calendar for Implementation

32 At your table 6 minutes for discussion What did you hear that resonated for you? What did you hear that you still have questions about? –Please write this down on a post-it

33 How do you create a good host environment for your program/practice/system?

34 ecac 201034

35 District Capacity Assessment (DCA)

36 At your table 6 minutes for discussion What did you hear that resonated for you? What did you hear that you still have questions about? –Please write this down on a post-it

37 Next steps… Please take your post-its and put them on the west wall Jennifer and John will collect them and create Open Space topics The Open Space topics will go up on the easels When you come back from lunch (a bit before 1:00, please sign your name under the topic you are interested in)

38 Afternoon Agenda 1:00–2:20Open Space DiscussionsBreakout Spaces 2:20–2:30Transition Break 2:30–3:15Poster Session 3:15-3:30Transition Break 3:30–4:00Market Place Presentations 4:00–4:15Transition & Sign-up on easels: EBPD topics 4:15-4:40Market Place Presentations – Round Two 4:40-4:45Transition Break 4:45–5:00Implementation CoP on Coaching –Planning session 5:00–7:00Optional Networking at Russia House

39 Open Space Discussions ENTER TOPICS and ROOM Assignments

40 Preparation for the Evidence-Based Professional Development Worksheet Discussions What more do you want to know about Evidence-Based Professional Development? Write your thoughts on a slip of paper and post them on the easels around the room by the end of the day.

41 Poster Session Please see your poster handout for descriptions and locations (p. 7) 45-minutes to discuss 9 tools and activities and network among the SPDG community.

42 Poster Session Poster Topics and PresentersLocation Dealing with Project Change: Evaluator’s Perspective [SC]TABLE 1 Scientific Research-Based Interventions (SRBI) Self-Assessment [CT]TABLE 2 Improving Teaching & Learning through Missouri Collaborative Work [MO]TABLE 3 Oklahoma Tiered Intervention System of Support (OTISS) Website [OK]TABLE 4 EDU 2.0 [FL]TABLE 5 Addressing Rural Personnel Shortages [OR]TABLE 6 RTI Parent Involvement Survey [ID]TABLE 7 Introduction to UMTSS Handbook [UT]TABLE 8 Honeycomb for Home, Learner Profile [MD]TABLE 9

43 Marketplace Presentations Please see your Marketplace handout for descriptions and locations The Marketplace format is a bit more formal in nature. Presenters have 30 minutes to present ideas or resources to the participants.

44 Marketplace Presentation Sessions SESSION ONE: 3:30 – 4:00Location Parent-Teacher Partnerships Informing System Improvements [OH]Academy Hall Incorporating Video Observations in e-Mentoring [KS]Vista A&B Making Teaching and Learning Visible [MO]Balcony B Overview of the Oklahoma Tiered Intervention System of Support (OTISS) Intervention Modules [OK] Balcony C Data Visualization For Resource Allocation [TN] Balcony D Dashboards for District-Level Problem Solving [MI]Balcony E SESSION TWO: 4:15 – 4:45Location Guidelines for Working with Third-Party Evaluators Academy Hall Intensive Intervention Fidelity Rubric [AIR]Vista A&B Systems Coaching: A key component of implementation and sustainability [UT]Balcony B SPDG Levels of Collaboration Instrument [TACC]Balcony C Linking Implementation Data to the SPDG’s PD Worksheet [OK] Balcony D Parents as Purveyors: Engaging Stakeholders for Sustainability [NC]Balcony E

45 Tomorrow’s Agenda 8:30–8:40 Poll Everywhere 8:40-10:00Panel: Using SPDG Knowledge and PD for Successful Wide-Spread Efforts 10:00–10:15Transition Break 10:15–11:40Evidence Based Professional Development Worksheet Discussions 11:40–11:45Transition Break 11:45–12:00Closing with Jennifer Coffey 12:00–2:00Meetings with Project Officers

46 From any browser (code or keyword) From a text message Poll Everywhere: Open ended Vote via: The web Text messaging—Normal rates apply 22333

47 Participating with Poll Everywhere Vote via the web From any browser

48 Poll Everywhere: Multiple Choice Vote via texting 744402 From a text message 22333

49 Poll Everywhere What would you like to more about in regard to the SSIP and other national initiatives? These Evidence-based Professional Development topics were submitted by the SPDG community yesterday. Please select your favorite topics.

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