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800.364.2468 :: Constructing a Portfolio that Successfully Manages Downside Risk Jerry A. Miccolis, CFA ®, CFP ®, FCAS CIO, Brinton Eaton.

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Presentation on theme: "800.364.2468 :: Constructing a Portfolio that Successfully Manages Downside Risk Jerry A. Miccolis, CFA ®, CFP ®, FCAS CIO, Brinton Eaton."— Presentation transcript:

1 800.364.2468 :: Constructing a Portfolio that Successfully Manages Downside Risk Jerry A. Miccolis, CFA ®, CFP ®, FCAS CIO, Brinton Eaton Annual Conference May 23, 2012

2 800.364.2468 :: Constructing a Portfolio that Successfully Manages Downside Risk Company confidential1

3 800.364.2468 :: Constructing a Portfolio that Successfully Manages Downside Risk Company confidential2 Juan Carlos Artigas Global Head of Investment Research World Gold Council

4 800.364.2468 :: Constructing a Portfolio that Successfully Manages Downside Risk Company confidential3 Kenneth R. Solow, CFP ® Chief Investment Officer Pinnacle Advisory Group

5 800.364.2468 :: Constructing a Portfolio that Successfully Manages Downside Risk Company confidential4 Erick Goralski Director, Global Markets, ICG Structured Investments Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc.

6 800.364.2468 :: Constructing a Portfolio that Successfully Manages Downside Risk Company confidential5

7 800.364.2468 :: Modernized Modern Portfolio Theory Constructing a Portfolio that Successfully Manages Downside Risk Company confidential6

8 800.364.2468 :: Modernizing MPT  More realistic asset distributions  Non-normal/fat tails  More representative investment horizons  Multi-period/compound returns/risk drag  Rules-based rebalancing  More meaningful risk measures  Shortfall risk  Conditional VaR  More useful dependency measures  Correlations  copulas Company confidential7

9 800.364.2468 :: Asset class relationships are complex Company confidential8

10 800.364.2468 :: We’ve moved from correlations… Company confidential9

11 800.364.2468 :: …to copulas Company confidential10

12 800.364.2468 :: Dynamic Asset Allocation Constructing a Portfolio that Successfully Manages Downside Risk Company confidential11

13 800.364.2468 :: Our sector rotation strategy is an example of DAA  Stable-weighting  Exit/entry signaling  Trade-offs between stability and responsiveness  Three “momentum” algorithms  Each has its own strengths/ weaknesses  Rules that determine which algorithm to use at different times  Dynamically move between responsiveness and stability based on market characteristics  Filtering  To avoid too-frequent trading  Parameters optimized based on 1990-2007 data  Tested “out of sample” with 2008-2011 data Company confidential12

14 800.364.2468 :: How does this strategy compare to the S&P500 Total Return Index? 13Company confidential

15 800.364.2468 :: How does this strategy compare to the S&P500 Total Return Index? 14Company confidential

16 800.364.2468 :: Enlightened Tail Risk Hedging Constructing a Portfolio that Successfully Manages Downside Risk Company confidential15

17 800.364.2468 :: Our three criteria for an effective buy-and-hold tail risk hedge  Sudden appreciation in severe market downturns  “Severe” denoting sudden, substantial, unexpected decline in market value across most major asset classes, as in 4Q08 (i.e., when diversification doesn’t help)  Appreciation to a degree sufficient to meaningfully offset the decline  No “give-back” during market recovery!  Very low cost  Minimize diversion of funds from productive use  No sacrifice of upside portfolio potential!  Minimal disruption to portfolio  Maintain what works in vastly more likely markets  “Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater!” Company confidential16

18 800.364.2468 :: Our criteria in a picture Company confidential17

19 800.364.2468 :: Some combinations are promising Company confidential18

20 800.364.2468 :: The combined effect can be game-changing Company confidential19

21 800.364.2468 :: Constructing a Portfolio that Successfully Manages Downside Risk Company confidential20

22 800.364.2468 :: For further reading on these ideas… Company confidential21

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