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Senate Properties, Finland Sustainability Panel Intro TWN 2011 Kaj Hedvall.

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Presentation on theme: "Senate Properties, Finland Sustainability Panel Intro TWN 2011 Kaj Hedvall."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senate Properties, Finland Sustainability Panel Intro TWN 2011 Kaj Hedvall

2 Senate Properties 2011 (budget) State owned enterprise 11 300 buildings 6,5 million m 2 Book EUR 4,2 billion Turnover 520 M€ Staff-years 264 Investments 300 M€

3 Defence and Security Offices Ministry and Culture Development Premises

4 Senate Properties - current issues 1.Finland is part of EU and Eurozone 2.EU wants to be a forerunner in sustainability 3.Target is 20-20-20 4.The public sector has to show the way in EU 5.EED proposal this summer 6.The Nordic countries are a somewhat special case: 1.Less old stock 2.Climate has forced to deal with energy issues 7.The existing stock is the challenge 27.9.2010Laatijan nimi4

5 Road map for energy efficiency in Senate´s investments 2011 - 2020 New buildings RenovationsEmissions Renewable energy 1.9.20115

6 6

7 7 18 m Senate Properties 2011 – 2020 Investments ( = construction) Renovation New projects 3300 m ”Exit” 3,3 km Energy data not available 21 km Total area 8 milj. gross-m2 Consumption data available concerning 7 milj. gross-m2 !

8 1.9.20118 Senate Properties 2011 – 2020 Space efficiency 18 m Renovation New projects 3300 m Improvement in space efficiency 30 % Improvement in 50 % of projects and 50 % of spaces in those projects 3070 m 147,97 km 23,2 km ”Exit” 3,3+1,8 = 5,1 km

9 1.9.20119 Reducing energy consumption through investment projects (technical improvements and improved space efficiency) Relative impact of new projects, renovation and space efficiency compared to existing consumption level of Senate´s portfolio (100 % = 2010) % 2016 97,0% 2020 94,4% heat electricity total

10 1.9.201110 18 m Senate Properties 2011 – 2020 Energy purchase/production 2010 District heating (CHP) 91 km Fossil fuels 22 km Wood based 21 km Peat 10 km Electricity 6 km Electricity (628 GWh): Average NordPool electricity: - renewable - nuclear - fossil Heating 928 GWh each about 1/3, can vary annually

11 What works? Corporate Sustainability reporting (Reputation) End-user involvement: Co-operation contract with WWF to provide Green Office Service to our customers


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