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CSC 110 - Intro. to Computing Lecture 16: Robotran.

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1 CSC 110 - Intro. to Computing Lecture 16: Robotran

2 Announcements Homework #4 handed out today  Due next Monday at 5PM  Quiz #4 will be in 1 week Service learning logs due today  E-mail me logs written since last deadline  These are not graded, you get full credit given for logs showing you visited a site

3 Robotran Robotran language is very similar to Palgo  But Robotran can program Lego robots We will (briefly) discuss some of these differences  Playing with the robots is more fun then listening to me  Please ask questions – it is more important you understand this material

4 Robotran Programs All Robotran programs have a name  I am not sure why and what the name is does not make a difference Names do make it easier to tell programs apart  Begin each file with: program ProgramName After the name we begin a normal Palgo- like program

5 Variables in Robotran Create a variable using var command  Optionally provide variable’s initial value  var angle  var nameAndInitialValue = 20 Assign value to variable using let  Variable must have been created before  let angle = 54  let valueUp = valueUp + 1  let dist = 45 * angle - valueUp

6 Special Variables random  Value is a whole number from 0 – 99, but this value changes each time  let d = random / 100 S1 (left bumper), S2 (right bumper)  Contains 1 if bumper was hit, 0 otherwise  if S1 == 1 then  let f = S2 * 50 + 10

7 Loops Robotran’s loops are identical to Palgo  repeat x times repeat 5 times -or- repeat var times  while test while S1 != 0 -or- while true  for var = y to z for i = 1 to 4 -or- for j = 0 to random If-then-else is also identical to Palgo

8 Moving The Robot To have the robot go forward  go forward (goes forward until stopped)  go forward 1 second  go forward 87239239 inches To have the robot go in reverse:  go backward (moves until stopped)  go backward 12 inches  go backward 10 seconds

9 Other options Stop the robot  stop Tell the robot to make a noise  beep Stop performing the last line if you hit something  continue until bump

10 Turning the Robot Turning for some amount of time  motor A go forward 10 seconds  motor B go forward 1 second Turn to the right (left is similar)  turn right  turn right 45 degrees  turn sharp left makes a tighter turn

11 Drawing with Robotran Like Palgo, we can draw with Robotran  Less colors and options then Palgo, but more satisfying To have the robot start drawing  pen down To have the robot stop drawing  pen up

12 Your Turn Now even I’m tired of me speaking. Time to play with the robots! Ideas for projects for the lecture:  Write the digits 0 – 9  Write the letters in someone’s name  Draw a flower  Write a program to make robot send an SOS when it gets bumped  Write program to have robot get around an obstacle

13 For Next Lecture Start reading Robotran handout E-mail me your new service learning logs Get ready for homework #4  So ask me any Palgo questions you still have

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