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Office Work Safety on the Job WORK SMART WORK SAFE Presented by: C.M. Saitta.

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Presentation on theme: "Office Work Safety on the Job WORK SMART WORK SAFE Presented by: C.M. Saitta."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office Work Safety on the Job WORK SMART WORK SAFE Presented by: C.M. Saitta

2 Training Tasks for Office Work Outside and internal mail handling –Route and sort internal mail, prepare outside mail Develop written and oral communication skills –Telephone, email, written correspondence Operate office machines –Computers, copiers, fax machines Maintain and update office records –Schedules, filing, inventory and database systems

3 Pre-Test Questions – True/False 1.Ignore unsafe work conditions they will probably improve on their own. 2.Your WBL Coordinator should not be told about unsafe conditions. 3.In an office there are no chemical hazards to be concerned. 4.Working on the computer hours on end maintains good eyesight 5.Dealing with upset customers and deadlines can be stressful.

4 Appropriate Clothes Appropriate Work Clothes No Jeans No Sloppy Clothes No Shorts or Tank Tops Grooming Appear Neat and Clean Ask WBL if you are not sure

5 Safety Equipment Look around your office and locate all ways to exit safely. Look around for what could be a potential hazard. Look around to locate fire extinguishers and possible AED.

6 Computers Using a computer monitor for long periods of time can cause eye strain. –Position the monitor correctly –Try to change positions frequently –Have good posture –Take regular breaks

7 Electrical  Do not run extension cords  Beware of overloaded electric outlets  Unplug electric coffeepots or kitchen-type appliances when not in use.  Watch for frays or cracks in wires

8 Floors, Doors, Exits Know where all the exits are in your office. Know how to get out of the building without using the elevator Know how many doorways it is in the hallway to the emergency exit door.

9 Chemical Hazards Ozone from copiers and poor indoor air quality can be unhealthy. –Symptoms may include breathing difficulty, headaches, dizziness

10 Ergonomic Hazards Repetitive use of keyboard and mouse can cause tendon and nerve problems including carpal tunnel syndrome. –Maintain good posture –Take regular breaks –Sit with wrists level to keyboard to alleviate stress

11 Other Hazards Back pain from sitting for long periods of time. Stress from customers and deadlines. Sexual Harassment can cause emotional stress & fear in the workplace.

12 Fire Know which fire department to call and the telephone number. Know where fire extinguishers are located. Know how to reach exit if office was filled with smoke.

13 Robbery, Bomb Scares Ask your supervisor what the company policies are for bomb scares and robbery. You should know what to do BEFORE it happens!

14 Angry, Threatening Customers Ask your supervisor what the company policy is for dealing with angry or threatening customers. You cannot predict what will happen when you deal with the public, so you need to be prepared.

15 Reporting an Injury Always report an injury to your immediate supervisor as soon as possible!!

16 Post Test – True /False 1.To prevent overloaded electric circuits which can result in a fire, make sure there are enough electric outlets. 2.As a student in a WBL program, you do not need to report any unsafe conditions. 3.Be aware of all fire exits and locations of fire extinguishers. 4.No employee should be harassed on the job; know the policy for reporting harassment.

17 Post Test - Continued 5.Copiers create ozone, so they should be placed in rooms with good ventilation. 6.To help eliminate eye strain caused by computer use, change positions frequently, have good posture, and take regular breaks. 7.Employees should not handle or tamper with any electrical equipment/machinery unless instruction were given.

18 Post Test - Continued 8.Good housekeeping must be practiced at all times in the work area. 9.Communication is important with your supervisor, co-workers, and customers. 10.What you wear to the workplace is not very important.

19 Safety Web Sites (good site for kids) (good site for working teens) sumer/environ/homeenvi.htm (good site for NYS safety for home, work, and outdoors) sumer/environ/homeenvi.htm Great for kids -osh/adoldoc.html Good site for working teens -osh/adoldoc.html sumer/environ/homeenvi.htm Good site for home, work, and outdoor safety information sumer/environ/homeenvi.htm

20 Answers to Pre-Test 1.False – Report as soon as possible. 2. False – Always tell WBL Coordinator. 3. False – Chemical hazards do exist. 4. False – It produces eyestrain. 5. True – Both situations are stressful.

21 Answers to Post -Test 1.TRUE - Make sure there are enough electric outlets. 2. FALSE – You must report unsafe conditions. 3.TRUE 4.TRUE - No employee should be harassed on the job; know the policy for reporting harassment. 5.TRUE - Ozone from copiers, copiers should be placed in rooms with good ventilation.

22 Answers to Post –Test (continued) 6.TRUE – Change positions frequently, have good posture, and take regular breaks. 7.TRUE – Receive instructions prior to use. 8.TRUE – Practice good housekeeping must at all times. 9.TRUE - Communication is important 10.FALSE - You are representing the company, dress is very important.

23 Helpful Safety Sites ct.html (good site for kids) ct.html oc.html (good site for working teens) oc.html ysdoh/consumer/environ/homee nvi.htm (good site for NYS safety for home, work, and outdoors) ysdoh/consumer/environ/homee nvi.htm

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