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Academic promotion to Levels C, D and E Round 2, 2011 Academic Promotions Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic promotion to Levels C, D and E Round 2, 2011 Academic Promotions Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic promotion to Levels C, D and E Round 2, 2011 Academic Promotions Unit

2 Requirements for academic promotion You must meet: The qualification requirement –PhD or equivalent qualification OR –Significant expertise, standing and research or scholarship within the discipline and/or profession You must have the support of both your Head of School and Pro Vice-Chancellor if you are applying for academic promotion without a PhD or equivalent

3 Requirements for academic promotion 3 promotion criteria Choose 3 criteria from choice of 4 – Teaching & Learning, Research/Creative works, Leadership, Service –1 criterion to be assessed on: High level of performance in duties of current level only –2 criteria to be assessed on: High level of performance in duties of current level and Satisfactory performance in duties of level above 1 criterion to be assessed at current level and above must be Teaching & Learning OR Research/Creative works If the promotion criteria does not apply to your job: –Apply for consideration for special case promotion

4 Putting your case First step is to address your readiness, talk to your Head of School Prepare your application: Application form CV Selected eVALUate reports – if applicable –Teaching Evaluation Reports (TERs) –Unit Summary Reports (USRs) List of assessors (for Academic Promotions Unit only)

5 Submitting your application By closing date: WinZip application and email to Academic Promotions Unit Send assessor report form and documentation to assessors (and Dean/s where appropriate) Applications will not be considered by the Committee if they are late, incomplete or do not conform to the application requirements

6 Application form and CV Applicant details Promotion criteria and levels Qualifications Recent duties at Curtin Unit co-ordination Teaching Supervision Research/creative works Service Leadership roles Statements against criteria strictly 1 page only Level E only- Statements against criteria strictly 2 pages only Checklist and declaration CV – maximum 6 pages plus publications list and grants Level E only-10 pages plus publications list and grants

7 Assessors Independently assess the quality of your work HOS and PVC assess all applications You select 1 – 3 additional assessors Each criterion addressed in your application must be assessed by at least 1 assessor An assessor can assess 1 or more criteria Level E only – Deans choose 2 Faculty-nominated assessors

8 Choosing and contacting assessors Choose carefully Do your assessors know your work in the area you have asked them to assess? Are they of an appropriate standing/knowledge base/experience to make a judgement? Can they represent disciplinary/professional norms for the Committee and compare your work to these? Gain consent for the assessment Help your assessors Send them a copy of your application Provide them with evidence e.g. course materials, research papers, awards, evaluations

9 Submitting assessor reports Applicant-nominated assessor reports are submitted directly to the Unit We notify you as each report comes in HOS and PVC submit their assessor reports to Unit We forward them to you for possible response You send response to Unit by due date (if applicable) All assessor reports except HOS and PVC reports are submitted in confidence

10 Faculty-nominated assessors (Level E only) Assess Teaching & Learning and Research where you have nominated those criteria at current level and the level above Contact Dean Teaching & Learning and/or Research to choose a Faculty-nominated assessor Deans submit Faculty-nominated assessor details to Unit confidentially We contact Faculty-nominated assessors They send their reports directly to Unit in confidence

11 Interim stages Applications are checked to ensure: Qualification requirement is met Teaching & Learning or Research addressed at current level and above Application is complete Application only contains material indicated in the Guidelines Each criterion addressed is assessed by at least 1 assessor Note: Applications wont proceed to the promotions committee if they are incomplete late or don’t conform to Guidelines You need to be contactable

12 Top tips Read the information on the Academic Promotions website Contact the Academic Promotions Unit if you have a query Use the round specific Guidelines and forms Check details e.g. specify criteria at the correct levels on both the front page of application and statements against criteria Remember to sign and date forms Ask Head of School for HOS assessor report (not Head of Department) Do not submit eVALUate Full Unit Reports Make sure all 3 criteria are covered by at least 1 applicant- nominated assessor

13 ORD research report Office of Research & Development (ORD) provides verified/audited information for each applicant on: Four years of RPI data by category for RPI rounds that have been completed (i.e. finalised awards post- appeal) Research publication list and summary (by category) of VERIFIED publications on SCRIPT Successful grants on SCRIPT Research Projects in which the applicant is a named investigator

14 Ensuring an accurate ORD research report It is your responsibility to: Ensure your activity within the SCRIPT system is up to date Enter information onto SCRIPT correctly Notify ORD of information requiring verification Supply all necessary evidence to ORD by the closing date for applications

15 Research activity – the complete picture Committee will also consider the additional research and scholarship information provided in your: CV Statements against the criteria Assessor reports

16 Final stages Committee meets to assess applications Vice-Chancellor is notified of Committee’s recommendations for approval Staff are notified of the outcome Unsuccessful applicants and their HOS and PVC are provided with feedback on the: –Strengths –Weaknesses –Improvements required Effective promotion date for successful applicants is 1 January 2012

17 Promotion criteria Excellence in teaching and learning as applied to duties of the appropriate level High quality outcomes appropriate to the discipline in research/creative works as applied to duties of the appropriate level Leadership that impacts positively on Curtin’s strategic directions as applied to duties of the appropriate level Demonstrated excellence in service in line with Curtin’s strategic directions as applied to duties of the appropriate level

18 Teaching & Learning duties Excellence in teaching and learning as applied to duties of the appropriate level LevelTypes of duties may include EDistinguished scholarship and contribution in teaching and learning at all levels, nationally or internationally; Maintenance of academic standards AND DDevelopment of curriculum / programs of study; Significant scholarship in teaching and learning locally or nationally AND CCourse / Year / Program co-ordination; Scholarship in teaching and learning AND BUndergraduate and postgraduate unit co-ordination; Postgraduate lecturing, tutoring, demonstrating, clinical supervision, fieldwork and associated activities AND AUndergraduate lecturing, tutoring, demonstrating, clinical supervision, fieldwork and associated activities.

19 Scholarship in Teaching Applicants applying for promotion on the basis of teaching are expected to be engaged in the scholarship of teaching. Scholarship refers to research on, evaluation of or reflection on teaching and learning that results in improvement to practice. It includes communicating good practice to others.

20 Research/Creative Works duties High quality outcomes appropriate to the discipline in research/creative works as applied to duties of the appropriate level LevelTypes of duties may include EResponsible for research/creative works of a recognised international calibre/a leading authority; Fostering research of others AND DResponsible for research/creative works of a recognised national calibre AND CSupervision of Hons, Masters and PhD research projects AND BConducting research/creative works A

21 Leadership duties Leadership that impacts positively on Curtin’s strategic directions as applied to duties of the appropriate level LevelTypes of duties may include EManagement/leadership of a large organisational unit, a University-wide initiative, policy development, community affairs, excellence in teaching/research; international recognition; capacity building AND DManagement/leadership of an organisational unit, a large team, a Faculty-wide initiative; Mentoring of colleagues AND CManagement/leadership of a team, a School-wide initiative, a course, a year group; Mentoring of students AND BManagement/leadership of teaching units, sessional staff AND ADevelopment of own teaching/research/professional expertise/creative works

22 Service duties Demonstrated excellence in service in line with Curtin’s strategic directions as applied to duties of the appropriate level LevelTypes of duties may include ESignificant service to both the University and the community AND DSignificant service to the University, profession, discipline AND CService to the profession, the Faculty AND BService to the academic unit and its functioning AND AService to own areas of teaching/research

23 Excellence in duties of current level Satisfactory performance in duties of level above Academic Promotions Guidelines Assessments against the evidence Curtin Expectations for Academic Performance (CEAP) including RPI tables Promotion criteria information on Academic Promotions webpage Key performance targets in the University, Faculty and School plans Typical research performance of the area Faculty and University eVALUate results are available at

24 Statements against the criteria Evidence based Focus on your achievements, contributions, outcomes and outputs Separate evidence for excellence in duties of current level from evidence for satisfactory performance in duties of level above where possible Separate achievements in different spheres of influence e.g. School/Faculty/University/national/international

25 Addressing the promotion criteria Some duties will be relevant to more than one criterion You may use different aspects of a duty in different criteria You cannot use the same activity as evidence in more than one criterion

26 Academic Promotions website

27 Academic Promotions Unit Dr Jane Scott, Executive Officer Ms Allie Rogers, Academic Promotions Officer Ms Carrissa Lloyd, Administration Officer Email:

28 Useful contacts Academic Promotions Unit Allie Rogers, Academic Promotions OfficerPhone: 9266 4318 Email: ORD research report Dr Melinda Thompson, Manager Research Operations, Office of Research & Development Email: Phone: 9266 SCRIPT Office of Research and Development Email: eVALUate Beatrice Tucker, Manager Evaluation, Office of Teaching and Learning Email: 9266 EEO Amanda Willis, Director, Corporate Values and Equity Email: 9266

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