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Data Development Common Issues for UPLAN and I-PLACE3S.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Development Common Issues for UPLAN and I-PLACE3S."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Development Common Issues for UPLAN and I-PLACE3S

2 Land Uses ► Choose Carefully  Residential: ► How many residential categories? ► What ranges?  Employment: ► General Plans vs. Transportation Models ► How many categories do you need? ► How many categories can you effectively model?

3 General Plans ► Combine/Convert Existing General Plans  Obtain GIS versions of general plans  Catalog the classes in these plans  Group the classes to match your model classes  Combine the general plans to create a regional general plan containing the model classes you’ve identified ► Aggregation of General Plan Classes  Don’t try to maintain more complexity than can be modeled with your UPlan classes  I-PLACE3S development types will encompass more detail than general plans

4 Population Projections ► California Department of Finance  Official California population projections and past trends  rtsPapers/ReportsPapers.php rtsPapers/ReportsPapers.php rtsPapers/ReportsPapers.php ► Local Population Projections  Transportation Models  Other sources?

5 Residential Inventory and Trends ► This is probably the single most challenging data collection element! ► How many units have been built into each residential class in the recent past?  Building Permits  Parcel Analysis  Expert Opinion/Educated Guess ► Dependent on the availability of data ► Calculate the Percentage of new household development in each class ► Calculate the average gross lot size or density for each class

6 Employment Inventory and Trends ► How many employees are currently in each employment type? ► Will this remain constant? ► Data sources:  InfoUSA (a commercial product)  California Employment Development Department  US Census Bureau  Transportation Model ► Calculate percentages of new jobs in each class ► Identify locally appropriate square footages per employee and floor area ratios  Planning Department

7 Where to Get Spatial Data ► Local/County  Assessor’s office - (parcels, existing use)  Public Works - (transportation infrastructure)  Planning Department - (general plans, allowed use, existing use, housing inventories)  Water Agency – (sewer connectivity, water supplies)  Safety/Health Departments – (hazards, septic system suitability, EMS service areas)

8 Where to Get Spatial Data ► State  California Spatial Information Library (CaSIL) ►  CalTrans – (infrastructure)  Department of Fish & Game - (environmental layers)  CalFire (FRAP) - (environmental layers) ►  Office of Emergency Services – (dam failure inundation zones, hazards)

9 Where to Get Spatial Data ► Federal  US Census Bureau – (housing units, employment, household data)  US Geological Survey – (environmental layers)  US Fish and Wildlife Service – (environmental layers)  Bureau of Land Management – (environmental layers, boundary layers)  Bureau of Reclamation – (dam failure inundation zones, environmental layers, boundary layers)

10 Where to Get Spatial Data ► Commercial  TeleAtlas: Roads  ESRI: Roads, Census  Other Redistributors of census data (GeoLytics)  Employment data (InfoUSA)

11 Preparing Spatial Data ► GIS if available ► Digitizing  In-house ► Scanning (if paper) ► Registering ► Tracing ► Seek some training  Contract ► Creating  Digitize on Imagery  GPS ► Rasterization  Convert for use in UPlan ► Consider the needs  Is it good enough?  Is it more detailed than needed?  Is there as suitable alternative?

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