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Intro to Programming and JavaScript. What is Programming? Programming is the activity of creating a set of detailed instructions (Program) that when carried.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro to Programming and JavaScript. What is Programming? Programming is the activity of creating a set of detailed instructions (Program) that when carried."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to Programming and JavaScript

2 What is Programming? Programming is the activity of creating a set of detailed instructions (Program) that when carried out on a consistent set of inputs will result in a consistent set of results. Programming has been around for several hundred years

3 History of Programming 1206 AD – Kurdish medieval scientist built a programmable automata – Used pegs and cams in different places that would trigger levers to produce a small drummer playing different rhythms and drum patterns. (Music Box) 1801 - Jacquard Loom, pasteboard cards with holes punched in them which told the loom the pattern to weave the cloth

4 History of Programming 1830 – Charles Babbage adopted punch cards to control his Analytical Engine 1954 – FORTRAN is invented. Allowed user to enter in calculations by a formula directly (Y = X*2 + 5*X + 9) – Used a compiler to translate the text into machine language

5 History of Programming Late 1960’s – data storage and computer terminals were cheap enough that programs could be made directly on computers – Text editors could be used to program (Komodo) Popular programming languages: ActionScript, C++, C#, Haskell, HTML with PHP, Java, JavaScript, Objective-C, Perl, Python, Ruby, Smalltalk, SQL, Visual Basic, and dozens more.

6 Programming Lifecycle Requirements – Documenting the specifications of the problem Design – Creating the Algorithm to solve the problem Coding – Translating the Algorithm into instructions the computer can understand – Program Testing – Exercising the Program to ensure the expected results are achieved Debugging – If the expected results are not achieved; correcting the Algorithm or Program to address the “bugs” Retesting – Repeating all the testing to ensure the changes solved the problem(s) and didn’t create new problems Publishing – Making the Program available to the users

7 STOP Show programs

8 Algorithms and Pseudocode Algorithm – Detailed instructions for solving a problem Pseudocode – English like statements mixed with code statements for describing an algorithm

9 JavaScript Used mostly in web browsers Interaction with the user Control Alter content

10 Some JavaScript Examples html html

11 First JavaScript Command document.write(“Stuff goes in here.”); Needs to go in between document.write(“Stuff goes in here”); The above needs to go in the body.

12 First JavaScript Command cont. All JavaScript commands end with a semicolon You can put HTML into the JavaScript command: document.write(“ HTML from JavaScript ”);

13 Finding the Length of Words document.write(“This sentence has five e’s”.length); document.write(“Short word”.length); document.write(“Four”.length)

14 JavaScript Math! You can use JavaScript to do Math! document.write(3+4); document.write(3*4); document.write(3/4); Can write out a Math equation: document.write(“3+4=”, 3+4); Can multiply numbers with length of words: document.write(“Test”.length*10 );

15 JavaScript Communication You can talk to the user! confirm(“Today is a good day!”); confirm(“I am Batman”); You can ask for information: prompt(“What is your name?”); prompt(“What is your quest?”); prompt(“What is your favorite color?”);

16 JavaScript Data Types 1.Numbers: 3, 2.5, -1000, 2.888889, etc. You can do math with them! 2.Strings: sequence of characters (words) in quotes “This is a string.” “Strings can also have numbers like 5 or symbols.”

17 JavaScript Data Types cont. Boolean: only take values true or false Statements can evaluate to true or false Examples: – 100 > 10 – 8 < 3 – 10.4 < 30 – “Test”.length < 2

18 JavaScript Comparisons > : Greater than < : Less than <= : Less than or equal to >= : Greater than or equal to === : Equal to !== : Not equal to

19 Practice Make these true: – document.write(20 10); – document.write(“John Smith”.length 100); – document.write(“USA” 3);

20 Conditionals Using Comparisons and Conditionals, computers can now make decisions if (100 > 2) { document.write(“That is correct!”); }

21 2 Decisions – If, else if (100 > 2) { document.write(“That is correct!”); } else { document.write(“That is incorrect.”); }

22 If and Else if (100 > 2) { document.write(“That is correct!”); } else { document.write(“That is incorrect.”); }

23 Any Type of Comparison in If/Else if (50/2 === “My Word”.length) { confirm(“Will the first block be displayed?”); } else { confirm(“Or the second block?”); }

24 Variables Variables are like “boxes” or “containers” that can hold data (strings, numbers, booleans) Declaring some variables: var varName = “String variable”; var myAge = 23; var myName = “Matt”; var myBool = true;

25 Some Variable Rules Variables can be letters and numbers: – No spaces or punctuation except underscores – When used, need to be spelled exactly Variables need to be declared once: var myVar = “Test variable”; myVar = “Changing test variable”;

26 Variables Can Save Data to be Used Later var test1 = confirm(“Yes or no?”); var test2 = prompt(“What is your favorite color?”); document.write(“You said: ”, test1, “ ”); document.write(“Your favorite color is: ”, test2, “ ”);

27 Using Conditionals, Variables, and User Input var myAge = prompt(“How old are you?”); if(myAge >= 18) { document.write(“Welcome to rated R movie.”); } else { document.write(“You cannot watch the rated R movie.”); }

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