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COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS IN REAL-TIME An Introduction to Simulation and Animation of Liquids and Gases.

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Presentation on theme: "COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS IN REAL-TIME An Introduction to Simulation and Animation of Liquids and Gases."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS IN REAL-TIME An Introduction to Simulation and Animation of Liquids and Gases

2 Considered Papers Real-Time Fluid Dynamics for Games (2003) by Jos Stam previously worked on Maya; now with NVidia covers gases Realistic Animation of Liquids (1996) by Nick Foster and Dimitri Metaxas first attempt to solve Navier-Stokes in full 3-D Practical Animation of Liquids (2001) by Nick Foster and Ronald Fedkiw Particle-Based Fluid Simulation for Interactive Applications (2003) by Matthias Mueller, David Charypar and Markus Gross

3 Real- Time Animated Gas-Flow Rendered using “density quads”

4 Grid-Based Water Animation Hybrid Surface Model

5 Particle-Based Water Animation Particles Point Splatting Iso-Surface (Marching Cubes)

6 Difference between liquids and gases Gases have simpler free surfaces Density provides enough information for renderer For liquids we must also produce a smooth enough free surface at boundaries Gases are compressible Density of liquids, generally, never changes Gases have often negligible viscosity Liquids observe more obvious friction at boundary interfaces But both are guided by the same equations

7 Physics of Fluids: The Navier-Stokes Equations Velocity field: Density distribution: u = velocity, ρ = density, κ = rate of diffusion, S = source influences Conservation of mass: ∇ ⋅ u = 0 i.e., at any point in time, all velocities added together, cancel each other Change of pressure: Caused by movement of the liquid

8 Three components Discretization Grid Particles Algorithm to solve the mathematical model Linear solver\ More about this next time Rendering Billboarding Particles Point splatting Iso-surfaces

9 Discretization Old method: Propagate fluid state through a 2-D or 3-D grid Every cell has density, velocity and pressure information Liquid cells have 3 mutually exclusive states: Full Surface (boundary) Empty Object boundaries must coincide with the grid New method: Use Smoothed-particle hydrodynamics Particles that allow for smooth interpolation between their positions Define rules for boundaries At the system’s edges For interfaces with other objects or fluids Sources & Sinks

10 Grid-based algorithm for liquids (1996) 1. Define obstacles and initial configuration 2. Setup grid with initial configuration 3. Track surface in cells 4. Setup boundary conditions 5. Update velocity values 6. Update pressure values 7. Recalculate boundary information of surface cells 8. Update position of surface and objects 9. Go to step 3

11 Rendering (2001): Hybrid Surface Model Move mass-less marker particles through the grid Use algorithm (e.g. Marching Cubes) to determine a smooth iso-countour Use other particle information and isocountour to make local changes

12 There is more to rendering Transparency Reflection Refraction Soft shadows

13 Fin That’s it – For now!

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