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1 Analysis, Presentation, and Interpretation of Data Reported by John C.T. Ko May 5, 2005.

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1 1 Analysis, Presentation, and Interpretation of Data Reported by John C.T. Ko May 5, 2005

2 2 The structure of this presentation consists of 3 parts: 1. Theories 2. Example Explanation 3. Exercises

3 3 Analysis  Analysis is the process of breaking up the whole study into its constituent parts of categories according to the specific questions under the statement of the problem.  Each constituent part may be subdivided into its essential categories.  Analysis usually precedes presentation.

4 4 Classification of Data 1. Qualitative: Those having the same quality or are of the same kind are grouped together. Data may be alphabetically arranged, or from the biggest class to the smallest, or vice versa. 2. Quantitative: Data are grouped according to their quantity. 3. Geographical: Data are classified based on their location. 4. Chronological: Data are grouped according to the order of their occurrence.

5 5 Group-derived Generalizations (1)  One of the main purposes of analyzing data is to form inferences, interpretations, conclusions, and/or generalizations from the collected data.  These conclusions are called grouped-derived generalizations designed to represent groups’ characteristics and are to be applied to groups rather than to individual cases. Definition:

6 6 Group-derived Generalizations (2) 1. Generally, only proportional predictions can be made. 2. The average can be made to represent the whole group. 3. Full-frequency distribution reveals a group’s characteristics. 4. A group itself generates new qualities, properties, characteristics, or aspects not present in individual cases. Types of Generalizations

7 7 Group-derived Generalizations (3) 1. A generalization can also be made about an individual case. 2. In certain cases, predictions on individual cases can also be made. However, 2 more categories may be added at this point.

8 8 Presentation of Data 3 Ways to present data: 1. Textual Presentation of Data 2. Tabular Presentation of Data 3. Graphical Presentation of Data

9 9 Table 1 Degrees and Specializations of Science Teachers in High Schools of Province A a.F=frequency, AB=Bachelor of Arts, BSCE=B. of Science in Civil Eng., BSE=B. of Science in Education b.The total number of 59 teachers was the base used in computing all percentages. c.The percent total does not equal to 100% due to rounding off of partial percents to two decimal places. However the 99.99% can be increased to 100% by adding 0.01 to the largest partial percent. Sources: The Principals’ offices

10 10 Textual Presentation of Data  Textual Presentation uses statements with numerals or numbers to describe data. It aims to focus attention to some important data, and to supplement tabular presentation. 6 Disadvantage: It is boring to read, especially when it is long.

11 11 Tabular Presentation of Data  Tabular Presentation uses statistical table or simple table to arrange data, then to present the relationships of the numerical facts. Advantage: concise, easy to read, giving the whole information without combining numerals with textual matter.

12 12 Findings  Findings are the original data derived or taken from the original sources which are results of questionnaires, observations, etc.  Data presented in tables and their textual presentations are examples of findings.  Findings do not directly answer the specific questions, but only provide the bases for making the conclusions.

13 13 Interpretation, inference, implication (1)  These 3 terms are synonymous and can be used interchangeably.  Each is a statement of the possible meaning, probable causes and effects of a situation as revealed by the findings plus a veiled suggestion to continue the situation if it is good or to adopt some remedial measures to minimize its bad effects.  Those who are to benefited or those who are going to suffer the bad effects should be also mentioned.

14 14 Interpretation, inference, implication (2) Five elements to be includes when interpreting: 1. Condition: Statement of the condition or situation 2. Cause: Probable cause of the condition 3. Effect: Probable effects of the condition 4. Continuance or remedial measure: A veiled suggestion for continuance, or remedial measure if the effect is bad 5. Entity involved: The entity or area involved or affected

15 15 Table 1 Degrees and Specializations of Science Teachers in High Schools of Province A Interpretation of Table 1 (1)

16 16 Five elements to be includes: 1. Condition: It is discovered that the majority of the science teachers are not qualified to teach science. This finding is an unsatisfactory one. 2. Cause: The logical cause of lacking enough qualified science teachers may be due to the problem when recruiting teachers, or there were not enough qualified applicants for the positions. 3. Effect: It is understandable that a fully qualified science teacher provide better science knowledge to his students than a non-qualified teacher. Therefore, the students would suffer a lot. 4. Continuance or remedial measure: If it is not practical to dismiss the unqualified teachers, the logical measures to remedy the unfavorable situation is to require them to improve their qualification by taking evening or summer studies in science, attending more science seminars, or by increasing their reading in science. 5. Entity involved: It is the teaching of science in the high schools of Province A that is affected. Hence, the topic for discussion could be entitled “Implications of the Findings to the Teaching of Science in High Schools”. Interpretation of Table 1 (2)

17 17 Table 2 Discrepancy of trade volume statistics between Taiwan and the Philippines (based on hosting country’s statistics) Exercise 1: Interpretation of Table 2 (1) 20032004 ImportExportTotalImportExportTotal RP 1,860,7822,492,2244,353,0062,941,6612,188,4995,130,160 Taiwan 2,300,2933,080,9335,381,2263,893,5333,054,7626,948,295 Difference-439,511-588,709-1,028,220-951,872-866,263-1,818,135 Unit: US$ 1,000 Note 1: Bilateral trade amounts between RP and Taiwan are calculated based on that hosting country’s statistics. RP import from Taiwan corresponds to Taiwan export to RP. 2: Comparing to the discrepancy of bilateral trade volume statistics between RP and PRC in 2004, RP’s trade volume figure is lower than that of PRC by US$ 3 billion less. Sources: DTI, RP; BOFT, Taiwan

18 18 1. The existence of a Condition: It is discovered that the Philippines’ statistics in terms of trade volume are much lower that those of Taiwan. It is an unsatisfactory finding. 2. The probable Cause of the condition: The logical causes of this discrepancy may be attributed to undervalued invoices, smuggling, transshipment (triangle trade), rule of origin, etc. 3. The probable Effect of the condition: It is understandable that Philippine tax revenue will decrease. Therefore, the government and the people will suffer adversely. Also local business sectors will lose their competitiveness, hence imports will prevail against exports. 4. Continuance or Remedial Measure: If it is not practical to find out and dismiss the unlawful customs officers, the logical measures to remedy the unfavorable situation is to enhance the customs discipline and ability by system computerization, good morale and moral conduct re-education. 5. The Entity or area involved or affected: It is the Philippine government and its people affected the most. However the side effects like moral deterioration of Customs officers and other civil servants will be more serious if not adjusted. People’s life may not be also improved as it should be. Besides, the development of local industries will be also undermined. Exercise 1: Interpretation of Table 2 (2)

19 19 Exercise 2: Interpretation of Table 3 Table 3 In-Service Trainings Attended by College Teachers in 2004 Number of In-Service Trainings Attended SUCsPrivate Colleges Total FacultyCoop. Tea.FacultyCoop. Tea. F%F%F%F%F% 10 or more 1022.22517.861240.001845.004531.47 7-9 24.45932.14310.0012.501510.49 4-6 1328.89621.4313.33717.502718.88 1-3 1124.44828.57516.67615.003020.98 0 920.0000.00930.00820.002618.18 Total 45100.0028100.0030100.0040100.00143100.00 Source: Department of Education

20 20 Thank you! Taipei 101 building, the tallest office building in the world

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