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Rhetorical Analysis of Media. When viewing a film, pay attention to not only what you see but also how it is being shown and why it is being shown that.

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Presentation on theme: "Rhetorical Analysis of Media. When viewing a film, pay attention to not only what you see but also how it is being shown and why it is being shown that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rhetorical Analysis of Media

2 When viewing a film, pay attention to not only what you see but also how it is being shown and why it is being shown that way…

3 The different ways the movie camera sees the subject which is taking place before it. Not to be confused with literary points of view (1 st person, 2 nd person, 3 rd person, etc.)

4  From what position and through what kind of eyes does the camera see the action?  What effect do the position of the camera and its particular ways of seeing the action have on our response to the action?  How is our response affected by changes in point of view? (We expect the filmmaker to take us from one vantage point to another.)

5 2010 – Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire)

6  Objective= Observer  Considered to be the window an audience can look through from the outside to watch the events in the film  The audience only watches and doesn’t participate  The audience is an impersonal observer  A static (non-moving) camera is used

7  Based on the amount of audience closeness to/ participation in the film’s action High MidLow Objective

8  Provides the audience with the visual viewpoint and emotional intensity felt by a character participating in the action  This allows for the audience’s direct involvement, thus literally forcing the audience to become the characters and experience their emotions.  Generally, this viewpoint is created using a moving camera.

9  Based on the amount of audience closeness to/ participation in the film’s action High MidLow Objective Subjective

10 1978 – John Carpenter (Escape from New York, The Thing)

11  Doesn’t provide a participant’s point of view, but does bring the audience close to the action so that they feel involved and the visual experience is intense.  The audience knows they aren’t the character, but they feel with the character.  Example: A face contorted in pain makes the audience feel pain.


13  Based on the amount of audience closeness to/ participation in the film’s action High MidLow Objective Subjective Indirect- Subjective

14  1998 – Steven Spielberg (Jaws, ET, Indiana Jones, Lincoln… and EVERYTHING ELSE!)

15  Allows the director to manipulate the audience in subtle (or not-so-subtle) ways  The filmmaker chooses not only what to show but also how the audience will see it by using special angles, lenses, motions, etc.  The audience is aware that the director wants them to see the action in some unusual way.  Forces the audience to see a particular detail


17  Based on the amount of audience closeness to/ participation in the film’s action Plus one other: Director’s Interpretative High MidLow ObjectiveSubjectiveIndirect-Subjective

18 2004 - Zach Braff (um, Scrubs?)

19 2001 – Rob Cohen (xXx, Alex Cross)

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