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Horse Creek Damolition Presenters: Matt Stoecker, Stoecker Ecological and Thomas B. Dunklin Productions.

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Presentation on theme: "Horse Creek Damolition Presenters: Matt Stoecker, Stoecker Ecological and Thomas B. Dunklin Productions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Horse Creek Damolition Presenters: Matt Stoecker, Stoecker Ecological and Thomas B. Dunklin Productions

2 Horse Creek Santa Barbara

3 Sisquoc River Steelhead Barrier Assessment and Recovery 2003  Funded by the Coastal Conservancy  Identified migration barriers  Historic steelhead documentation/current observations  Habitat assessment  Prioritize barriers for fish passage projects  Funded by the Coastal Conservancy  Identified migration barriers  Historic steelhead documentation/current observations  Habitat assessment  Prioritize barriers for fish passage projects

4 Key Findings  Santa Maria R. was 2nd largest steelhead run in SB Co.  Twitchell Dam (1950’s) blocked 264 miles, Cuyama R.  Majority spawners used Sisquoc R. (Shapovalov, 1945)  Over 203 miles historically accessible in Sisquoc River.  Abundant high quality spawning and rearing habitat.  Historic documentation and current wild O. mykiss population.  31 anthropogenic barriers identified, plus natural barriers.  Horse Creek Dam blocks the most habitat at 19 miles  Most limiting factor to Sisquoc steelhead is reduced surface flow for migration on the Santa Maria River caused by inadequate releases from Twitchell Dam and excessive groundwater withdrawal

5 Historic Steelhead Documentation  Sisquoc River 1916 (above)  “ The stream is so full of mountain trout. I am confident that we saw in some places more than 500 at one sight….and had no difficulty capturing all we wanted with our hands.” Stephen Bowers 1879

6 Current Steelhead Documentation

7 Sisquoc R. Habitat

8 Sisquoc R. Steelhead Survey 2005  Adult Steelhead over- summering 6 feet down in a cave under this bedrock ledge. Funded by DFG

9 Looking up Horse Creek Canyon Dam Sisquoc River

10 Horse Ck. Dam  Built 11/3/1969 after Wellman Fire  Sacrete bags on concrete footing, with re-bar  Dam crest 62 feet  Dam height 10 feet (5’ Dam, 5’ perched)  Filled with sediment  Stream gage, never used  Built 11/3/1969 after Wellman Fire  Sacrete bags on concrete footing, with re-bar  Dam crest 62 feet  Dam height 10 feet (5’ Dam, 5’ perched)  Filled with sediment  Stream gage, never used

11 Horse Creek Habitat and Barriers  21.8 mi2, 1000-5000’ elev  Dam 850 feet upstream from Sisquoc River  19 miles of habitat (poor to good) upstream of dam to natural barriers.  Both perennial and intermittent reaches.  No trout observed, Arroyo Chub present.  21.8 mi2, 1000-5000’ elev  Dam 850 feet upstream from Sisquoc River  19 miles of habitat (poor to good) upstream of dam to natural barriers.  Both perennial and intermittent reaches.  No trout observed, Arroyo Chub present.

12 Horse Ck. Upstream of the Dam

13 Also Upstream in Horse Creek

14 Channel Assessment Study 2005  Funded by American Rivers/NOAA Fisheries  Michael Love and Assoc. and Stoecker Ecological  Longitudinal Profile 2,200’  7 channel cross sections  2 downstream, 1 at dam, 4 upstream  Wolman pebble count of stored sediment 250’ u/s  Funded by American Rivers/NOAA Fisheries  Michael Love and Assoc. and Stoecker Ecological  Longitudinal Profile 2,200’  7 channel cross sections  2 downstream, 1 at dam, 4 upstream  Wolman pebble count of stored sediment 250’ u/s

15 Plan Map Longitudinal Profile Survey

16 Sediment Deposit Upstream of Dam Horse Creek

17 Cross Section at Dam


19 Downstream Reference Channel

20 Anticipated Removal Outcome  Channel incision 2,321’ upstream  15,400 cubic yards of sediment u/s mobilized (Annual Sisquoc R. 255,000-367,000 yd3) 4-6% increase in one year, but will take more  Sediment released relatively course (gravel and cobble) Wolman pebble count.  Minimal to no negative impacts downstream  Unobstructed wildlife/fish passage and improved habitat and surface flow upstream  Channel incision 2,321’ upstream  15,400 cubic yards of sediment u/s mobilized (Annual Sisquoc R. 255,000-367,000 yd3) 4-6% increase in one year, but will take more  Sediment released relatively course (gravel and cobble) Wolman pebble count.  Minimal to no negative impacts downstream  Unobstructed wildlife/fish passage and improved habitat and surface flow upstream

21 The Preferred Alternative  Removal  Obsolete  Not consistent with Wilderness and Wild Scenic management  Most effective fish and wildlife passage  Restore surface flows and channel complexity  Inexpensive vs. fishway  Removal  Obsolete  Not consistent with Wilderness and Wild Scenic management  Most effective fish and wildlife passage  Restore surface flows and channel complexity  Inexpensive vs. fishway  Explosives  Staged release of sediment not necessary  No danger to people  Difficult access  Inexpensive vs. heavy equipment  Reduced impact to bank and channel  DFG and CCC technical support and explosives (ammonium nitrate) available for project  Interest in gaining experience/knowledge with this technique

22 Detonation Cords Going Off


24  Coastal Conservancy, Los Padres Nat. Forest, American Rivers, NOAA Fisheries, Dept. Fish and Game, California Conservation Corps, Community Environmental Council, Sisquoc Ranch, Thomas B. Dunklin Productions/Joan Dunning, Stoecker Ecological, Forest Watch

25 Un-Dam it and they will come!  Matt Stoecker   Photo/Assistance thanks:  Bob, Doug, Jim Stoecker  Thomas Dunklin  Michel Love  Shaw Allen  Kevin Cooper  Tony Llanos  Donna Toth  Matt Stoecker   Photo/Assistance thanks:  Bob, Doug, Jim Stoecker  Thomas Dunklin  Michel Love  Shaw Allen  Kevin Cooper  Tony Llanos  Donna Toth

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