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Enhancement of Learning Support – SW Region Involving Learners in Shaping and Directing their own Support.

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Presentation on theme: "Enhancement of Learning Support – SW Region Involving Learners in Shaping and Directing their own Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancement of Learning Support – SW Region Involving Learners in Shaping and Directing their own Support

2 Identify successful approaches and resources that enable learners to be involved in identifying, planning and managing and directing their own support. Consult and work with a Learner Reference Group to guide us SW Project Brief

3 SW Regional Project Activities Regional Network Meeting – November 2010 42 Learning support staff from 20 SW Colleges attended Learner reference group designed and agreed five questions to act as guidance for approaches Colleges exchanged effective resources currently used College agreed to trial one approach with learners and develop and test a resource

4 Five Approaches How can I comment on the support I receive? How can I review my support? How can I tell my support worker what’s working and what isn’t? How do I access and contribute to the information on MIS? How do I ensure my support arrangements meet my future needs?

5 SW Regional Project Activities Regional Network Meeting – February 2011 Five approaches have been trialled by 49 learners who have a range of disabilities Eight colleges undertook trials and produced resources Outcomes were showcased and shared with 48 delegates Learner reference group presented the approach they had trialled Resources were developed to facilitate the evaluation and review process based on the National Occupational Standards for Learning Support Practitioners and the application guide for working with disabled learners

6 Learner Reference Group CarleneLevel 1 HospitalityASC LewisLevel 2 ComputingASC DavidFsc ComputingASC Steven BTEC National Music Technology ASC ScottLevel 2 SportADHD KellyPrep for Work and LifeMLD/MH RoisinPrep for Work and LifeASC NathanPrep for Work and LifeMLD HelenLevel 1 ICTVI

7 Learner Reference Group The learner reference group (LRG) explored their experiences of learning support Identified the positives and negatives of support Identified what learning support assistants should know and how they can support effectively

8 SW List of Resources and Approaches Learners at Weston College use a virtual learning forum to communicate with their support staff and comment on the support they receive Learners at City of Bristol College, Truro College and Plymouth College of Art are using three Management Information Systems which allow learners to discuss and contribute to information about their support Learners at National Star College and William Morris House use specially designed reflection formats to enable learners to review their support Learners at Hartpury College are using a feedback process to inform support teams of what is working and what is not Learners at Gloucestershire College and Foxes Academy are using transition documents that evaluate their support and plan support for their next step

9 Model for Involvement Forums Reference group Questions Ask Learners Where are we now Where do we want to be Approaches Develop Test Review Resources

10 Virtual Learning Forum The LRG agreed to pilot Approach 1: How can I comment on the support that I receive? They discussed ideas that they would like to trial including: A suggestion box A form to be completed at the end of sessions A blog The group researched each suggestion and finally decided upon a Virtual Learning Forum which they trialled for 6 weeks.

11 Virtual Learning Forum Learners reviewed the Forum and the following positive points were raised: The forum promoted independence for learners and allowed them to comment on their support objectively Gave more control to the learners in shaping their support It was flexible tool that they could also use at home and in the classroom It was useful to for staff to obtain that objective feedback

12 Virtual Learning Forum Learner views on limitations of the VLE Forum How can students who do not or cannot use computers access the VLE forum? It would be improved if it had an easy access toolbar If this is to be used by all learners it would need an effective system of moderation to ensure it is not abused Develop an accessible evaluation tool that can be placed on the forum for learners who do not want to write e.g. 1-5 ranking system

13 Managing Information and the Learner voice Three colleges audited their different approaches to capturing the learner information and learner voice of those receiving learning support. They were all of different sizes and had different methods of managing learner information 1.An effective paper based system 2.A combination of paper based and electronic 3.A fully electronic method

14 Managing Information and the Learner voice By sharing their practice it has encouraged each college to develop their systems to enhance the learner experience and involve them further in the management of their own support and the information held about them For example - The combination approach from the Truro College was an excellent way of sharing information to staff and learners who wished to see their learning support records.

15 Managing Information and the Learner voice

16 Plymouth College of Art use a very effective electronic management information system to record and track all learners in receipt of learning support. It has also developed an innovative approach to facilitating effective communication with learners – for example a learner link on MIS to chat live to learning support.

17 Managing Information and the Learner voice

18 Reflection Add example of resource

19 Hartpury College Feedback Approach Stage 1 LSA’s construct generic and area specific support activities list Students are identified at interview/initial assessment Students informal interview with LSA ref: support needs Stage 2 Area specific questionnaires are developed by LSA’s Within 6 weeks students complete questionnaire Review support needs with students Stage 3 At each half term review and tailor the support Summative evaluation of student learning experience at end of term Application in practice

20 Generic Support Activities List

21 Transition Resource Two of the Colleges have devised a transition booklet containing all of the key information providing an opportunity for students to begin shaping their own support before starting their course. Learners have been directly involved in designing the transition booklet.

22 Learner JourneyQuestions for learners RecruitmentHow can I access support and let people know what support I need? Initial AssessmentHow can I be involved in the assessment of my support? Induction How can I be involved in identifying who and where I can find support to help me settle in at college? Learning PlansHow can I be involved in the planning of my support? Teaching and Learning How can I manage the support I receive? What approaches and resources support my learning? Progress ReviewsHow can I be involved in reviewing my support and make changes if required? AssessmentHow can I prepare for exams and assessment? AchievementHow can I be involved in making sure I reach my goals and succeed? ProgressionHow can I ensure that future support arrangements will continue to meet my needs? Involving Learners in Directing Support for their Learner Journey

23 Involving Learners in Directing Support for their Learner Journey Questions for Learning Support Practitioners Recruitment How can I ensure learners are involved in identifying support required during their application and interview process? Initial AssessmentHow can I involve learners in the initial assessment of their support needs? Induction How can I provide learners with information which raises their awareness of what support they might need and where to find it? Learning PlansHow can I be involved learners in the planning of their support? Teaching and Learning How can I promote learners’ independence so that support enables them to take ownership of their learning? Progress Reviews How can I facilitate the review process so that learners take responsibility for reviewing their support and are fully involved in agreeing changes to their support plan? AssessmentHow can I involve learners in preparing for exams and assessment? Achievement How can I support learners to take responsibility for reaching their goals and to succeed ? ProgressionHow can I work effectively with learners to ensure that future support arrangements will continue to meet their needs?

24 NW List of Resources and Approaches Accessible Risk Assessment Catching Confidence British Sign Language Glossary Working Styles Analysis EduApps – JISC resources Foundation Learning Level Units for Involving Learners – yet to be accredited In-folio – JISC resource Learning for Living and Work Framework – Part 1, Section A – The Young Person’s View Resource Evaluation Tool (Upwardly Mobile, LSN) – developed in different contexts

25 A change The overarching theme coming from the trials, audits and network days in the South West has been a cultural shift in approach, from one of imposing support on learners to involving learners in all aspects of their support. Whilst resources have been identified and shared it is the approach that will make the difference to the individual and impact at an institutional level.

26 The Journey Learners are the drivers Learner voices related to their learning Journey Approaches and Resources Learning support

27 Activity From what you have heard today How will you involve learners in shaping their own support? Write down the approach which may well suit your learners Write down one action you will undertake before the end of the month as a result of this workshop What would be your ideal aim? Verbalise these three points to another person (not from your own organisation, nor the person you are sitting next to!!)

28 Questions

29 Thank you David Finch – – National Star Jacqui Ford – – Weston Ben McConkey – – Weston

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