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Tourette Syndrome By Mary Jaskowiak.

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1 Tourette Syndrome By Mary Jaskowiak

2 What is Tourette Syndome?
Also known as TS, Tourette Syndrome is a neurological disorder that shows before age 18 Multiple motor and/or vocal tics lasting more than a year Tics may include face, arms, trunk, etc., but can be more complicated and include the entire body Vocal tics often occur with the body tics, and can include grunting, throat clearing, etc. Associated problems can include attention problems (ADHD, ADD, etc.) (Tourette Syndrome Association)

3 Diagnosis The tics can be hard to diagnose because there is no laboratory test, and sometimes they come and go Diagnosis based on vocal and verbal tics for more than a year (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) No blood tests are needed, but neurological tests can rule out diseases that may be mistaken for tourettes Many are self-diagnosed, but others may go to clinicians, but they often misdiagnose it (MedicineNet)

4 Transmission There is a 8.7% chance of directly inheriting the Tourette’s gene from a parent There is up to a 2 % chance of inheriting Tourette’s from another relative Many cases can be linked to chromosomal abnormalities such as deletion. (Dr. Alsobrook) A person with tourettes has about a 50% chance of passing it on to their offspring (Health News Flash)

5 Transmission, continued

6 Signs and Symptoms Someone has motor or verbal tics frequently for more than a year. (MedicineNet) These tics can include, but are not limited too, foot stomping, eye blinking, barking, head banging, touching other people, grimacing, involuntary kicking, spinning, hopping, jumping, grunting or sniffing, and uncontrollable vocal sounds (Health Grades Inc.)

7 Treatment Majority of people do not need treatment because their tics do not impair them There are some medications for tic suppression, most are neuroleptics No one medication helps everyone with tourettes, or helps with all symptoms, and they do have side effects To manage side effects, must slowly start and stop use of medicine (MedicineNet)

8 Living with Tourettes Tim Howard is the starting goalie for England's team, Manchester United. When he was first signed, many nasty headlines such as “Manchester signs retarded goal keeper” were published, but he was passionate and stuck with it. (Steve Kroft, 60 Minutes)

9 Reference List Tourette Syndrome Association. (2010). What is Tourette Syndrome? Web. Retrieved May 2010, from Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2010). Diagnosis. Web. Retrieved May 2010, from MedicineNet. (2010). Tourette Syndrome. Web. Retrieved May 2010, from Health Grades Inc. (2010). Symptoms of Tourette Syndrome. Web. Retrieved May 2010, from

10 Reference List, Continued
Dr. Alsobrrok. Yale University of Medicine. (2010). Latest Genetic Developments with Tourette Syndrome. Web. Retrieved May 2010, from Health News Flash. (2002). Is Tourette Syndrome Inherited? Web. Retrieved May 2010, from Steve Croft. 60 Minutes. (2005) Tim Howard: Overcoming It All. Newscast Interview. Retrieved May 2010, can be found at

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