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The Bridges Conference Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science the largest, best-established, annual Math / Art conference in the world

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Presentation on theme: "The Bridges Conference Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science the largest, best-established, annual Math / Art conference in the world"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bridges Conference Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science the largest, best-established, annual Math / Art conference in the world

2 The Bridges Conference u Annually held in July/August since 1998 (4-5 days). u Attracts: mathematicians, scientists, artists, educators, musicians, writers, dancers, weavers, model builders, and computer scientists. u Explores: the relationship between science, math, geometry and many other facets of culture, such as: the fine arts, sculpture, architecture, music, dance, poetry, origami, …

3 George Reza Craig Carlo

4 Reza Sarhangi (President), Department of Mathematics, Towson University, Maryland. George W. Hart Computer Science, Columbia University, Stony Brook University, N.Y. Craig Kaplan Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Canada. Carlo H. Séquin EECS, Computer Science Division, University of California Berkeley. Bridges Organization, Board of Directors

5 Bridges held in Many Wonderful Places: u Winfield, Towson, in the Banff Center (Canada) {international research station for mathematical innovation and discovery} u European cities: London, Coimbra, Granada, Donostia, Leeuwarden, Enschede, Pécs, …

6 My Favorite Annual Conference: 2014 u BRIDGES Art …

7 Components of the Bridges Conferences u Papers: regular; short; invited. u Workshop Sessions. u Mathematical Art Exhibition. u Informal Show-&-Tell / Sell u Participatory Zome-Tool Construction. u Evening Programs: music; theater; films. u Family Day for the general public. u Excursion Day. u Proceedings and Art Catalog.

8 Regular Paper Sessions

9 Contributed Papers: 2-4 Parallel Sessions The conference encourages individuals to participate in the conference by presenting their work in the Parallel Sessions. Papers are reviewed and published in the Proceedings, (6, 8, or 10 pages) ‒ and are presented in a 30 min. time slot.

10 My First 20 Bridges Papers

11 Session on Mathematical Poetry Sarah Glaz The Bridges Mathematical Poetry Coordinator Professor of Mathematics, University of Connecticut, Author of the book “Commutative Coherent Rings” Springer,1989 (reprinted in 2007)

12 Parallel Sessions ‒ Short Papers The conference tries to be rather inclusive and encourages people to present their ideas in short 15 min presentations. Those contributions are published as short papers (2-4 pgs) in the Bridges Conference Proceedings.

13 Plenary Sessions ‒ Invited Talks

14 Cosmologist, and Physics Nobel Prize Laureate for his work on the Cosmic Background Radiation. 2012 Bridges Conference Keynote Speaker

15 2013 Bridges Conference Keynote Speaker Sir Harold Walter Kroto awarded the Nobel prize in Chemistry with Robert Curl and Richard Smalley for the discovery of Buckminsterfullerene.

16 Workshop Sessions Workshop sessions provide opportunities for participants to watch and work hands-on with established contributors who are crossing the mathematics-arts boundaries.

17 Mathematical Art Exhibition Bridges conferences have an accompanying art exhibition showing submitted and juried work from its participants.

18 Art Exhibition

19 Mathematical Art Exhibition u Robert Fathauer u Curator of Annual Art Exhibitions at Bridges and at the Joint Mathematics Meetings. u Former Research Scientist and Technical Group Leader (PhD in EE, Cornell) of the Advanced Materials Group at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA. u Founder and Owner of the Tessellations Company.

20 More Art Objects Antal Kelle: Helix Interactive Composition 3D


22 Informal Show-&-Tell {and Sell}

23 Reception

24 Zome Tool Module Building

25 Participatory Zome Tool Construction

26 The Bridges Short (Math) Movie Festival Coordinators: Amy and Nathan Selikoff Digital Awakening Studios Orlando, Florida, USA More artists and educators than ever are using movies, videos, and animations for different purposes comprising education, industry, and art.

27 Theatre Evening During the Bridges Conference, one night is devoted to a theatre show (scripts read by participants) with a theme that links art with mathematics or science.

28 Theater Evening Steve Abbott Bridges Theater Evening Coordinator, Professor of Mathematics, Middlebury College, Author of Understanding Analysis, Springer UTM series, Co-editor of Math Horizons.

29 Another Type of Performance

30 The Schaffer and Stern Dance Ensemble performs The Secret Life of Squares

31 Music Night (the formal part) Dmitri Tymoczko (organizer) Music Professor, Princeton University, NJ. Composer and Music Theorist. His article "The Geometry of Musical Chords" was the first music theory article ever published by Science. Recipient of Guggenheim Fellowship, Charles Ives Scholarship, Hugh F. MacColl Prize from Harvard University, and the Eisner & Delorenzo Prize from U.C. Berkeley

32 Music Night(s) – the informal part. Vi Hart Family Night Music Director Recreational Mathemusician Famous on YouTube for her mathematical doodles.

33 Family Day A very important component of the conference is the presentations of some lectures, workshops, and art for the general public ‒ and especially for children.

34 Bridges Family Day Bridges Family Day Kristóf Fenyvesi Bridges Public Event Coordinator, Ph.D. in Art History, Jyväskylä University, Finland

35 Tessellation Puzzles

36 Excursion Day (Portugal)

37 Bridges Conference Proceedings

38 Bridges Conference Art Catalog High-quality photographic record of all items exhibited

39 MATHEMATICS, MUSIC, ART, ARCHITECTURE, CULTURE Gwacheon National Science Museum Seoul, Republic of Korea Regular Papers: 1 February 2014 Workshop Papers: 1 March 2014 Short Papers: 15 March 2014 Art Exhibition: 15 March 2014 Math Movies: 15 May 2014 There is still time ! Bridges Seoul August 14-19, 2014

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