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Quality Performance Dr. J. August 12, 2011 In-Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Performance Dr. J. August 12, 2011 In-Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Performance Dr. J. August 12, 2011 In-Service

2 Goal: Understand HLC criteria & evidence Review (& rewrite) specialized program outcomes & mission Start to revise curriculum map (matrix)

3 What does a high performing organization look like? Mission & Integrity Planning the Future Teaching & Learning Discovery, Acquisition, & Application of Knowledge Engagement & Service (Collaborations)

4 I. Mission & integrity 1 a -Clear mission that publicly states college’s commitments. 1b-Mission recognizes diversity of learners and the greater society the college serves.

5 II. Preparing for the future 2c--Ongoing evaluation & assessment processes provide reliable evidence of effectiveness that informs planning. 2d—planning aligns with mission ▫Decisions about curriculum, coursework, planning are based on evidence

6 III. Student learning & effective teaching 3a--Goals for student learning outcomes are clearly stated for each program & make effective assessment possible.

7 IV. Acquisition, discovery, & application of knowledge 4a—Demonstrates that it values a life of learning 4b--Integrates into educational programs “acquisition of a breadth of knowledge and skills...” General education is integral to programs. 4c--Measures the “usefulness of curricula to students who will live and work in a global, diverse, and technological society.”

8 V. Engagement & Service 5a--STI learns from the constituencies it serves and analyzes its capacity to serve their needs (surveys).

9 Program outcomes clearly stated & make effective assessment possible Program learning outcomes are identified for each program, measured, and analyzed. General education outcomes are defined, measured, and analyzed.

10 Review program/course documentation Program Mission Specialized learning outcomes—are these the right outcomes? …..revise as needed Are you measuring them? Assessment tools: ▫Direct (tests, projects ) ▫& Indirect measures (employer & satisfaction surveys )


12 What do you want students to be able to do? How well? 90% achieve x on project/test

13 Outcome & performance target Early childhood Education program outcome able to write appropriate plan for children in Daycare setting “at least xx% of students will perform at or above x….” ▫At least 80% of students will earn an overall rating of 3 or higher on plans


15 Tasks: Programs ▫review mission ▫revise learning outcomes ▫ensure outcomes are all measured ( write targets) Course level ▫review outcomes (objectives) ▫ensure all are measured (write targets)

16 Reliable evidence that informs planning Learning outcomes are measured directly. Analysis leads to improvement and impacts the coursework and curriculum. The results are linked with planning and budget decisions.

17 Fall In-service: Write Program Actions Plan & conduct Student Learning Assessments Nov.: Budget & planning meetings Refer to retention, graduation, employment rates & student learning data Jan. In-Service : time to complete reports April : Program Action Reports Faculty Course Feedback Reports (only certain faculty) Student Learning Results: deadlines –program choice

18 Curriculum mapping : chart of courses where 4 learning outcomes are taught

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