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Pre-SOMA How To Get Started. Purpose for Recognition Recognition of a group as a student club/organization establishes an identity that enables that organization.

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-SOMA How To Get Started. Purpose for Recognition Recognition of a group as a student club/organization establishes an identity that enables that organization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-SOMA How To Get Started

2 Purpose for Recognition Recognition of a group as a student club/organization establishes an identity that enables that organization to secure the use of college facilities and services

3 How do I start a New Student Organization? In general, any group students who want to organize to pursue a common interest may submit an application to be recognized as a student organization

4 1. Apply for Recognition Application is made in the Campus Activities Office A Request for Recognition form must be completed and submitted to the Campus Activities Office along with the required information listed in the next few slides.

5 2. Develop a Constitution A basic outline of Pre-SOMA’s official constitution will be provided to you  Also available on the Copies of the organization’s constitution must accompany the application for recognition

6 3. Elect and/or Select Officers A list with names, addresses, and phone numbers of the officers must accompany the application

7 4. Select an Advisor A letter from a faculty or staff member, which indicates the person’s willingness to serve as an advisor to the organization must accompany the application

8 5. Attend the SGA Meeting for Formal Recognition Final recognition of all student organizations is granted by the Student Government Association (SGA) and the Director of Campus Activities

9 6. Maintain “Active Status” To maintain active status, a club must complete the registration and follow-up budget forms each semester These are to be turned into the Campus Activities Office An organization that fails to register for two consecutive semesters will be considered “inactive” and will lose privileges and services extended through recognition including the ability to request funding from the SGA

10 6. Maintain “Active Status” cont. If an organization’s registration has lapsed for more than two consecutive semesters, and the group wants to reorganize and once again obtain “active status,” they must reapply for recognition as a student organization

11 In Summary 1. Complete the Application for Temporary Recognition 2. Schedule a meeting with the Assistant Dean for Campus Life to discuss your completed application 3. Understand and accept your Rights and Responsibilities as a recognized student organization

12 In Summary cont. 4. Submit a list of officers and constitution within 30 days of being granted temporary recognition 5. Meet with the Recognition Committee when requested * Although each school is a little different, information on starting a new organization should be available at your school’s Campus Activities/Organization Center or with your Director of Student Life

13 General Guideline The purpose of Pre-SOMA is to promote and inform the public about osteopathic medical education, to increase the number of applicants to osteopathic medical schools, and to prepare our members for entrance into these schools

14 General Guideline Officer positions may include:  President  Vice-President  Secretary  Treasurer  National Liaison Officer Relays information between National Pre-SOMA/SOMA and the local chapter

15 General Guideline Activities may include:  Speakers  Demonstrations  Conferences  Service activities

16 General Guideline Resources may include:   A local SOMA chapter at an osteopathic medical school  Local D.O.’s, M.D.’s, hospitals, or health agencies

17 General Guideline Dues should include: National Membership is currently free  Local dues may apply if your chapters executive board deems necessary

18 Discussion For those of you who are interested in officer positions, please remain after this presentation so we may discuss further what is necessary to inaugurate Pre-SOMA at this university We have made copies of the official Pre-SOMA Constitution to be passed out to those interested in leadership positions

19 Questions? Contact the Pre-SOMA Director, Robyn Young at

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