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Utbildning I Sverige Malory Rodriguez Utbildning Education Sverige Sweden I In.

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Presentation on theme: "Utbildning I Sverige Malory Rodriguez Utbildning Education Sverige Sweden I In."— Presentation transcript:

1 Utbildning I Sverige Malory Rodriguez Utbildning Education Sverige Sweden I In

2 Förskoleverksamheten ▪ Preschool (Minister of gender equality) ▪ Child care ▪ 6:30am-6:30pm ▪ Fees ▪ Förskoleklass/ Årskurs F Förskoleverksamheten Early Childhood Edu. Förskoleklass Preschool Årskurs F Grade F

3 Compulsory Schooling Lågstadiet Elementary School 1 st through 3 rd grade Mellanstadiet Middle school 4 th through 6 th grade Högstadiet Junior high Grade 7 th through 9th

4 Upper Secondary school ▪ Gymnasium (High school) ▪ Optional/ Free ▪ To be accepted into a national program,= grades in: – Swedish – Swedish as a second language – English – Mathematics

5 Higher Education Universitet ▪ 14 Universities Högskolor ▪ 21 Colleges Frihet under ansvar Tuition fees/ Financial aid Two scholarship programs Riksdag/ Regeringen Universitet University Högskolor College Frihet under ansvar Freedom with responsibility Riksdag/ Regeringen Parliamentary/ Government

6 Aims of higher education All forms of higher education based on: Knowledge and skills in the relevant areas. An ability to make independent critical assessments An ability to identify, formulate and solve problems Preparedness for changes in the student’s professional life *Decisions made

7 Folkhögskola Folkbildning = liberal adult education; non-formal and voluntary! 150 in country 18< up Variety of courses Social studies Aesthetic courses Music Journalism Language Science Folkhögskola Folk high school Folkbildning Adult Education

8 Other types of school Boarding schools 3-1=2 Parents “Fancy” students Independent schools Charter schools Equivalent to public Private donation

9 Facts School is free 42% of budget = education prohibit corporal punishment of children in 1979 rights of a child A national timetable

10 Works Cited Compulsory education time table. Digital image. Http:// N.p., 2006. Web. 1 Dec. 2013.. "Education In Sweden." Http:// N.p., 6 Nov. 2013. Web. 1 Dec. 2013.. "Folkhö - Alla Sveriges Folkhögskolor! - Folkhö" Folkhö - Alla Sveriges Folkhögskolor! - Folkhö N.p., 28 Oct. 2010. Web. 01 Dec. 2013.. "Higher Education and Research in Sweden." Swedish Institute, 4 Nov. 2013. Web. 01 Dec. 2013.. Nordfors, Miriam. "Sweden Solves Two Problems at Once." Weblog post. Http:// N.p., 28 Feb. 2013. Web. 1 Dec. 2013..

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