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Global Simulations of Astrophysical Jets in Poynting Flux Dominated Regime Hui Li S. Colgate, J. Finn, G. Lapenta, S. Li Engine; Injection; Collimation;

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Presentation on theme: "Global Simulations of Astrophysical Jets in Poynting Flux Dominated Regime Hui Li S. Colgate, J. Finn, G. Lapenta, S. Li Engine; Injection; Collimation;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Simulations of Astrophysical Jets in Poynting Flux Dominated Regime Hui Li S. Colgate, J. Finn, G. Lapenta, S. Li Engine; Injection; Collimation; Propagation; Stability; Lobe Formation; Dissipation; Magnetization of IGM

2 Leahy et al. 1996

3 I. Engine and Injection Approach: Global Configuration Evolution without modeling the accretion disk physics. Replace accretion disk with a magnetic engine which pumps flux (mostly toroidal) and energy.

4 Mimicking BH-Accretion System? : Initial poloidal fields on disk, exponential drop-off f( ) : B profile, or disk rotation profile : toroidal/poloidal flux ratio JxB : radial pinching and vertical expansion J p xB p : rotation in direction, carrying angular momentum? =5 =0.1 =3 Li et al.05 Problems: No disk dynamics Footpoints allowed to move, though could be in equilibrium Not precisely Keplerian Mass loading? Dipole or Quadrupole

5 Injection 1)An initial state modeled as a magnetic spring ( =3). 2)Toroidal field is added as a function of time over a small central region: 3)Adding twists, self-consistently collimate and expand. Impulsive Injection: Evolution of a highly wound and compressed magnetic spring Continuous Injection: Evolution of magnetic tower with continuous injected toroidal and/or poloidal fields

6 II. Collimation; Propagation Run A: impulsive injection, =50 v inj >> v A > c s Run B: continuous injection, =3, =3 v A > c s, scanning through (v inj )

7 Run A |B| at cross-section

8 Run A Total |B|

9 Current density

10 Run ARun A-2 Kinetic Magnetic

11 III. Stability and Lobe Formation Dynamic: moving, q-profile changing 3D Kink unstable in part of helix: twist accumulation due to inertial/pressure confinement Pressure profile: hollow Velocity profile ?

12 radius height Pressure Evolution In Implusive Injection Case

13 Azimuthally averaged Poloidal Flux (n=0) radius height 3D Flux Conversion

14 Continuous Injection radius height Azimuthally Averaged Poloidal Flux

15 Run B: Continuous Injection Injected toroidal flux vs time Poloidal flux at disk surface

16 Z (height) T=0 T=4 T=8T=12 T=16 B flux A Moving Slinky


18 T=0T=3 T=5 T=10

19 pressure height Helix Stability radius

20 Lobe Formation

21 Continuous Injection 1)An initial state modeled as a magnetic spring ( =3). 2)Toroidal field is added as a function of time over a small central region: 3)Adding twists, self-consistently collimate and expand. Time B flux Kink unstable

22 High Injection Rate Kink unstable

23 Conclusion: Lessons Learned Field lines must lean on external pressure, concentrating twists to the central region --- collimation. a) Static limit: Expansion is fast, reducing the toroidal field per unit height. Velocity difference between the base and the head causes the head to undergo 3D kink, forming a fat head --- lobes (?). b) Impulsive injection limit: c) Continuous injection: Non-uniform twist distribution along height. Map out the dependence on injection rates. In all cases, external pressure plays an important confining role, helping collimation and stability.

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