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Presentation on theme: "COLLEGE OF DESIGN FACULTY ASSEMBLY 24 September, 2014."— Presentation transcript:


2 WELCOME College Leadership –Renee Cheng –Gail Dubrow –Brad Hokanson –Marc Swackhamer Research Staff –Stephanie Erwin, CCL –David Horner, MDC –Simona Fischer, CSBR New Faculty –Richard Graves, CSBR –Daniela Sandler, Arch –Gayla Lindt, Arch –Tina Patel, Interior –Lindsey Strange, Apparel

3 WELCOME New Staff –Janaya Martin, Undergraduate Program Support, Architecture –Amber Heldt, Undergraduate Student Support, DHA –Laurie Johnson, Executive Office and Admin Specialist, DHA –Zach Curtis, External Relations Assistant, External Relations –Matt Jaeger, Graphic and Web Designer, External Relations –Anna Jursik, Communications Coordinator, External Relations –Shannon Sawyer, Administrative Assistant, Dean’s Office –Duana Sprowls, HRMS/Payroll Specialist, Budget & Finance –Katherine Samuel, Executive Accounts Specialist, Budget & Finance

4 AGENDA Call to Order Approval of 4/25/14 minutes Brief Reports from Senators –Hye Young Kim –John Comazzi

5 REPORT FROM THE DEANS 10 Church Street Re-purposing (the Bell) –5 th item on 2016 Capital Plan –$30 million legislative request College will need to raise $10 million –Board of Regents vote October 10 –Pre-design will begin this fall and finish spring/summer 2015

6 SPACE CHALLENGE Total McNeal & Y Bldg ASF: 66,501 Total Bell ASF: 49,647

7 BUDGET UPDATE Tuition Revenue & Reserve –Summer/Fall tuition is 54% of FY15 tuition target –On track to reach tuition target –Working to rebuild tuition reserve for future enrollment fluctuations Position Reserve –Stable tuition allows us to release positions –Proposals for positions due October 17 –Proposals must address principles for investment Discussed later in agenda

8 ADDITIONAL UPDATES Research & Outreach Educational Technology Slam scheduled –October 23, 2:00 – 4:00, 274 McNeal Hall

9 PROCESS IMPROVEMENT – CURRICULUM MANAGEMENT Staff group working on work-flow project –Jeff Bolduan, Warren Bruland, Laurie Gardner, Kevin Groenke, Joe Hallgren, Julie Hillman, Nicole Kennedy, Clay Kimber, Char Klarquist, Holley Locher, Amanda Smoot, Valerie Tvrdik Anderson, Tim Walters Objectives for this web-based process –Streamlined –Transparent –Consultative Moving forward –Details will be presented within departments soon

10 FACULTY BUSINESS Old Business –SERC update New Business –Strategic Planning –Academic Program Review –Faculty Development –Principles for College Investment –Revisions to Constitution and Bylaws

11 PRINCIPLES FOR COLLEGE INVESTMENT Aligning with college’s core mission and strategic priorities at the program/department, college and university levels; Demonstrating a potential to build upon and connect existing strengths to grow educational and/or research capacity; Growing the college and university’s capacity for national or international pre-eminence in a significant and distinctive field of study; Producing a significant improvement in academic quality as demonstrated by specific benchmarks; Seeding sustainable revenue streams aligned with academic priorities; Enhancing interdisciplinary, international, multicultural and other collaborations within and beyond the College and University to leverage existing resources and generate new ones to develop emerging fields of knowledge; and, Building a diverse and inclusive college community.

12 REVISIONS TO CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS Provost has mandated standardized template for college constitutions Taking the opportunity to make necessary changes –Align content with Provost’s template –College constitutions must be consistent with Regent’s policy –Streamline a cumbersome governance process Working group named: –John Comazzi, John Koepke, Theresa Tichich, Becky Yust Opportunities for Feedback –Focus groups –Feedback on document itself Due date: early spring semester

13 STREAMLINING GOVERNANCE Experimenting with revised governance structure fall 2014 Feedback will inform revisions to constitution and bylaws –Example: faculty representation on Curriculum and P&T committees based on size of unit 1 representative per department Additional representative for every 10 faculty –Example: Strengthening participation in decision making and communication by having program chairs invited several times throughout semester to DDH meetings


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