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A Glimpse into a Story: Book Trailers Across the Grades Nettie Briggs and Teressa Voltz Klein ISD 2010-2011.

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Presentation on theme: "A Glimpse into a Story: Book Trailers Across the Grades Nettie Briggs and Teressa Voltz Klein ISD 2010-2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Glimpse into a Story: Book Trailers Across the Grades Nettie Briggs and Teressa Voltz Klein ISD 2010-2011

2 Background What is a book trailer – Similar to a movie trailer – Alternative to book report – Exploration of text practicing technological persuasion

3 Background Jensen says that for learning to happen, for a true change to occur in the brain, students must be involved, interested, and involved in purposeful activities (2006, 82) Students must “buy into” their work for it to matter (Jensen, 2006)

4 Background Collaborative work that involves scaffolding with the gradual release of responsibility as the students work in their groups brings independent thinkers for success (Vygotsky, 1978)

5 Background “To be prepared for the fast-paced, virtual workplace that they will inherit, today’s students need to be able to learn and produce cooperatively (Pitler, Hubbell, Kuhn & Malenoski, 2007, pg. 139).”

6 Background Working in groups facilitates peer interaction, group learning, team work, trust, conflict resolution, and being a part of a group goal (Pitler et al, 2007)

7 Background Starting the process Letter to teachers Selection Levels Lit circle vs. whole class novel

8 Background Tools: MovieMaker, Any Video Converter, Flip cameras, Audacity Online resources Royalty-free music: free/ free/ Royalty-free sound effects: Royalty-free stock photos: http://www.pics4learning.com

9 Background Book trailer and movie trailer models from You Tube/Teacher Tube K0_9Z0 K0_9Z0 BQ BQ

10 Book Trailer Process Klein Forest High School – Eng III, PreAP & Regular About KFHS and the English III classrooms

11 Book Trailer Process Whole group novel Storyboard Rubric Filming Work time for students Preparation of class by teacher

12 Book Trailer Process Klein Intermediate School – 7 th grade, Dyslexia and co-teach students – 3 classes About KIS and the English classrooms

13 Book Trailer Process Whole group novel Storyboard Rubric Filming After school support from district instructional technology available Preparation of class by teacher

14 Book Trailer Process Kaiser Elementary – 5 th grade, 1 Resource and 1 Regular class About Kaiser and the 5 th grade classrooms

15 Book Trailer Process Guided reading group books Storyboard Rubric Filming – class time only After school support from district instructional technology available to students and teacher Preparation of class by teacher

16 Teacher Interviews Process for implementing project Perception of student response to the project Impact of project on student learning LaToya Hardman Sally Braud Katie Brown

17 Student Interviews Directors cuts Student perception of how the process went Audience How did the project help you make connections to the story?

18 Pitfalls and Planning for Success Teacher commitment Getting help: peers, district support, cross school support, outside of school support Impact of teacher expectations both high and low

19 Showcase Student Work Premiere viewing Peer viewing Scrolling at open house Teacher/campus web site

20 References Jensen, Eric. (2006). Enriching the Brain: How to Maximize Every Learner’s Potential. Jossey-Bass. Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works. ASCD, McRel.

21 References Vygotsky, Lev. Mind in Society. (1978). Harvard University Press.

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