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Welcome to Second Grade!

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1 Welcome to Second Grade!
Ms. Cayton & Mrs. Frost/ Mrs. Beck If you do not like the background, you can change it by going to Format/ Slide Design and choosing your own. You can add new slides by going to Insert/ New Slide.

2 Class Schedule Lunch Times Cayton- 11:30 – 12:00
Frost/Beck 11:33 – 12:03 Recess is 15 minutes immediately following lunch. Specials: Monday-PE Thursday- Music Tuesday- Library Friday A- PE (Both) Wednesday- PE Friday B- Library (Cayton) Friday B- Music (Frost) 7:50-8:10 Morning Work 8:10-9:10 Guided Reading 9:10-9:40 Shared Reading 9:40-10:10 Grammar/Writing 10:10-10:25 Spelling/Snack 10:30-11:15 Specials 11:15-11:25 Rest Room Break 11:30-12:00 Lunch (Cayton) 11:33-12:03 Lunch (Frost/Beck) 12:00-12:15 Recess (Cayton) 12:03-12:18 Recess (Frost/Beck) 12:15-12:30 Read Aloud 12:30-2:00 Math 2:00-2:30 Science/Social Studies 2:30-2:45 Health/Handwriting 2: Dismiss to hallway You can add or delete rows on the table by right clicking on the table. To delete the entire table, click once to select it. Then, click one more time on the lines of the box and hit the delete key. To edit my text, click once to bring up the text box. Then, highlight my text and type your own over it.

3 Parent Involvement Homework Conduct Card Initial nightly
Given on Mondays Due on Friday Conduct Card Initial nightly Wk ____ Morn wk Stations Special Read/spell/writing Lunch Hall Recess Math SS/Science restroom Mon WH: Book: Start: Stop: Parent Sig:

4 Parent Involvement Homework Assignments Reminders Parent Communication
Tuesday Folders School notes Graded papers Daily Folders Homework Assignments Reminders Parent Communication Reading Log 20 minutes a night Record book title, beginning and ending time and parent initial

5 For Your Information… Grades * 3 week progress notes
* 9 week Report Cards If your child receives a grade below a 70 the work will be corrected in class. Number Grades are given for Math, Reading and Language Arts. A grade of S, N, or U will be given for all other subjects Transportation * If your child is going home a different way, you MUST write a note. Parent Pick Up vs. Walker Rainy Day Dismissal

6 Rules/Rewards: Classroom: Cafeteria: Rewards: Conduct Work habits
When you visit to have lunch with your child, you may eat on the stage. Rewards: Notes/Phone Calls Home Treasure chest Other rewards

7 Reading and Language Spelling- Writing- Reading- 10 phonics words
5 high frequency words 1 bonus Pre-test on Monday, Test on Friday Writing- Writers notebook Reading Response Journal Reading- Guided Reading Reading strategies DRA levels (16-18) Shared Reading Big books Poems Enlarged Text

8 Math Concepts covered: Hands On Small grouping Math Facts Time Money
Place value Geometry Measurement Hands On Small grouping Math Facts End of school year 100 math facts (addition and subtraction to 9,9,18) in 7 minutes.

9 Science and Social Studies
These concepts are integrated into reading and math. Concepts covered: Science- Living and non-living organisms Matter Earth Science Social Studies- Community History Government

10 Pearland ISD Gifted and Talented
Process for a GT Identified Transfer Student from a TEA accredited school: Parent When registering for school at your child’s campus, check () GT on the campus registration form If you have GT identification documents, please send them to Advanced Academics Registrar Notify campus Principal and Advanced Academics of student Request GT identification documents from student’s previous school Submit GT identification documents to Advanced Academics within three weeks of the registration

11 Pearland ISD Gifted and Talented
Process for Pearland ISD Student: Nominations are accepted at anytime Round One nominations are due to Advanced Academics by 4 pm on Thursday, September 30, 2010 The 1st round of assessments will be conducted at your child’s campus Complete and send Nomination Form to Advanced Academics Complete and send Permission to Test Form (must have a parent signature) to Advanced Academics 1928 N. Main St. Pearland, Texas 77581 (Forms are available at → Departments/Advanced Academics)

12 Dear Parents, This year we are enthusiastically introducing a new character development program called Bucket Filling. Bucket filling is an easy-to-understand concept: “Everyone carries an invisible bucket that holds our good thoughts and feelings. When our buckets are full, we feel happy and when our buckets are empty, we feel sad.” Children quickly understand that they can fill buckets when they do and say things that are kind, considerate, caring and respectful. They also learn that when they are mean, inconsiderate, uncaring or disrespectful, they dip into buckets and remove those good feelings. Even the youngest child understands that actions and words can either fill a bucket or dip into it. During this school year we are encouraging, reminding and recognizing everyone’s efforts to be bucket filler at home, at school, and everywhere they go. We are excited about this new program and look forward to your support. If you would like to learn more about bucket filling, visit the Bucket Fillers website: Bucket fillers offers a free weekly e-newsletter for parents and teachers.

13 How to be a Bucket Filler
Tell a someone you are glad they are your friend Help someone who is having trouble Pick up all your trash at lunchtime Ask your mom if she needs help with dinner Play a game with your younger brother or sister Share your supplies in the classroom Let someone get in line in front of you Tell the truth even if it means you may get in trouble Stick up for your friends when others are being mean to them Follow directions the first time they are given Say kind words to others in your class

14 Contact Information If you need to set up a conference or speak with us you can reach us at: or or ** We only respond to during conference or after school, so please give us time to write you back. Or if it is an urgent matter, please call the school.** Our conference time is 10:30-11:15 (M-Th only)

15 Thanks so much for coming tonight!

16 Challenger Eagles are… BUCKET FILLERS

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