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Welcome to Second Grade Curriculum Night!. Grading Scale 90-100 E (Exceeds) 90-100 E (Exceeds) 85-89 S+ 85-89 S+ 75-84 S (Satisfactory) 75-84 S (Satisfactory)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Second Grade Curriculum Night!. Grading Scale 90-100 E (Exceeds) 90-100 E (Exceeds) 85-89 S+ 85-89 S+ 75-84 S (Satisfactory) 75-84 S (Satisfactory)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Second Grade Curriculum Night!

2 Grading Scale 90-100 E (Exceeds) 90-100 E (Exceeds) 85-89 S+ 85-89 S+ 75-84 S (Satisfactory) 75-84 S (Satisfactory) 70-74 S- 70-74 S- 0-69 N (Needs Improvement) 0-69 N (Needs Improvement)

3 Reading Reading – Whole Group/ Small Groups Reading – Whole Group/ Small Groups Flexible small groups Predicting, decoding, monitoring, questioning, evaluating, connecting, inferring, and summarizing Homework- sent home Mondays, due Wednesdays Weekly tests- 20 points Reading logs- Weekly Due on Fridays with parent signature

4 Spelling No Excuse Spelling Words No Excuse Spelling Words 7 each week 7 each week Only first half of school year Only first half of school year Test on Fridays Test on Fridays Final test over all words at the end of 2 nd quarter Final test over all words at the end of 2 nd quarter

5 Word Study Words Their Way Words Their Way Starting September 8 Starting September 8 New sort each week New sort each week Practice at home each night Practice at home each night Test Friday Test Friday 1 point for spelling word correctly 1 point for spelling word correctly 1 point for sorting word correctly 1 point for sorting word correctly 10 words from sort, 2 transfer words, and 2 review words 10 words from sort, 2 transfer words, and 2 review words

6 Handwriting Manuscript- reviewed the first half of the year Manuscript- reviewed the first half of the year Cursive- introduced 3 rd and 4 th quarter Cursive- introduced 3 rd and 4 th quarter

7 Writing Explanatory Explanatory Narrative Narrative Opinion Opinion Research Research Writing Portfolios Writing Portfolios

8 Mathematics My Math – Alligned to the Common Core My Math – Alligned to the Common Core Family Letters Family Letters Homework Homework Common Core Quick Checks Common Core Quick Checks Check My Progress Check My Progress My Review My Review Online Access Online Access Planet Turtle Planet Turtle Facts to 20 Facts to 20 More Information: Mrs. Renier will be available to share more in depth information in the cafeteria during the last session (7:30-7:55) OR at the PTA meeting September 9 th More Information: Mrs. Renier will be available to share more in depth information in the cafeteria during the last session (7:30-7:55) OR at the PTA meeting September 9 th

9 Social Studies Houghton Mifflin Series Houghton Mifflin Series Community Community Geography Geography Economics Economics History History Illinois Illinois Review guides, projects, tests Review guides, projects, tests Report card Report card

10 Science Foss Hands-On Science Foss Hands-On Science Air and Weather 1st Quarter- Children will explore the properties of air to find that air takes up space and builds up pressure when compressed. We will construct devices that use air to function. We will monitor weather by keeping a journal. Air and Weather 1st Quarter- Children will explore the properties of air to find that air takes up space and builds up pressure when compressed. We will construct devices that use air to function. We will monitor weather by keeping a journal. Solids and Liquids 2 nd Quarter- This unit introduces children to th characteristics of two states of matter. We will look at solids and liquids, describe their properties, and how they interact with each other. We will finish the unit by investigating tooth paste and deciding if it is a solid or a liquid. Solids and Liquids 2 nd Quarter- This unit introduces children to th characteristics of two states of matter. We will look at solids and liquids, describe their properties, and how they interact with each other. We will finish the unit by investigating tooth paste and deciding if it is a solid or a liquid. Plants 3 rd quarter – We will become familiar with structures of flowering plants. We will grow plants from seeds and observe the life cycle. We will also grow new plants from cuttings, bulbs, and roots. Plants 3 rd quarter – We will become familiar with structures of flowering plants. We will grow plants from seeds and observe the life cycle. We will also grow new plants from cuttings, bulbs, and roots. 4 th Quarter- No Science 4 th Quarter- No Science Review guides Review guides Report card Report card

11 Homework Assignment Notebook- please sign each night Absences- work sent home

12 Classroom Management Behavior Plan- Care Card signed daily Behavior Plan- Care Card signed daily Stop Light Colors Reward System Positive notes, Deskerella, Hoot Loot

13 Contact Information Jen Rusin (630) 636-3148

14 Giving Tree -Owls on table -Items for class store- In need of all year - pumpkins- basketball size

15 Volunteers Mystery Reader Sign up- Once a week throughout the school year Mystery Reader Sign up- Once a week throughout the school year Classroom Store- Once a month Classroom Store- Once a month Math helpers Math helpers Weekly Volunteers- Stop by office for form Weekly Volunteers- Stop by office for form

16 Fall Conferences Please feel free to sign up for a conference time on the back table. Please feel free to sign up for a conference time on the back table.

17 Contact Information Name Name Email address Email address Questions, comments, concerns Questions, comments, concerns

18 Birthday Treats Students may bring in nonfood items to celebrate their birthdays. For example, they can bring in pencils or erasers to pass out or donate a book to our classroom library. Treat bags containing food will be sent back home per district policy. Students may bring in nonfood items to celebrate their birthdays. For example, they can bring in pencils or erasers to pass out or donate a book to our classroom library. Treat bags containing food will be sent back home per district policy.

19 Thank you for taking the time to come to curriculum night!

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