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Welcome to Second Grade Curriculum Night! Ms. Jill Jenkinson Room 34.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Second Grade Curriculum Night! Ms. Jill Jenkinson Room 34."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Second Grade Curriculum Night! Ms. Jill Jenkinson Room 34

2 About Me

3 Curriculum EnVision Math Program – Daily worksheets sent home – Interactive component – Math centers – Timed facts (0-20, +/-) Treasures Reading Program – Mon/Tues = whole class reading and spelling – Wed/Thurs/Fri = The Daily 5

4 Spelling Procedure o Pre Test – prepares spelling groups for the week. o Work Work in the Daily 5 o Study at Home – open ended o Test on Friday

5 Curriculum Social Studies – Geography – Heritage – Leaders and Achievers Science – Properties of Matter – Fossils – Our Planet Earth

6 Curriculum Writing – Personal Narrative – Letter Writing – How-To – Persuasive Letter – Research – Poetry – Compare/Contrast

7 Specialist Schedule Monday – Art Tuesday – Health & Music Wednesday – P.E. Thursday – Guidance/Library Friday – P.E.

8 Our Class Community Arrival Routines Bucket Fillers Responsive classroom – Morning meeting (greet, share) – Take a break – Class contract Class Celebrations

9 Homework Policy Given on Monday, Due Wednesday – Language Arts Given on Wednesday, Due Friday – Math 5 days out of the week – Reading Log (15 minutes) – Math Facts (5 Minutes) sums 0-18 +&- – Practice Spelling

10 What I Ask Of You Open Communication Support Common goal – your children! Scaffold homework – Sign and return if your child struggles!

11 Other Bus Notes – Room 34 Snacks – PEANUT FREE! Sick days/vacations – Kathy Bain/Me Water Bottles Birthdays – no food! Report Cards (Nov, Feb, June)

12 Sign Up Sheets Please take a moment to check out the sign up sheets! Mystery Reader Conferences The Giving Tree Emergency Snack Class Directory

13 Contact Info. 508-497-9860 ext. 118 Class Website:

14 Anything I missed?

15 Please write a note back to your child! Please fill their bucket!

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