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Mom and/or Dad… Please take the time to write me a note on here, My teacher and I will read it tomorrow!

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Presentation on theme: "Mom and/or Dad… Please take the time to write me a note on here, My teacher and I will read it tomorrow!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mom and/or Dad… Please take the time to write me a note on here, My teacher and I will read it tomorrow!


3 Title I is the largest federal assistance program for our nation’s schools. The goal of Title I is a higher quality of education for every child. The program serves millions of children in elementary and secondary schools each year. “What every parent should know about Title I” brochures are available in our front office. For a detailed description of Title I, please attend our first School Advisory Council (SAC) meeting on Wednesday, October 7 th.

4 The federal government provides funding to states each year for Title I. The Florida Department of Education sends the money to the district. The school district identifies eligible schools based on the number of students receiving free/reduced lunches, and allocates Title I funds. Somerset Miramar implements a school wide Title I program. This means that all students receive the benefits of our Title I funding.

5 As part of our Title I compliance, we are expected to reach certain achievement levels dictated by our School Improvement Plan. *2015-2016 Standardized Test Scores are TBA and school grades will be available in December 2015. In order to determine our achievement goals, we will utilize: – FLKRS and STAR Early Literacy (reading, kindergarten) – i-Ready (reading, grades 1 &2) – FSA (reading, grades 3-8) – FCAT (science, grades 5 & 8) – EOC (civics, grade7 and math GEM grades 7 &8) Somerset Miramar Elementary and Middle School are both “A” rated schools !

6 Title I law requires meaningful involvement of parents in the decisions made at our school. How we work together is listed in our: School Level Parent Involvement Plan District level Parent Involvement Plan Parent-School Compact Title I Plan (School Improvement Plan) All information is available on our school website. The best way you can be involved is by participating in our School Advisory Council (SAC). If you have any questions, please contact administration or our Title I liaison- Ms. Almendarez.

7 A group intended to represent the school community and those persons closest to the students who will share responsibility for guiding the school toward continuous improvement. Referred to as SAC Required by all schools, including charter schools Have the goal of increasing student achievement for all students in a safe learning environment Assists in preparation and evaluation of The School Improvement Plan (SIP) Decides how school improvement funds are spent and assists principal with the school budget Make suggestions relating to the improvement of the school in all areas

8 SAC meetings are held quarterly Students are notified of SAC meetings by distribution of flyers, parent link notifications, teacher emails and the Somerset School website. Meetings are usually held at 6:00 p.m. in the Media Center 2 volunteer hours are given for attending these meetings If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Castillo Working hand in hand for the success of the students and the school!

9 My background Cuban-American born and raised in Miami, FL. I graduated FIU with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education and ESOL. My experience This is my fourth year teaching at Somerset Miramar. I have previous experience in kindergarten, first, and third grade. I love to… Be with my baby girl, go out to dinner, boating, relax on the beach, travel, and spend time with family and friends.


11 Please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns at any point during the year Class Directory (please fill out today) School to Home Folders Parent teacher conferences (Fall and Spring) After all pre-tests Class DOJO Class Website: Contact Staff My Email:


13 Whole class: Brownie Points Teamwork: Candy Bar Points Individually: Where’s Your Clip? Continuous modeling and reinforcement of positive behavior Class Dojo (new)

14 Classroom Expectations This year we will be focusing on building important life skills such as working hard and participating. I’ll be using ClassDojo to give students feedback on these skills :)

15 Why use ClassDojo? ClassDojo is the easiest way to see your child’s progress on these skills. I’ll be sending classroom updates and photos with you through ClassDojo, too!

16 Get out those phones :) Download the app Sign up as a parentEnter your code!

17 Let’s try it out I’ll send you a message now! Go ahead… send one back :)

18 How else can we work together? Check ClassDojo regularly. Keep me updated on how your child is doing at home. Encourage the life skills we are working on in class outside of school. Celebrate wonderful classroom moments at home :) Let me know how I can be most helpful!

19 Volunteer Tasks Room parent – special activities, etc. Copies Donations (wish list/classroom needs) Special school events 30 hours required for elementary Must have receipt to receive hours

20 8:45-9:51 Reading/Language Arts 9:51-10:21 Specials 10:21-10:51 Reading/Language Arts 10:51-11:21 Lunch 11:21-11:45 Recess 11:45-12:15Reading/Language Arts 12:15-12:45Social Studies 12:45-2:00Math 2:00-3:00Science *Library on Tuesdays 12:00-12:30 *PE on Tuesdays 9:51-10:21

21 On February 18, 2014, the State Board of Education revised elements of the Common Core State Standards and renamed the benchmarks the Florida Standards. The board voted unanimously to revise the student performance standards in English/Language Arts and Mathematics. Visit for more detailed information. Grades: Specials: one Special per quarter except PE Spanish - Art – Music – Computer Lab – Library

22 The LAFS consist of Six Strands: READING STANDARDS FOR LITERATURE READING STANDARDS: FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS READING STANDARDS FOR INFORMATIONAL TEXT WRITING STANDARDS STANDARDS FOR SPEAKING AND LISTENING LANGUAGE STANDARDS * Writing is incorporated within the Language Arts standards. Extended responses and writing will be based on textual evidence. *The use of digital tools and technology to conduct research and publish writing using keyboarding skills is required.

23 Guided reading Whole Group Centers (differentiated) Poetry Individual Shared / Buddy Reading Assessments (i.e. weekly story test, quizzes, cold reads, Accelerated Reader/STAR tests) Reading Eggs Writing: Four Square * Practice spelling and grammar with your child at home daily. Use home learning as a guide.

24 The MAFS consist of different Domains (varies by grade level) *Some Common Domains are: OPERATIONS AND ALGEBRAIC THINKING NUMBER AND OPERATIONS IN BASE TEN MEASUREMENT AND DATA GEOMETRY

25 New Math skills are introduced and practiced throughout the year. In class, small group work will help struggling students and excelling students alike by providing each with the appropriate level of difficulty. Our Go Math series is available online through Think Your child’s Think login information will be forwarded to you. Students will be assigned Mathletics for homework. At least 30 minutes should be completed EACH WEEK. They may choose to explore or practice the skills we are working on in class. I will run weekly reports to check on their progress. Your child has already been given his/her login information.

26 Science and Social Studies instruction will continue to be guided using the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards. However, we will be incorporating Science and Social Studies content into the Reading/Writing lessons. Times weekly will be incorporated once we receive a class set.

27 Accelerated Reader is an incentive based reading program in which students are recognized and rewarded for reading books. Your child should read a book from the selected AR list, available at, and take a multiple choice test on a computer in school. Students should check out books within their reading range. This reading range can be found on the STAR test report will be sent home next week. I have set up a tracking system in class, where students will be able to see how they are doing in comparison to other students in our class. This way they can monitor their own progress. I recognize students who succeed in my class and the school rewards winning classes as well.

28 One book order per month First order due TBA Checks only please Optional online ordering with classroom code Bonus points for classroom library and supplies

29 Morning procedure – students wait in courtyard area Be on time 8:45 AM – students may enter at 8:30 AM Daily Supplies, Binder & Planner Parent/Teacher Conferences Money collection – labeled with student’s name Spirit / PE shirts – order forms Free/reduced lunch – apply ASAP Sibling Care / Aftercare Dismissal 3:00-3:15 P.M. – West side carpool Rainy day procedures – morning/afternoon

30 . Don’t forget to sign in and Check out my wish list on your way out. Have a great night!


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