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Welcome to Back to School Night (9-17-15) Oakwood Avenue Community School “The Best School in Town” Mr. Robert Pettit, Principal Mr. Willis – Second Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back to School Night (9-17-15) Oakwood Avenue Community School “The Best School in Town” Mr. Robert Pettit, Principal Mr. Willis – Second Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Back to School Night (9-17-15) Oakwood Avenue Community School “The Best School in Town” Mr. Robert Pettit, Principal Mr. Willis – Second Grade Teacher

2 Mr. Willis – Grade 2 Teacher



5 My Expectations for your child in my class  To do his or her best!  Increase their reading level by 2 or more levels  Improve how many math strategies he/she knows and use  To get excited about their education  To ask questions  To participate and work in small groups and with their partner  To own his or her education (Academically and socially)  To use appropriate behavior  To be a great leader and follower

6 School Hours: 7:45 am Breakfast 8:15 am Students line up (Teachers get students and take them to the classroom) 12:15 pm Lunch 3:00 pm Dismissal (Please pick up your child on-time) On half-days school let’s out at 12:30 pm (Please pick up your child on-time) Dress Code for 2 nd Grade Students: White or light blue button/polo/golf shirts with collar Slacks, Dress or Skirt or Uniform Shorts ( Navy) Sneakers/Shoes, etc- laced and tied ( no flip flops) P.E-Gray/Blue Sweats/ Uniform Shorts with White or Gray Shirts Note: Gym – Students must wear uniform and sneakers Attendance: Students should take their education seriously and attend school everyday. Refer to the Parent/Student Handbook for additional information. Important Information

7 Grades

8  Language Arts Curriculum: Reading and Writing Workshops, which includes, reading various genres, grammar, phonics, comprehension, other reading strategies, writing (narrative, Informational, and opinion).  All Language Arts lessons are standards-based and aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).  The skills and knowledge captured in the ELA/literacy standards are designed to prepare students for life outside the classroom. They include critical-thinking skills and the ability to closely and attentively read texts in a way that will help them understand and enjoy complex works of literature.  Students will be engaged in intensive reading and writing activities.  Please provide time at home for your child to read and write every night and on weekends. We are trying to build stamina with our students so it is important they read and write as must as possible in school and at home.  Please allow your child to use iRead at home. You can access iRead via the Oakwood school page. Your child knows his/her username and password. Please only give them access, don’t help them through the program.  Homework is given. I expect students will do their own work.  Resources: Level Readers, and Lucy Calkins Units of Study (for writing). Language Arts

9  Social Studies Curriculum: Our County, Our Community, Our World, Working to Meet our needs, Celebrating Traditions, and Our Nation Past and Present.  Students get to work in small groups.  Students do a lot of reading and writing.  Students work on small projects that relate to the topic they are doing.  Homework is given. I expect students will do their own work. Social Studies

10  Math Curriculum: Numbers to 1,000, Addition & Subtraction strategies, Multiplication (Repeated Addition), Division (Repeated Division), Measurements (Metric, US Standard), Mental Math and Estimation, Money, Fractions, Time, Graphs, and Shapes.  All Math lessons are standards-based and aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).  Students/Scholars are totally engaged in math and get sufficient time to use manipulative (base-ten blocks, place value chart, counters, etc.) to help them solve multiple number of problems and in multiple ways.  Students work independently, in whole groups, small groups, and with a partner.  We have competitions where students are in groups and they see how fast they can solve a problem; this helps them with confidence and sharpens their skills.  Homework is given. I expect students will do their own work.  Resources: Math in Focus student books and workbooks. Math

11  Science Curriculum: Solid and Liquids, Balance and Motion, and Insects.  We will be starting the year off with “Solids and Liquids”. They will have ample time in class to do multiple investigations. They will have homework to extend their learning at home too.  Also this year they will be studying “Balance and Motion” where they get to work with objects to show how things are balance and how to make things move.  Finally, we will end up the year observing live “Insects” Students enjoy this topic because we have a number of different types of insects to study, like the “Mealworm: Darkling Beetle”, Waxworm: Moth, Milkweed Bugs, Silkworm, and “Painted Butterfly”. We actually observe the entire life cycle of these insects. It’s cool!  Homework is given. I expect students will do their own work.  Resources: FOSS Science Investigations. Science

12 Thank you for coming!

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