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Back to School Night 9/10/2015. Phone(215)809-6370 Send in a note.

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School Night 9/10/2015. Phone(215)809-6370 Send in a note."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School Night 9/10/2015

2 Phone(215)809-6370 E-mail Send in a note

3 * Certification and Master’s of Education from Holy Family University * Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Frostburg State University

4  24th year teaching  3 years at Ferderbar  4 years at Pearl Buck  12 years at Sandburg Middle  The remaining years were at Maple Point Middle, Neshaminy Middle, Poquessing Middle, and Samuel Everitt

5  Children enter room and unpack school bag  Morning work  Lunch Count  Pledge  Attendance  Morning Meeting


7  Decodable Reader  Word Work Book  SUPER Magazine  The Book Club for Super Kids  Write It Right

8 * The reader gives children short, decodable stories featuring their friends the Superkids.  Systematic, explicit review of all 44 letter sound combinations.  Daily practice in:  Phonics  Word attack skills (decoding)  Fluency  Guided Reading and Comprehension Level 5- First semester Level 6- Second Semester

9  Spelling  Encoding Pattern Words  Mastering Memory Words  Daily Dictation  Weekly Test of 12-15 Words

10  Grammar and Usage  Nouns, Verbs, Pronouns, Adjectives, and Adverbs  Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms, and Idioms  Puns and Word Fun  Prefixes and Suffixes

11  Punctuation and Editing  Periods, Question Marks, and Exclamation Marks  Apostrophes  Quotation Marks  Commas  Capitalization  Editing Marks

12  This magazine teaches strategies for reading nonfiction. Blackline masters provide additional vocabulary and comprehension activities related to the magazine articles.  Compelling Themes  Engaging, Relevant Articles  Exceptional Photography  Content Related to Science and Social Studies  Real World Reading: Projects, Recipes, Games, Advice, and Humor  Teaches Important Strategies for Understanding Nonfiction

13  Award-winning chapter books offer authentic fiction in a variety of genres. Each title in the Book Club has a journal for students to complete as they discuss and critique the book.  Genres include: Folktales, fairytales, fantasy, historical fiction, and realistic fiction  Multicultural literature  Activity sheets for vocabulary development and comprehension  The Book Club encourages a love of reading!!!

14 Day 1- Gym (11:05-11:45) Day 2- Music (11:05-11:45) Day 3-Computer (11:05-11:45) Day 4- Art (11:05-11:45) Day 5- Library (11:05-11;45

15 Homework  Superkids Backpack page  Math in Focus Practice Page  Read 15 minutes-Reading Log  Math Facts Practice (Flash Cards)  RAZ Kids




19 Math in Focus addresses topics in greater depth in each grade. This year, your second grader will focus on:  Building problem-solving skills and strategies  Counting, comparing, and writing numbers to 1,000  Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing using bar models  Measuring length, mass, and volume  Telling time  Recognizing, counting, and comparing bills and coins  Geometry

20  During lessons, children work on informal writing assignments and use the writing process to produce different types of writing.  Poems  Stories  Letters  Research Reports  Autobiographies  Magazine Articles

21 Writing Fundamentals ~How Writers Write ~Letter Writing ~Personal Narrative ~Gail Gibbons Author Study ~Grammar

22  The goal of our science program provides experiences that heighten students’ awareness of the living world.  Insects, Soil and Plant Module  Children will come to know firsthand the life sequences of a number of insects. Students observe structures and behaviors, discuss their findings, and record observations over time. Students see the life cycle of insects unfold and compare the stages of metamorphosis exhibited by each species.  Students will also grow a plant from seeds and observe it. Students relate these firsthand experiences to information they gather from reading about life cycles of other plants and animals.

23 Students will learn:  What is a community?  How do we use maps?  What is geography?  How do people use our environment?  How are goods made and brought to us?  Who provides services in a community?  How can I be a good shopper?  What does a good citizen do?

24 Scholastic book orders will be sent home throughout the year. They offer a wide variety of books at a reasonable price. Books can be ordered on-line or by sending in a check.


26 TimeMonday, November 18th 4:00 – 4:20 4:20 – 4:40 4:40 – 5:00 5:00 – 5:20 5:20 – 5:40 5:40 – 6:00 6:00 – 6:20 6:20 – 6:40 6:40 – 7:00 7:00 – 7:20 Ferderbar Conference Schedule Teacher’s Name: Mrs. Athey Gr. 2

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