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February 15, 2013 Colleen Miller and Karen Brady.

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1 February 15, 2013 Colleen Miller and Karen Brady

2   How does close reading help me teach PA common core standards?  What is close reading?  Why is close reading important?  How is close reading embedded in Reading Street that I’m currently using? Essential Questions

3   Let’s take a look at instructional shifts with common core.  Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction or informational text  Literacy instruction in Science and Social Studies  Engage students in more complex texts  Reading, writing and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational  Writing emphasizes evidence to inform or make an argument  Regular practice with building academic vocabulary Why Close Reading?

4   Kindergarten Kindergarten  First Grade First Grade  Second Grade Second Grade  Third Grade Third Grade  Fourth Grade Fourth Grade  Fifth Grade Fifth Grade  Sixth Grade Sixth Grade Grade Level Shifts

5   Do+Close+Reading&view=detail&mid=51A24A5CB B2F1AF52FB851A24A5CBB2F1AF52FB8&first=0&FO RM=NVPFVR Do+Close+Reading&view=detail&mid=51A24A5CB B2F1AF52FB851A24A5CBB2F1AF52FB8&first=0&FO RM=NVPFVR +Close+Reading+part+2&view=detail&mid=7EA40E6B 18529A699DF67EA40E6B18529A699DF6&first=0&FOR M=NVPFVR What is close reading?

6   Careful, purposeful rereading  Not a common core standard. Through close reading students cite evidence and justification. Ready to answer more complex questions?  Read with a pencil. Taking notes about what they read and sharing evidence.  Focus on what author had to say.  What do the authors words mean?  What’s the author’s purpose?  What does the structure of the text tell us?  Give students text dependent questions.  Not just facts. Thinking about text structure and author’s purpose.  Students agree and disagree. Text is primary tool for conversation. Video highlights

7   What are the three practices to bring close reading to the elementary setting?  “Closing in on Close Reading” Educational Leadership, December 2012/January 2013 Close Reading in the Elementary Grades

8   Everyone Read pages 36-37 and chart on page 39.  In addition:  Group 1: Read “Use Short Texts”  Group 2: Read “Aim for Independence”  Group 3: Read “Focus on Observing and Analyzing”  Be prepared to discuss and share: How does this practice lead to close reading? Jigsaw

9   Uncover layers of meaning for deep comprehension.  Read and reread deliberately.  Reflect on the meaning of individual words.  Not a set of thinking strategies.  Processing the thinking of others. What is close reading according to text?

10   Several genres of short texts  Literary and informational  Allows readers to make more passes through the entire sequence of a text  Read to as well as independent reading  Short text can be digested in one lesson. Use short texts

11   Goal is for “independently comprehending”.  Accomplished through “text dependent questions” that lead students deeply in text.  Go beyond “Ho hum” questions.  Teach students to ask questions.  4 questions on page 40 Aim for Independence

12   Recount details in own words. Paraphrasing first step then analyzing.  Students ask themselves questions.  Read with the eye of a writer. Authors play with words to get reader to see things their way. Focus on Observing and Analyzing

13   Is there something from this passage that I was expecting to find?  Is there something that could have been explained more thoroughly?  What conclusions can I make from this article and what in the text led me to this conclusion? If we would go back to the passage to reread…

14   Dr. Suess Example

15   Where and how does the series encourage close reading?  How can we bring close reading to our students? Let’s check out Reading Street

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