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Senior Sub School Year 11 Parent Information Evening 11 th February 2013.

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1 Senior Sub School Year 11 Parent Information Evening 11 th February 2013

2 Agenda  Senior School Team  2013 Our Focus  2012 a review  Successfully completing the VCE, VCAL and VET  At risk process  Senior School expectations and Promotions Policy  Careers  Helping Students Achieve their best in year 11  ‘How to support my child through the VCE without becoming the enemy’, Elevate Presentation

3  PrincipalMr Wayne Terrill  Assistant Principal Mr Keith Halge  Head of Senior SchoolMr Jason De Araugo  Senior Curriculum ManagerMs Jan Homsi  Senior Program ManagerMr Eden St James  Student Pathways ManagerMs Neisha Macrae  VCAL CoordinatorMs Jessica Stone  VET CoordinatorMs Sandra Avellino  Year 12 CoordinatorMs Candice Smith & Claire Smyth  Year 11 CoordinatorMs Emily Hawes & Ms Karen Jacobson  Year 10 CoordinatorMs Rachel Barney& Ms Naomi Muir Senior School Team

4 Educational Support  Senior School SupportMs Megan Penn  Careers SupportMs Tanya Jizba  Attendance OfficerMs Helga Pullin Senior School Team

5 2012 a review  VCE Pass Rate: 96%  Top ATAR score: 92.15 – 6 students received 90 or above  115 students in 2012 cohort  89 students put in a VTAC offer  71 received offers in the first round.  All students who missed out applied directly to universities and have since received offers.

6 OUR FOCUS for 2013 is: To offer the best support to our students and teaching staff through programs, activities and resources for both to achieve their best. Students:  VCE/VCAL results  Social, emotional development  Take ownership of their own learning environment  Supporting students into a positive destination post year 12

7 Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)  95% of our students undertake this qualification  We administer this qualification however it is regulated and under the jurisdiction of VCAA In order to satisfactorily complete the VCE students will have to:  Satisfactorily complete a minimum of 16 Units (A unit is a over the two years. Each unit is a singular subject that is completed over the course of one semester. (Students study 12 Units in Year 11 and 10 Units in Year 12.)  Satisfactorily complete 3 Units of English

8 Outcome  Each Unit has a number of outcomes that are determined by the VCAA for that subject  In order to satisfactorily complete a Unit the student must demonstrate an understand of ALL outcomes in that Unit.  Satisfactory completion of outcomes is based on the student’s overall performance on SACs and coursework for the unit.

9  School-assessed Coursework consists of a set of assessment tasks that assess each student’s level of achievement  SACs can only be submitted once and cannot be resat  SACs must be completed in class  If a student does not successfully complete the SAC this is when the coursework is particularly important as it allows the teacher make an assessment of the students understanding. School Assessed Coursework (SACs)

10 Sample VCE Program 1 StudyYear 11 Unit 1 ResultsUnit 2 Results EnglishSS Health & Human Development SS PsychologySN Legal StudiesNS General MathsSS VET – Allied HealthSS

11 Sample VCE Program 2 StudyYear 11 Unit 1 ResultsUnit 2 Results EnglishNN Health & Human Development SS PsychologySN Legal StudiesSS General MathsSS VET – Allied HealthSS

12 Sample VCE Program 3 StudyYear 11 Unit 1 ResultsUnit 2 Results EnglishNS GeographySS PsychologySN Legal StudiesNS General MathsSN VET – Allied HealthSS

13 VCAL Like the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) the VCAL is a recognised senior secondary qualification.  The VCAL gives students practical work-related experience, as well as literacy and numeracy skills and the opportunity to build personal skills that are important for life and work.  Students who do the VCAL are likely to be interested in going on to training at a Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institute, starting an apprenticeship, or getting a job after completing school.

14 Completing VCAL  VCAL certificates offered at Hoppers Crossing Secondary College:  Year 11 Intermediate VCAL  Year 12 Senior VCAL  In order to successfully pass the VCAL students need to complete 10 units per year from the following strands:  Literacy Skills (2 units per year)  Numeracy Skills (1 unit per year)  Personal Development Skills (2 units per year)  Work Related Skills (2 units per year)  Legal Studies and Business Management (2 units per year)  Industry Specific Skills (VET) (200 hours per year = 2 units)

15 Year 10VCE TAFEApprenticeshipJob UNI VCAL TAFEApprenticeshipJob

16 Vocational Education and Training (VET)  ALL VET programs contribute to the completion of either VCE or VCAL  Each VET course has a number of competencies.  In order to satisfactorily complete a VET course, the student must satisfactorily complete ALL competencies  The student is undertaking a TAFE qualification

17 At Risk Process In 2013, a student in Year 11 will began the ‘At Risk’ process once they fall behind in coursework in one of their subjects or fail (less than 50%) a SAC / SAT. The Classroom teacher or the Coordinator will call home and produce an ‘At Risk’ form to notify Parents/Guardians of the unsatisfactory work. See page 18 of the Parent Handbook

18 At Risk Process If a student continues to fail to submit the required coursework from the ‘At Risk’ form then the classroom teacher will have no option but to fail that student from their class therefore placing their VCE/VCAL at risk. Ms Hawes or Ms Jacobson will make contact with families to discuss the consequences of a student failing a Unit in Year 11. See page 19 of the Parent Handbook

19 At Risk Process During Year 11 in both VCAL and VCE, there are other ways for a student to become ‘At Risk’.  Absence - makes it difficult for teachers to authenticate the work that the student completes  Lateness – students continually missing substantial periods of time from their lessons See page 20 of the Parent Handbook

20 At Risk Process  Once a student becomes ‘At Risk’ they will have to…  Attend Homework club on a Wednesday or work after school on a Friday in B3  Stay in B2 during all their study periods (Wednesday Week 1 Period 4) to complete the work  Come in before school to complete SACs or necessary coursework  Ask the Classroom teacher to sign the ‘At Risk’ form once all the required work is completed

21 Senior School Expectations  All senior school students are expected to come cass prepared  Textbooks  Workbooks  Charged Netbooks  Senior School Students are all expected to be in complete school uniform. (refer to page 27 in the Parent Handbook)  Significantly out of uniform  Footwear  It is an expectation that all students will complete 2.5 hours of homework / homestudy a day.

22 Senior School Expectations  Meeting deadlines: all students will need to submit both coursework and SACs by the date set by the teacher. (Refer to page 17 of the Parent Handbook)  If a student requires additional time they must approach the teacher of that class OR the senior school PRIOR to the due date and complete an ‘request for extension of time’ form – extensions will only be granted in exceptional circumstances

23 Senior School Expectations  Students in the Senior School will complete exams for all subjects mid year and end of year (refer to page 15 Parent handbook)  Compulsory  If unable to attend the exam (eg Illness with medical certificate / VET) the exam must be rescheduled with the senior school PRIOR to the date  If a student is undertaking a Unit 3 and 4 sequence they will sit exams set by VCAA and all students must also undertake the General Achievement Test (GAT)  GAT Wednesday 12 th June

24 Senior School Expectations  Senior Students are expected to attend a minimum of 90% of all classes (refer to page 23 of the parent handbook)  If Absent when sitting a SAC VCAA requires a medical certificate to be provided.  Authentication: All VCE and VCAL students sign a document at the beginning of the year stating that all work submitted will be their own (refer to page 20 of the parent handbook).  In order for students to be eligible to enter year 12, according our promotions policy, they must successfully complete a minimum of 9 Units


26 Pathway Planning: Our Goals  To provide a successful pathway from school to further education, training or employment.  To provide students with a range of opportunities to support the development of a pathway plan.  To support and encourage students to make the best possible choices for their future.

27 Managed Individual Pathways (MIPs)  3 x ½ day sessions where students will go through  Goal Setting  Study Skills  Summerising and Note taking  TAFE/University/Employment  VTAC  One on one interviews with a senior school teacher once a semester (can occur more often if necessary)

28 Destinations  Our students after graduating Year 12 will move into a range of professions and fields.  University (Higher education)  Melbourne, Monash, Deakin, Victoria, LaTrobe, RMIT and many other private institutions.  TAFE Courses – Certificate level through to Advanced Diplomas.  Employment  Apprenticeships  Traineeships

29 Destinations  One pathway option is to go through SNAP: Student A was really good with her studies throughout the year and became very unwell immediately before her exams she had put in a SNAP application and International studies in RMIT accepted her. Traditionally this course has an ATAR requirement of 95 however she had received 65  Another pathway planning option is to do a PPP: Student B wanted to become a teacher, which is a highly competitive course. The required ATAR of this course is a minimum of 65. This student got an ATAR score of 60 which was close given that we are an ‘under represented school’ but due to his PPP was guaranteed a place in the course.

30 Portfolio Partnerships Program Victoria University  Alternative entry program at Victoria University for Year 12 students, based on a portfolio, not ATAR score.  Available for ALL undergraduate degree courses and Vocational Education Courses. However, to be eligible for degree courses, the student must achieve an ATAR score of 50.  Designed for students who have a HIGH preference for one of VU’s courses.  Applicants are required to submit a portfolio of evidence that indicates a commitment to their proposed area of study.  Over 85% of eligible students who applied through this program in 2012 were successful.

31 Portfolio Requirements  Goals – study and career goals  Work experience and references  Community contributions  Educational achievements  School assessed work  Explanation of why you want to pursue the course  Evidence of your appropriateness for the course. Why should VU select you?

32 SNAP - RMIT  The Schools Network Access Scheme (SNAP) is RMIT’s non-ATAR based equity admissions scheme for Western Metropolitan Schools. This means that selection through SNAP into RMIT programs is not determined by your ATAR score. 1. Applicant statement 2. School Recommendation

33 The Careers Resource Centre  Open to students at recess, lunch time, after school, and in their spares. Students are welcome to pop in, or make appointments to see me during these times.  Access to university and TAFE guides, course and employment information.  Internet access is available for all students to use job search engines, university and TAFE websites, and general word processing to update resumes and application letters.  Parents are invited to make appointments with their children for career counselling and pathway planning support.

34  Helping students achieve their best in Year 11 What can Parents do?

35 Entry into VCE/VCAL Relationships & communication –START EARLY!  Effective connections between teachers, parents and students.  Engage in conversations about school life, encourage communication on both success and challenges  Promote open communication with teachers and encourage students to actively seek assistance  Relationships established between home and the school, will be invaluable for Year 12 – 2014.

36 Surviving Year 11 Time management and study habits  Develop the ability to complete set tasks  Revise content covered in class regularly  Prioritise time effectively and use the study timetables  Ask MIPS teachers for assistance with developing study skills  VET students – Use spare periods effectively, stay at school for study if needed.

37 Surviving Year 11 Health & wellbeing  Encourage healthy eating habits  Promote active lifestyle, engage in physical activity  Balance between school work, part-time work, family and social life.  Providing a quiet and tidy area to study that students can claim as ‘their study space’  Support students in tough times  Utilise services of Student Welfare Coordinators (SWC)

38 School-based strategies  Year 11 study period (Week 1 – Wednesday Period 4) Not just for those students at risk  Homework club – Every Wednesday afternoon 3.15pm  Managed Individual Pathways (MIPs). ½ day sessions & one on one interviews  Careers counseling – Ms MacRae  Motivation / Goal setting (MIPs)  Time management & study timetable assistance

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