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Published byStephanie Pruitt Modified over 11 years ago
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 1 - SST and Ocean Color - A NOAA Perspective Kenneth S. Casey NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center USA - SST and Ocean Color - A NOAA Perspective Kenneth S. Casey NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center USA
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 2 With special thanks to… Marcia Weaks NOAA IOOS Program Office Paul DiGiacomo NOAA/NESDIS Satellite Applications and Research Linda Stathoplos NOAA/NESDIS Office of Satellite Data Production and Distribution The views expressed herein are those of the speakers alone and should not be considered official NOAA or US Government policy.
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 3Overview NOAA is… NOAA and GHRSST NOAA and Ocean Color NOAA IOOS Reflections and Future Directions
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 4 NOAA is many things.. ResearchOperationsApplications Data Stewardship
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 5 NOAA is many things.. ResearchOperations Often there is no over-arching plan coordinating the related activities across different offices Applications Data Stewardship Despite the problems with this approach, there is a certain strength in the diversity
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 6 Strength in Diversity In both SST and Ocean Color, NOAAs activities have evolved organically NOAA groups - regardless of their office - face similar obstacles -Limited funding -Data availability And they share similar goals -To get data into their users hands -To see their products used to societal benefit So there is a (growing) tendency for grass- roots coordination
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 7 NOAA Satellite SST Activities Research -ESRL -STAR -NODC -NCDC Operations -STAR -OSDPD -NCDC -CLASS Applications -STAR -NODC Data Stewardship -NODC -CLASS -NCDC -SWFSC -PMEL And there are even more!!
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 8 NOAA Satellite SST Activities Organically grown, but increasingly linked through GHRSST For example: -STAR-developed GOES algorithms, implemented operationally at OSDPD in GHRSST format, and archived at NODCs GHRSST Long Term Stewardship and Reanalysis Facility -NCDC-developed Daily OI L4 products use NODCs Pathfinder data and are archived at NODC -Those products are then served by PMEL through a Live Access Server to PRIDE community
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 9 NOAA SST Future Directions Preparations underway for VIIRS on NPP and NPOESS STAR and NOAA NPOESS Data Exploitation team considering making our own GHRSST SSTs and/or converting NPOESS IPO- provided data to GHRSST format Commitments to GHRSST at grass roots level remain, and are growing stronger IOOS involvement unclear at moment, but at least will be a major user (more later)
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 10 NOAA SST Future Directions NODC will continue as the GHRSST LTSRF NODC is developing AVHRR Pathfinder capability and will provide both V6 in GHRSST L2P and L3 formats OSDPD will continue GOES L2P OSDPD will create MTSAT L2P (May 2008) OSDPD and STAR may create other GHRSST formatted data (e.g., MetOp AVHRR, POES-GOES blended L4, VIIRS, etc.)
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 11 NOAA and GHRSST GHRSST Awareness is widespread in NOAAs SST community Growing need for international partners is broadly understood in NOAA Through office-level efforts, NOAA is taking its roles in GHRSST very seriously We will continue to play in the international arena… whether it is GCOS, or GOOS, or JCOMM, or IOC, or …?
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 12 NOAA and GHRSST The future looks bright for NOAA and GHRSST!
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 13 NOAA and Ocean Color Reliance on foreign sensors is VERY clearly understood -No current NOAA ocean color sensors -Outlook for VIIRS is, well, ummmm, errr, hmmm… NOAA is increasingly active in ocean color -CoastWatch/OceanWatch and Okeanos -MERIS operational processing -MOBY and Cal/Val
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 14 1 There will be a poster on the NOAA operational Okeanos Ocean Color Processing System at the 2008 Ocean Sciences Meeting in Session #100 on operational oceanography.CoastWatch NOAA Ocean Color Data Processing System (Okeanos 1 ) for NRT SeaWiFS and MODIS data -40 MODIS granules per day for Atlantic, Pacific, and Caribbean -4 SeaWiFS Swath Data Files covering US East Coast, West Coast and Gulf of Mexico (For Authorized NOAA users only) Output products published via Web Server and ftp data server -CoastWatch Web server -FTP server
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 15CoastWatch Products Details -1 km resolution nLw, chl_a, water clarity (Rrs670,Rrs667, K490) -mean and anomaly; daily and multi-day composite; mapped and projected -CoastWatch HDF and image formats (png, GeoTiff) Applications of Products -Harmful Algal Bloom Bulletins -Water quality assessments -Scientific Research -Coastal Resource & Habitat Management
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 16 MERIS at NOAA CoastWatch An effort has begun to deliver MERIS reduced resolution data products operationally by the end of 2008, toward ensuring ocean color data continuity for U.S. coastal waters Daily download L2 data for one orbit; plans to process 2-3 orbits daily for entire CONUS, Create daily mapped Chlorophyll imagery for CoastWatch regions Plan to use 4-day composites to create anomaly products for HABs. 4-day composites provide full coverage of GOM and SE-USA Coastal regions.
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 17 MERIS at NOAA CoastWatch MERIS 60-day MODIS Aqua 60-day 4-day composite is required to give adequate coverage Time series of the mean and standard deviation of the CoastWatch Gulf of Mexico Region for MERIS, SeaWiFS & MODIS-Aqua. (these in agreement) An example of Automated trend tracking QA report (these in agreement)
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 18 NOAA and MOBY Marine Optical BuoY (MOBY) in Hawaii - A Vicarious Calibration Facility On-orbit vicarious calibration with high quality in situ data is necessary for accurate satellite ocean color products, as well as for providing required Climate Quality ocean color products Supported by NASA and NOAA, has been measuring hyperspectral in situ water-leaving radiance since 1997 NOAA has assumed responsibility for MOBY, and is currently funding MOBY operations
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 19 NOAA and MOBY MOBY data have significant contributions to ocean science community: -Only in situ data source used to vicariously calibrate SeaWiFS and MODIS for providing global ocean color products -Contributed to assist in calibration and/or validation activities for other ocean color sensors, e.g., MERIS (ESA), OCTS (Japan), POLDER (France) -Achieved more than ten years high quality in situ ocean optics data for scientific research and applications
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 20 NOAA and MOBY MOBY data can also provide links between products derived from various ocean color sensors, and thus help data merging Vicarious calibration facilities such as MOBY (or more advanced instrument) are required for the future ocean color sensors, e.g., NPOESS/VIIRS
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 21 NOAA OC Future Directions General interest in acquiring high-resolution, well- characterized ocean color data from non-U.S. satellite sensors Near-term interest in acquiring MERIS full resolution & raw data (L1A) and associated sensor characterization and calibration information New & improved techniques for processing & merging data from different sensors, including detailed error characterization Cal/val and data processing collaborations, particularly toward production of climate quality data records
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 22 IOOS/GOOS Connections And now, for something completely different…
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 23 U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System Represents a major shift in approach to ocean observing Draws together the vast network of disparate, federal and non-federal observing systems Produces a cohesive suite of data, information, and products at a sufficient geographic and temporal scale to support decision-making IOOS is the US contribution to the Global Ocean Observing System, which is the ocean component of GEOSS
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 24 NOAA IOOS US IOOS has been around for a number of years, but has floundered - NOAA as lead US agency must provide leadership Enter 2007: NOAA creates its own IOOS Program Office NOAA IOOS hopes to provide that leadership, through a rapid demonstration of integrated datasets leading to societal benefit - the DIF - Data Integration Framework
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 25 Reflections on NOAA IOOS NOAAs IOOS Program is a bit like the GMES Marine Core Services, but has some fundamental differences NOAA IOOS (and CoastWatch) would be interested in something like a coastal GlobCOLOUR (beware Tyranny of the Or) NOAA IOOS has stated publicly that it would like to adopt GHRSST for SSTs There are reasons to be excited, but the future is uncertain…
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 26 Closing Thoughts NOAA and GHRSST -life is good NOAA and GlobCOLOUR? -Hmmm…. -Well…. -Err…. -A proposal: Draft a Submission Agreement
Nov 20-22, 2007: Oslo, Norway 27Takk!Questions?
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