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Published byChloe Ballard Modified over 11 years ago
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 1 Gilbert Barrot, Julien Demaria ACRI-ST
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 2 1 The GlobColour products 3 Data access 2 Processing status Where and how to get the data ? What are the GlobColour parameters ? FPS, DDS and DDS_insitu products Grids and files format Which products are currently available ?
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 3 The GlobColour Parameters Not all parameters are available for all merging methods Methods selected at WS1 Weighted average +GSM for CHL1 All products include error bars and flags Parameters and merging methods
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 4 CHL1 weighted average pre-processing Inverse formulation is available in the Product User Guide The GlobColour Parameters CHL1 AVW 2003 JanFebMarApr MayJunJulAug SepOctNovDec
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 5 CDM (m-1) 2003/05 CDM_MERIS monthly mean 2002/07 CDM_GSM monthly mean CDM is the coloured dissolved and detrital organic materials (m -1 ). Two GlobColour products are generated for FPS: A merged CDM concentration is generated using the GSM model from the daily L3 radiance products of the 3 instruments if available. The other one comes from the MERIS products. MERIS-derived CDM product GSM-derived CDM product The GlobColour Parameters
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 6 BBP (m-1) 2003/05 b bp is the particulate back-scattering coefficient (in m -1 ) at λ 0 = 443nm. The merged b bp concentration is generated using the GSM model. From the initial GlobColour b bp merged product, we have therefore the possibility of generating the following products: b p (m -1 ) = b bp /0.015 TSM (g.m -3 ) = 1.73*b p = 1.73*b bp /0.015 GSM-derived b bp product The GlobColour Parameters 2003/05
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 7 K d (490) is the diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm (m -1 ). It is one indicator of the turbidity of the water column. The merged K d (490) is computed directly from the merged CHL1, using the following equation: with:K w (490) = 0.0166 m -1 = 0.08349 e(490) = 0.63303 (Morel, 2006) The GlobColour Parameters May 2003 Nov. 2003
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 8 Lxxx is the fully normalised water leaving radiances at xxx nm (in mW/cm²/µm/sr). Spectral values are: 412, 443, 490, 510, 531, 550-565, 620, 665-670, 681 and 709 nm. MERIS reflectances (L2 products) are converted into fully normalised water leaving radiances (normalisation is not applied to the MERIS 681 nm fluorescence band and to the 709 nm band.). MODIS-only - MERIS-only - Preprocessing The GlobColour Parameters
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 9 The 550-565 bands are submitted to a specific processing just before averaging to prepare a more consistent merging between the instruments. First of all, all bands are spectrally re-affected to 555 nm, using inter-spectral conversion rules, which are functions of the CHL1 concentration. The GlobColour Parameters L555 July 2002 Weighted average 2002/05
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 10 EL555 is the relative (%) excess of radiance at 555 nm, above a given threshold. The EL555 parameter is computed from the L555 fully normalised water leaving radiance and the CHL1 products. The daily products are computed for each instrument using the associated daily water leaving radiance and daily CHL1, while the merged product is computed from the merged L555 and the merged CHL1 concentration. Details in User Guide The GlobColour Parameters
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 11 CF July 2002 CF is the cloud fraction (expressed in %). daily products: percentage of input pixels per bin flagged as cloudy in the original L2 products 8-days and monthly products: percentage of merged days per bin where the daily cloud fraction is greater than a specified threshold (50% in current processor conf.) Takes into account clouds, ice and high aerosol load contamination The GlobColour Parameters
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 12 The flags The GlobColour Parameters
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 13 Information stored in the products (1): stdev is not computed in the nearest neighbour interpolation process (2): before merging step, error is not provided pixel-wise, but the global relative error (%) coming from the characterisation is saved in metadata (3): stdev is not defined at the output of the merging module. Only error is estimated. (4): error is the output of the weighted average merging model. Only products merged using this method contain the error pixel-wise field; other products does not contain this field. (5): for merged daily, 8-days and monthly products, count is not the number of L2 binned pixels, but the number of days contributing to the bin. So for merged daily products, it is always set to 1. (6): computed from the quadratic sum of the inverse errors of the parents products. (7): quicklook product does not contain any geophysical variable Complete details are available in the GlobColour Product User Guide The GlobColour Parameters
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 14 FPS, DDS and DDS_insitu FPS:global products one parameter per file DDS:local products on specific areas (100x100 km 2 ) all parameters in a single file systematic production DDS_insitu:local products on specific areas all parameters in a single file production linked to in-situ data availability
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 15 GlobColour products are netCDF files Grids and Files Format CDL representation in the PUG
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 16 GlobColour grids Plate-CarréIntegerised Sinusoidal 1 km 0.25° 1.00° 4.6 km All binsOnly valid bins Easy geolocationMore complex Grids and Files Format
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 17 The row(), col(), center_lat(), center_lon() and lon_step() arrays allow an easier conversion of the bin index into geographical coordinates. Equations to compute center longitude and latitude for a bin b: index = row(b) – first_row (first_row is a global attribute) lat(b) = center_lat( index ) lon(b) = center_lon( index ) + col(b) * lon_step( index ) Grids and Files Format
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 18 and any external tools using netCDF reader and ISIN / PC grid definition Tools to browse/plot ISIN and PC products are available on the GlobColour web site Grids and Files Format
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 19 1 The GlobColour products 3 Data access 2 Processing status Where and how to get the data ? What are the GlobColour parameters ? FPS, DDS and DDS_insitu products Grids and file formats Which products are currently available ?
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 20 MODIS 1.1 SeaWiFS 5.1 MERIS 2.0/Q Level 2 products 1997 … 2006 PC - 1km ISIN – 4km Track Not mergedDDS ISIN - 4kmDay Not mergedDDS ISIN - 4kmDay MergedDDS PC - 1km ISIN – 4km Track Not mergedDDS in-situ ISIN - 4kmDay Not mergedDDS in-situ ISIN - 4kmDay MergedDDS in-situ GlobColour processor Processing Status
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 21 ISIN – 4km 8-days Monthly MergedFPS ISIN - 4kmDay MergedFPS GlobColour processor PC – 25km PC – 100 km Day MergedFPS PC – 25km PC – 100km 8-days Monthly MergedFPS Disk storage Archive ftp server web server Processing Status
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 22 L3b684911/24° L3m1369820.25° & 1.00° png684910.25° L3m TR999341 km L3b TR1015411/24° L3b DAY2800281/24° L3m TR66911 km L3b TR67691/24° L3b DAY162291/24° fps dds dds_insitu Processing Status
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 23 MERIS data 04/2002 – end 2006 MODIS data 06/2002 – end 2006 FPS 1.0 SeaWiFS data 09/1997 – end 2002 Merged products 3 instruments only for 2002 Processing Status
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 24 Extention to end 2006 on distribution servers before Xmas MERIS data 04/2002 – end 2006 MODIS data 06/2002 – end 2006 FPS 1.1 SeaWiFS data 09/1997 – end 2006 Processing Status
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 25 MERIS data 04/2002 – end 2007 MODIS data 06/2002 – end 2007 FPS 2.0 SeaWiFS data 09/1997 – end 2007 Available in 2008 Start of NRT service demonstration Processing Status
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 26 1 The GlobColour products 3 Data access 2 Processing status Where and how to get the data ? Which products are currently available ? What are the GlobColour parameters ? FPS, DDS and DDS_insitu products Grids and file formats
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 27 Data Access ftpweb (*) All products Tree structureSelection (GUI) No extractionExtraction GlobColour web siteAvailable early 2008 Data Access
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 28 Any ftp client Data Access ftp data access 2 ways… at least… Wget Unix command wget -r -l10 -t10 -A "L3m*_25_*CHL1_MO*.gz" -w3 -Q1000m \ All CHL1 monthly quicklooks at 25 km resolution GlobColour products filenames are described in the PUG
GlobColour / Medspiration User Consultation, November 20-22, 2007, Oslo, Norway Session 2 – GlobColour Products – Processing and Data Access GlobColour Products Processing and Data Access 29 Thank you for your attention
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