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The 1968 Election Lyndon Johnson did not run for re-election. Democratic Party split. Robert Kennedy assassinated. Hubert Humphrey nominated. Nixon vowed.

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Presentation on theme: "The 1968 Election Lyndon Johnson did not run for re-election. Democratic Party split. Robert Kennedy assassinated. Hubert Humphrey nominated. Nixon vowed."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 1968 Election Lyndon Johnson did not run for re-election. Democratic Party split. Robert Kennedy assassinated. Hubert Humphrey nominated. Nixon vowed to restore law and order, and to end the war in Vietnam

2 “Vietnamization” of the War Nixon’s plan for “peace with honor.” Let South Vietnam do most of the actual fighting. Reduced U.S. troops steadily from 1969 – 1973.

3 Continued U.S. Involvement Nixon ordered invasion of Cambodia in 1970. Continued bombing of North Vietnam (the “mad bomber”). Hope to bring them to the negotiations table.

4 Problems and Protest Back Home The My Lai Massacre: A company of American soldiers brutally killed the majority of the population of the South Vietnamese village of My Lai in March 1968. In 1970, a U.S. Army board charged 14 officers of crimes related to the events at My Lai; only one was convicted. Led to further opposition to the war and greater division at home.

5 The My Lai Massacre

6 Kent State In response to the invasion of Cambodia, colleges burst out in protests, 1.5 million students closed more than 1,200 campuses On May 4 th, 1970 at Kent State University, the National Guard opened fire on protestors after the ROTC building was burned down and rocks were thrown at the National Guard. 4 were killed, nine wounded.

7 Kent State University

8 U.S. Pulls out of the War – March of 1973 All U.S. troops left Vietnam. The war between the North and South continued for two more years. Threat of renewed U.S. bombing kept North Vietnam from conquering South Vietnam. Nixon resigned in 1974 due to the Watergate scandal.

9 North Vietnam captures Saigon – August 1975. South Vietnam surrendered. Vietnam united under Communist Rule.

10 The Fall of Saigon

11 Painful Legacy of Vietnam There were no victory parades for Vietnam Vets Many faced bitterness and hostility (“baby killers”) 15% of US soldiers developed post traumatic stress disorder US Casualties – 58,123 killed – 304,000 wounded – 3.3 million served 2-3 million Vietnamese were killed, and chemicals like agent orange have polluted the environment and caused birth defects and cancer, 400,000 re-educated by the communists The Communists forced 1.5 million people out of Vietnam, 50,000 boat people perished Cambodia’s civil war in which Khmer Rouge led by Pol Pot killed 1 million Cambodians

12 Lasting Legacies of Vietnam The US abolished the draft In Nov. 1973 Congress passes The War Powers Act – President must inform Congress within 48 hrs. of sending forces – Troops cannot remain longer than 90 days without authorization from Congress POW/MIA – 591 POWs released – 2,200 MIA – In 1993, a list of 1,205 POWs turns up in Soviet archive

13 1982: The Wall The Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial unveiled in Washington, DC

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