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Veterans Day. Vocabulary Patriot Veteran Why would we want to honor and celebrate these people?

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Presentation on theme: "Veterans Day. Vocabulary Patriot Veteran Why would we want to honor and celebrate these people?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Veterans Day

2 Vocabulary Patriot Veteran Why would we want to honor and celebrate these people?

3 Veterans day November 11 Assembly on Veterans Day - Welcome veterans from our community - Thank them for their service

4 Veterans day Memorial Veterans are celebrated and honored all across the country. One way in which we do this is through art. Maya Lin – Professional artist – Designed the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. – Through her art, she found a way to enshrine the fallen, honor their sacrifice, and gave everyone a place to remember their lives.

5 Veterans day Memorial

6 Veterans day Project Writing thank you letters to soldiers and veterans. We are not writing to specific people – instead think of the values that soldiers embody. What are some of these values?

7 Veterans day Project 1.Write a rough draft of your letter. 2.Have me approve it. 3.Get final draft paper. (Remember to write neatly and carefully. This is still an art project and we want it to look nice.) 4.When all the letters are complete, we will collage them into decorations for the assembly. Today’s OBJECTIVE: You will be able to write a letter using correct grammar, punctuation and spelling. Your letter will be a part of a school-wide collage dedicated to veterans.

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