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A Comparison of Approaches to Large-Scale Data Analysis Erik Paulson Computer Sciences Department.

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1 A Comparison of Approaches to Large-Scale Data Analysis Erik Paulson Computer Sciences Department

2 For later this afternoon Some citations for things I’ll mention today spring12.html

3 Today’s Class Quick Overview of Big Data, Parallel Databases and MapReduce Controversy, or what happens when a blog gets out of hand A comparison of approaches to large scale data analysis

4 Lots of data Google processes 20 PB a day (2008) Wayback Machine has 3 PB + 100 TB/month (3/2009) Facebook has 2.5 PB of user data + 15 TB/day (4/2009) eBay has 6.5 PB of user data + 50 TB/day (5/2009) CERN’s LHC will generate 15 PB a year This slide courtesy of Professor Jimmy Lin of UMD, from “Data-Intensive Information Processing Applications”

5 Not Just Internet Companies A new “leg” of science? Experiment, Theory Simulation, and “Data Exploration” or “in-ferro”? Ocean Observatories, Ecological Observatories (NEON) Sloan Digital Sky Survey, Large Synoptic Survey Telescope

6 More Big Data Netflix and Amazon recommendations Fraud detection Google auto-suggest, translation –Also, which ad should you be shown Full corpus studies in Humanities Coming soon to campus: early academic intervention

7 It doesn’t have to be “Big” Megabytes are still interesting –moving to the web has made integration much easier –Tools are better –Making statistics sexy More examples –2012 campaigns –Mashups –Crisis Response – Ushahidi

8 Speed-up and Scale-up Performance Challenges: –Run lots of transactions quickly –Run a single large query quickly – our focus today “Speed-up” – 2 times the hardware, same work, ½ the time to finish “Scale-up” – 2 times the hardware, 2 times the work, same time to finish

9 How do we get data to the workers? Compute Nodes NAS SAN What’s the problem here? This slide courtesy of Professor Jimmy Lin of UMD, from “Data-Intensive Information Processing Applications”

10 Distributed File System Don’t move data to workers… move workers to the data! –Store data on the local disks of nodes in the cluster –Start up the workers on the node that has the data local Why? –Not enough RAM to hold all the data in memory –Disk access is slow, but disk throughput is reasonable A distributed file system is the answer –GFS (Google File System) for Google’s MapReduce –HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) for Hadoop This slide courtesy of Professor Jimmy Lin of UMD, from “Data-Intensive Information Processing Applications”

11 GFS: Assumptions Commodity hardware over “exotic” hardware –Scale “out”, not “up” High component failure rates –Inexpensive commodity components fail all the time “Modest” number of huge files –Multi-gigabyte files are common, if not encouraged Files are write-once, mostly appended to –Perhaps concurrently Large streaming reads over random access –High sustained throughput over low latency GFS slides adapted from material by (Ghemawat et al., SOSP 2003) This slide courtesy of Professor Jimmy Lin of UMD, from “Data-Intensive Information Processing Applications”

12 GFS: Design Decisions Files stored as chunks –Fixed size (64MB) Reliability through replication –Each chunk replicated across 3+ chunkservers Single master to coordinate access, keep metadata –Simple centralized management No data caching –Little benefit due to large datasets, streaming reads Simplify the API –Push some of the issues onto the client (e.g., data layout) HDFS = GFS clone (same basic ideas) This slide courtesy of Professor Jimmy Lin of UMD, from “Data-Intensive Information Processing Applications”

13 From GFS to HDFS Terminology differences: –GFS master = Hadoop namenode –GFS chunkservers = Hadoop datanodes Functional differences: –No file appends in HDFS (planned feature) –HDFS performance is (likely) slower For the most part, we’ll use the Hadoop terminology… This slide courtesy of Professor Jimmy Lin of UMD, from “Data-Intensive Information Processing Applications”

14 Adapted from (Ghemawat et al., SOSP 2003) (file name, block id) (block id, block location) instructions to datanode datanode state (block id, byte range) block data HDFS namenode HDFS datanode Linux file system … HDFS datanode Linux file system … File namespace /foo/bar block 3df2 Application HDFS Client HDFS Architecture This slide courtesy of Professor Jimmy Lin of UMD, from “Data-Intensive Information Processing Applications”

15 Horizontal Partitioning DATE AMOUNT 2009-03-02 $10.00 2007-12-13 $25.00 2008-04-19 $53.00 2008-01-19 $12.00 2008-05-20 $45.00 2009-03-21 $99.00 2009-01-18 $15.00 Server image from

16 Partitioning Options Round-Robin: When a new tuple comes in, put it at the next node, wrap around when needed Range Partition: Similar data goes to same node –Partition by date, ID range, etc –Not always clear how to pick boundaries! Hash Partition: Apply hash f() to attributes to decide node –Hash on join key means all joins are local

17 Parallel Databases: Three Key Techniques Data partitioning between storage nodes Pipelining of tuples between operators Partitioned Execution of relational operators across multiple processors Need new operators: split(shuffle) and merge

18 Pipelining SELECT S.sname from RESERVES R JOIN SAILORS S on S.SID = R.SID where = 100 AND S.rating > 5 ReservesSailors Bid = 100Rating > 5 S.sid = R.sid sname Node 1

19 Pipelining – with partitioning, splitting, and merging SELECT S.sname from RESERVES R JOIN SAILORS S on S.SID = R.SID where = 100 AND S.rating > 5 ReservesSailors Bid = 100Rating > 5 S.sid = R.sid sname Node 1 Merge Split ReservesSailors Bid = 100Rating > 5 S.sid = R.sid sname Node 2 Merge Split Merge

20 Massively parallel data processing Programming Model vs. Execution Platform Programs consist of only two functions: Map( ) → list( ) Reduce(k2, list(v2)) → (k3, list(v3)) Often, you’d like k2 and k3 to be the same so you can apply reduce to intermediate results MapReduce Overview

21 namenode daemon Putting everything together… datanode daemon Linux file system … tasktracker slave node datanode daemon Linux file system … tasktracker slave node datanode daemon Linux file system … tasktracker slave node namenodejob submission node jobtracker This slide courtesy of Professor Jimmy Lin of UMD, from “Data-Intensive Information Processing Applications”

22 CITY AMOUNT Los Angles $19.00 San Fran $25.00 Verona $53.00 Houston $12.00 El Paso $45.00 Waunakee $99.00 Cupertino $15.00 CITY AMOUNT Dallas $10.00 San Diego $25.00 Madison $53.00 Eau Claire $12.00 Austin $45.00 San Jose $99.00 San Diego $15.00 MapReduce Example Input A B MapOutput TEXAS Houston,$12 El Paso,$45 CAL Los Angeles,$19 San Fran,$25, Cupertino,$15 WISC Verona, $53 Waunakee,$ 99 TEXAS Dallas,$10 Austion,$45 CAL San Diego,$25 San Jose,$99, San Diego,$15 WISC Madison, $53 Eau Claire,$12 A B Reduce Workers TEXAS Houston,$12 El Paso,$45 CAL Los Angeles,$19 San Fran,$25, Cupertino,$15 WISC Verona, $53 Waunakee,$ 99 TEXAS Dallas,$10 Austion,$45 CAL San Diego,$25 San Jose,$99, San Diego,$15 WISC Madison, $53 Eau Claire,$12 C D Texas $112 WISC $217 Cal $198 Reduce Output A E

23 The Data Center Is The Computer “ I predict MapReduce will inspire new ways of thinking about the design and programming of large distributed systems. If MapReduce is the first instruction of the ‘data center computer,’ I can’t wait to see the rest of the instruction set…” -David Patterson Communications of the ACM (January 2008)

24 kerfuffle |k ə r ˈ f ə f ə l| (noun): A commotion or fuss

25 Timeline, continued MapReduce or Parallel Database Management Systems (pDBMS) can be used to analyze large datasets, so appropriate to compare them Proposed a few thought experiments for simple benchmarks

26 Timeline, continued Better understand each system through a comparison

27 My SIGMOD and CACM Co-Authors  Daniel Abadi (Yale)  David DeWitt (Microsoft)  Samuel Madden* (MIT)  Andrew Pavlo* (Brown)  Alexander Rasin (Brown)  Michael Stonebraker (MIT) * (Primary creators of these slides – Thanks!)

28 Shared Features “Shared Nothing” –Cluster fault tolerance –Push plans to local node –Hash or other partitioning for parallelism MapReduce ancestors –Functional programming –Systems community pDBMS ancestors –Many 80s research projects

29 Differences: Data MapReduce operates on in-situ data, without requiring transformations or loading Schemas: –MapReduce doesn’t require them, DBMSs do –Easy to write simple MR problems –No logical data independence –Google is addressing this with Protocol Buffers, see “MapReduce: A Flexible Data Processing Tool” in January 2010 CACM

30 Differences: Programming Model Common to write chain of MapReduce jobs to perform a task –Analogous to multiple joins/subqueries in DBMSs No built-in optimizer in MapReduce to order or unnest steps Indexing in MapReduce –Possible, but up to the programmer –No optimizer or statistics to select good plan at runtime

31 Differences: Intermediate Results MapReduce writes intermediate results to disk pDBMS usually pushes results to next stage immediately MapReduce trades speed for mid-query fault tolerance –Either system could make other decision –See “MapReduce Online” from Berkeley

32 MapReduce and Databases  Understand loading and execution behaviors for common processing tasks.  Large-scale data access (>1TB):  Analytical query workloads  Bulk loads  Non-transactional  Benchmark  Tasks that either system should execute well

33 Details 100 node Linux cluster at Wisconsin –Compression enabled in all systems Hadoop –0.19.0, Java 1.6 DBMS-X –Parallel shared-nothing row store from a major vendor –Hash-partitioned, sorted and indexed Vertica –Parallel shared-nothing column-oriented database –sorted beneficially XXX

34 Grep Task  Find 3-byte pattern in 100-byte record  1 match per 10,000 records  Data set:  10-byte unique key, 90-byte value  1TB spread across 25, 50, or 100 nodes  10 billion records  Original MR Paper (Dean et al 2004)  Speedup experiment

35 Grep Task: Data Load Times (Seconds) 1TB of data, distributed over nodes

36 Grep Task: Query Time 1TB of data, distributed over nodes (Seconds) -Near Linear speedup -DBMSs helped by compression and fast parsing

37 Analysis Tasks  Simple web processing schema  Data set:  600k HTML Documents (6GB/node)  155 million UserVisit records (20GB/node)  18 million Rankings records (1GB/node) Full Details of schema in paper

38 Aggregation Task  Scaleup Experiment  Simple query to find adRevenue by IP prefix SELECT SUBSTR(sourceIP, 1, 7), SUM(adRevenue) FROM userVistits GROUP BY SUBSTR(sourceIP, 1, 7)

39 Aggregation Task: Query Time

40 Other Tasks Paper reports selection (w/index) and join tasks –pDBMSs outperform Hadoop on these Vertica does very well on some tasks thanks to column-oriented nature Hadoop join code non-trivial

41 UDF task –One iteration of simplified pagerank UDF support disappointingly awful in pDBMSs benchmarked –Vertica: no support –DBMS-X: buggy Other systems could be better

42 Discussion Hadoop was much easier to set up –But by end of CACM 2010, we gave it as much tuning as other systems Hadoop load times can be faster –“Few-off” processings, ETL Hadoop query times are slower –Parsing, validating, and boxing data –Execution Method

43  Hadoop is slow to start executing programs:  10 seconds until first Map starts.  25 seconds until all 100 nodes are executing.  7 buffer copies per record before reaching Map function [1].  Parallel DBMSs are always “warm” [1] The Anatomy of Hadoop I/O Pipeline - August 27 th, 2009 Hadoop Task Execution

44  Hadoop has to parse/cast values every time:  SequenceFiles provide serialized key/value.  Multi-attribute values must still handled by user code.  DBMSs parse records at load time:  Allows for efficient storage and retrieval. Repetitive Data Parsing

45 Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat MapReduce: A Flexible Data Processing Tool CACM’10 Key points: Flaws in benchmark. Fault-tolerance in large clusters. Data Parsing MapReduce the model versus implementation Google’s Response

46 MR can load and execute queries in the same time that it takes DBMS-X just to load. Alternatives to reading all of the input data: Select files based on naming convention. Use alternative storage (BigTable). Combining final reduce output. Google’s Response: Flaws

47 Largest known database installations: Greenplum – 96 nodes – 4.5 PB (eBay) [1] Teradata – 72 nodes – 2+ PB (eBay) [1] Largest known MR installations: Hadoop – 3658 nodes – 1 PB (Yahoo) [2] Hive – 600+ nodes – 2.5 PB (Facebook) [3] [1] eBay’s two enormous data warehouses – April 30 th, 2009 [2] Hadoop Sorts a Petabyte in 16.25 Hours and a Terabyte in 62 Seconds – May 11 th, 2009 [3] Hive - A Petabyte Scale Data Warehouse using Hadoop – June 10 th, 2009 Google’s Response: Cluster Size

48 MapReduce enables parallel computations not easily performed in a DBMS: Stitching satellite images for Google Earth. Generating inverted index for Google Search. Processing road segments for Google Maps. Programming Model vs. Execution Platform Google’s Response: Functionality

49 Our CACM Takeaway – A Sweetspot for ETL “Read Once” data sets: Read data from several different sources. Parse and clean. Perform complex transformations. Decide what attribute data to store. Load the information into a DBMS. Allows for quick-and-dirty data analysis.

50 Big Data in the Cloud Age For about minimum wage, you can have a 100 node cluster –Preconfigured to run Hadoop jobs, no less! People will use what’s available –The cheaper the better The database community did (does) not have a cheap and ready to download answer for this environment

51 Take away MapReduce goodness: –Ease of use, immediate results –Attractive fault tolerance –Applicability to other domains –Fast Load Times and in-situ data Database goodness: –Fast query times –Schemas, indexing, transactions, declarative languages –Supporting tools and enterprise features

52 Where are we today Hadoop improvements: –YARN: More flexible execution environment –Better data encoding options: ORCFile, Parquet –Hive and Impala run hot –System catalogs and query optimizers DBMS Improvements: –More expressive, syntax to run MapReduce –External Tables on Distributed Filesystems –Multi Cluster aware/Query planners may run MapReduce jobs

53 Pipelining SELECT S.sname from RESERVES R JOIN SAILORS S on S.SID = R.SID where = 100 AND S.rating > 5 ReservesSailors Bid = 100Rating > 5 S.sid = R.sid sname Node 1

54 Extra slides

55 Pipelining – with partitioning, splitting, and merging SELECT S.sname from RESERVES R JOIN SAILORS S on S.SID = R.SID where = 100 AND S.rating > 5 ReservesSailors Bid = 100Rating > 5 S.sid = R.sid sname Node 1 Merge Split ReservesSailors Bid = 100Rating > 5 S.sid = R.sid sname Node 2 Merge Split Merge

56 Backup slide #1 Implementation Refinement Aggregation Task (50 nodes) Expanded schemas Community Feedback Compression 64-bit Version New Version Code Tuning JVM Reuse

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