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New L2P and L3 at MF/CMS P.LeBorgne, F.Orain, A.Marsouin, H.Roquet MF/DP/CMS, Lannion.

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Presentation on theme: "New L2P and L3 at MF/CMS P.LeBorgne, F.Orain, A.Marsouin, H.Roquet MF/DP/CMS, Lannion."— Presentation transcript:

1 New L2P and L3 at MF/CMS P.LeBorgne, F.Orain, A.Marsouin, H.Roquet MF/DP/CMS, Lannion

2 New L2P L3 New L2P L3 in MERSEA From MERSEA to MyOcean

3 Next L2P 2009: hourly SEVIRI and GOES L2?P (at present internal to CMS/MERSEA) GRIDDED or not?

4 L3 at CMS: Present status in MERSEA Le Borgne et al, 2006, Mersea report Polar orbiters: -AATSR -NOAA-17 -NOAA-18 -AMSRE -TMI Geostationary: -GOES-E -SEVIRI Analysis (L4) Other users? Data available in real time through MERSEA (ftp IFREMER) Synthesis + Correction L3

5 Method (overview) Sensor i 1)Collection 2)Remapping 3)Synthesis over time 4)Correction Merging L3 (i), unique per sensor L3 (merged) Zone (Atl., global,..) + time window (1day, 3 days,…) Principles: -Synthesize information -Best quality -Traceability at pixel level: Origin (which sensor) Original lat lon Confidence level SSES Applied correction (if any)

6 Method : Correction 1) Sensor-AATSR Over the last ~10 days 2) Alalysis of the differences On a 5° grid 3) Interpolation To fine resolution: Correction of the day

7 Method : Merging A priori hierarchy of sensors traceability

8 L3: validation overview ……… L2PsAATSR L2PsBuoys..MSG L2PsNOAA-17 L2Ps AATSR L3Buoys L3NOAA-17 L3……… L3..MSG L3 UNCORRECTED Merged L3 AATSR L3Buoys L3NOAA-17 L3……… L3..MSG L3 CORRECTED validationcomparisoncorrectioncomparisoncontrolvalidation

9 L3: validation results over the Atlantic Validation Control Routine production since 01/01/07

10 L3: validation results Comparison with AVHRR18_G Inter Comparison of OSI-SAF products

11 L3: correction validation results SEVIRI-AATSR as a function of time and latitude before correction

12 L3: correction validation results SEVIRI-ATSR as a function of time and latitude after correction

13 From MERSEA … CMS MERSEA database ( –Available in real time trough the MERSEA ftp site at IFREMER –One year completed by March 2008, –Daily collated for: Polar orbiters: -AATSR -NOAA-17 -NOAA-18 -AMSRE -TMI Geostationary: -GOES-E -SEVIRI Buoys

14 …to Myocean MyOcean –Addition of METOP and MODIS SST –Collated down to 0.02 degree resolution –Over the European seas –For fine resolution analysis






20 Conclusion Correction with AATSR shows satisfying results in MERSEA Limitations: –Cloud cover ? –Limited swath –Assumptions: large scale (several degrees)/ slowly varying (several days) errors: not right everywhere Do need R&D effort One full year database available next March MyOcean: prototype in construction

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