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RrSG Meeting Singapore 2011 Registrar Liaison Team.

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Presentation on theme: "RrSG Meeting Singapore 2011 Registrar Liaison Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 RrSG Meeting Singapore 2011 Registrar Liaison Team

2 Agenda Review of the Past Year Current Initiatives/Activities On the Horizon How Can We Better Serve 2

3 3 Key Activities Over the Past Year

4 Key Activities Over Past Year Development of Registrar Training Program Enhanced Accreditation Application Process – Revised/Updated Accreditation Application & Instructions Translations of registrar-related web pages and documents 4

5 5 Current Activities/Initiatives

6 Current Initiatives/Activities Roll-out of Training Program Registrant Rights & Responsibilities Enhanced Due Diligence Review for Accreditation Process New Translations RDE gTLD Accreditation 6

7 Current Initiatives/Activities Roll-out of Training Program – Beta-testing with volunteer registrars completed last week – Community-wide rollout/availability after Singapore Meeting – Translations scheduled to be completed by end of June – Registrar deadline for completion t.b.d. 7

8 Current Initiatives/Activities Registrant Rights & Responsibilities – ICANN will be posting the Registrant Rights/Responsibilities on its website after Singapore – Notification will be sent to all accredited Registrars once webpage has been published – Under RAA Section 3.15 Registrars are required to provide and clearly display a link to this webpage on any website it may operate for domain name registration or renewal – Registrars will have 30 days to comply once notification is received 8

9 Current Initiatives/Activities Translations – Continuing translations of key registrar-related web pages and policies on ICANN website – Translated into: 5 U.N. languages Korean & Japanese – Next set of translations posted by June 30 Includes Statement of Registrar Accreditation Policy, Registrar Accreditation: Application Instructions, Registrar Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy – Staff will monitor any revisions/updates in original pages and policies to ensure that translations are also accurate and updated 9

10 Current Initiatives/Activities Other Department Projects – Enhanced Due Diligence Review for Accreditation Process Includes increase in application fee to US $3,500 effective 1 July 2011 – Iron Mountain Contract Expires 1 November 2011 Renewal and options under consideration –.xxx gTLD Accreditation 10

11 11 On the Horizon

12 Operational Readiness for new gTLDs – Automation of gTLD appendices and accreditation applications – Other aspects affecting staffing and department structure needed to fully address community needs 12

13 13 Registrar Liaison Department Is Here for You

14 Some of What We Do Perform two-way communication role Represent Registrar concerns within ICANN and community Interface with Compliance and Policy teams to help ensure understanding of Registrar business models 14

15 Some of What We Do Host Regional Events Communicate issues of importance to the Chair of the RrSG for distribution to members Manage Bank Account for RrSG Manage Annual Fee Approval Process 15

16 What Can We Do Better? What concerns need to be addressed? How can we better serve the RrSG and the larger Registrar Community? Other Feedback/Suggestions 16

17 Thank You

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