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Module 1: Unit 3, Session 3 MODULE 1: MODULE 1: ADOLESCENT READING, WRITING, AND THINKING Adolescent Literacy – Professional Development Unit 3, Session.

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Presentation on theme: "Module 1: Unit 3, Session 3 MODULE 1: MODULE 1: ADOLESCENT READING, WRITING, AND THINKING Adolescent Literacy – Professional Development Unit 3, Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module 1: Unit 3, Session 3 MODULE 1: MODULE 1: ADOLESCENT READING, WRITING, AND THINKING Adolescent Literacy – Professional Development Unit 3, Session 3


3 Module 1: Unit 3, Session 3 Essential Questions  Module 1 Question  What do we know about how teens learn from text and how can we use that to improve our practice?  Unit 3, Session 3 Questions  What are the skills that our students will need in order to be competitive in a global market?  Are our students well prepared to compete with other teens internationally? 3

4 Module 1: Unit 3, Session 3 Warm-Up  Look at the list of skills below. Think about which are the most important for students who will be looking for work locally or globally in today’s economy.  Creativity and innovation  Critical thinking and problem solving  Communication and collaboration  Information literacy  Media literacy  ICT (Information, Communication and Technology) literacy From 4

5 Module 1: Unit 3, Session 3 Warm-Up  Now think about how well your school community provides support for the development of these skills.  Creativity and innovation  Critical thinking and problem solving  Communication and collaboration  Information literacy  Media literacy  ICT (Information, Communication and Technology) literacy From 5

6 Module 1: Unit 3, Session 3 What do Employers Need? Casner-Lotto, J., & Barrington, L. (2006) 6

7 Module 1: Unit 3, Session 3 National Data 7

8 Module 1: Unit 3, Session 3 Percent of Employers’ Rating of Each Basic Skill as “Very Important” for High school Graduates SkillPercentage Reading comprehension62.5% English language61.8% Writing in English49.4% Mathematics30.4% Foreign language11.0% Science9.0% 8

9 Module 1: Unit 3, Session 3 Percent of Employers’ Rating of Each Applied Skill as “Very Important” for High School Graduates SkillPercentage Professionalism/Work ethic62.5% Teamwork/Collaboration61.8% Oral communications49.4% Ethics/Social responsibility30.4% 9

10 Module 1: Unit 3, Session 3 So, How Do Our 4 th Graders Stack Up? JurisdictionPIRLS Score All Jurisdictions500 Russian Federation565 Hong Kong564 Canada, Alberta560 Canada, British Columbia558 Singapore558 Luxembourg557 Hungary551 Italy551 Netherlands547 United states540 England539 Taiwan535 10

11 Module 1: Unit 3, Session 3 And How Do Our 15- Year-Old Students Stack Up? JurisdictionPISA Score All Juristictions494 Finland543 Korea534 Canada528 Australia525 New Zealand522 Ireland515 Sweden514 Netherlands513 France496 United States495 Denmark492 Iceland491 11

12 Module 1: Unit 3, Session 3 What Do We Need to Do?  Darling-Hammond, L. (2007). Building a System of Powerful Teaching and Learning. Building a 21 st Century US Education System, 65-74.  What innovations can we adopt at the school or district level to support our students? 12

13 Module 1: Unit 3, Session 3 Further study Autor, D., Levy, F., & Murnane, R. (2003). The Skill Content of Recent Technological Change: An empirical exploration*. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 118(4), 1279-1333. Casner-Lotto, J., & Barrington, L. (2006). Are they ready to work? Employers’ perspectives on the basic knowledge and applied skills on new entrants to the 21st century US workforce. New York, NY: Conference Board, Partnerhsip for 21st Century Skills, Corporate Voices for Working Families, & Society for Human Resource Managment. Dede, C., Korte, S., Nelson, R., Valdez, G., & Ward, D. (2005). Transforming learning for the 21st century: An economic imperative. Naperville, IL: Learning Point Associates. Retrieved April, 24, 2007. Friedman, T. (2007). The world is flat: A brief history of the twenty-first century: Douglas & McIntyre. Murnane, R., Willett, J., & Levy, F. (1995). The growing importance of cognitive skills in wage determination. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 77(2), 251-266. Provasnik, S., Gonzales, P., & Miller, D. (2009). US Performance Across International Assessments of Student Achievement: Special Supplement to The Condition of Education 2009. NCES 2009-083. National Center for Education Statistics, 110. 13

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