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Research Like a Librarian: Advanced Internet Research and Critical Evaluation, with a Little FOIL and RSS Thrown in if We've Got Time Radical ReferenceRadical.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Like a Librarian: Advanced Internet Research and Critical Evaluation, with a Little FOIL and RSS Thrown in if We've Got Time Radical ReferenceRadical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Like a Librarian: Advanced Internet Research and Critical Evaluation, with a Little FOIL and RSS Thrown in if We've Got Time Radical ReferenceRadical Reference at the Grassroots Media ConferenceGrassroots Media Conference 2006 Jenna Freedman and Julie Tozer

2 Librarians Internet Index Dogpile Advanced Google, including Google Scholar and Googling to the Max Advanced GoogleGoogle ScholarGoogling to the Max NYPL and Brooklyn Public Library online resources NYPLBrooklyn Public Library Government Documents, aka getting into research libraries – state, federal, and international government documents guide from Columbia Universitygovernment documents guide Columbia Journalism Library Site and BlogSite Blog Advanced Internet Research

3 Authority/author/credibility/accuracy Purpose/audience Scope (depth/breadth) Currency (update frequency) External links Uniqueness Availability (free or registration required?) Context critical evaluation of web resources

4 How to file a FOIL request – Elements of letter full addresses for both parties, date FOIL request statement fee ceiling details of content sought and range of dates to be covered request that they obey the law regarding answering your request and that if they won't give you the info that they give a reason why not – Certified mail & fax – Copy the Committee on Open Government Freedom of Information Act FOIA and FOIL

5 Aggregators: web vs. software – Bloglines (web) Bloglines – Liferea (free opensource software) Liferea Search blog content – Feedster Feedster Non blog content – Open Directory Project Open Directory Project – Chronicle of Higher Education Chronicle of Higher Education – New York Times New York Times – Find Articles Find Articles – Yahoo Feeds, Yahoo News RSS Yahoo FeedsYahoo News RSS – Journals Journals RSS

6 Ask Radical Reference or RRNYC This presentation online Look for us in the streets during demonstrations. Well be wearing stuff with the Radical Reference logo. etc.

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