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Learning & the Internet Linda Behling Gillis, Ed.S. Region 4 ESC.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning & the Internet Linda Behling Gillis, Ed.S. Region 4 ESC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning & the Internet Linda Behling Gillis, Ed.S. Region 4 ESC

2 Reading & the Internet Scans Skips Retrieves Leaves scans pages for titles/headlines (79%) exits and/or bookmarks site reads desired info/or prints documents selects information/ignores rest

3 Did you know ? Comprehension from a computer monitor is 20% less 25% slower Reading from a computer monitor is Using Microsoft’s Clear Type font enhancement technology may increase reading speeds off screen by 5%. 1.To turn on…in Windows XP Right-click on Desktop, select Properties 2.Click the Appearance tab 3.Click the Effects button 4.Click the checkbox Use the following method to smooth edges of font screens 5.Select ClearType from drop menu 6.Click OK

4 Did you know ? People do not learn from words alone TextAudioVisual 7%7% 38 % Read Slower 55 % Fear of Words Who is your audience?

5 Internet Usability Issues flat information, long, wide pages visually structured, scannable layouts complex sentences, wordiness, long paragraphs concise text, objective language, short paragraphs implicit purposeexplicit purpose DislikeLike

6 Shifting the Paradigm long complex sentences short sentences (less than 25 words) short paragraphs (6 to 8 sentences) get to the point lengthy paragraphs build up to case FromTo

7 Inverting the Pyramid Establishing Foundation Supporting Information Discuss Options Analyze problem Conclusion/Summary Traditional End Begin

8 Inverting the Pyramid Conclusion Analyze Problem Discuss Options Supporting Information Establishing Foundation Internet Style End Begin

9 Adapting Text Material –remove excess –remove chit-chat –remove lengthy intros –remove fancy language Cut word count in half

10 Adapting Text Material Group Information –develop manageable units –label each chunk of information –avoid more than 5 to 7 chunks per unit

11 Adapting Text Material use bullets and tables use advanced organizers use short paragraphs use spacing & margins use boldface & color for emphasis use links to pages

12 Adapting Material for ADA use appropriate colors –strong contrast select colors far apart or opposite on color wheel never use red and green together (visually impaired are often red/green color blind) select colors of opposite saturations (white) –best contrast…blue and yellow avoid stark white background

13 Inverting the Pyramid Establishing Foundation Supporting Information Discuss Options Analyze problem Conclusion/Summary Traditional End Begin

14 Adapting Material for ADA open in new windows (web readers) avoid tables for designing (web readers) use Alt tags for all links and graphics (web readers) add audio with scripts (audio impaired) use legible font (visually impaired) –Arial (28 point) –Verdana (28 point) -Tahoma )28 point)

15 Shifting the Paradigm long complex sentences short sentences (less than 25 words) short paragraphs (6 to 8 sentences) get to the point lengthy paragraphs build up to case From To

16 Resources Auditory Learning. Cuymaca College.On-line [Available]. Campbell, T. (2005). Internet Writing Guide. On-line [Available] Grow. G. The Writing Problems of Visual Thinkers. On-line [Available]. Howles, L. & Howels, D. (2001). Writing for the Web. Distance and Teaching Conference Proceedings. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. Nielson, J. (2000). Writing for the Web. On-line [Available] Robinson, C. (2006). Certified Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments. Assistive Technology. Education Services. Region 4 ESC.

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