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A new approach for exploration of tokamak power plant design space Farrokh Najmabadi, Lane Carlson, and the ARIES Team UC San Diego 4 th IAEA Technical.

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Presentation on theme: "A new approach for exploration of tokamak power plant design space Farrokh Najmabadi, Lane Carlson, and the ARIES Team UC San Diego 4 th IAEA Technical."— Presentation transcript:

1 A new approach for exploration of tokamak power plant design space Farrokh Najmabadi, Lane Carlson, and the ARIES Team UC San Diego 4 th IAEA Technical Meeting on First Generation of Fusion Power Plants: Design & Technology 8-9 June 2011 IAEA, Vienna

2 Outline:  The New ARIES Systems Code.  Developed Recently  New Features/models.  The New System Optimization Process  Parameter Space Survey as opposed to single-point optimization.  Data visualization Tools;  Capability of “multi-dimensional” optimization and risk-benefit analysis.  Work in progress, preliminary results.  The Current ARIES Team Project  The New ARIES Systems Code.  Developed Recently  New Features/models.  The New System Optimization Process  Parameter Space Survey as opposed to single-point optimization.  Data visualization Tools;  Capability of “multi-dimensional” optimization and risk-benefit analysis.  Work in progress, preliminary results.  The Current ARIES Team Project

3 Systems code development

4 ARIES Systems Code is used for trade-off analysis and NOT as a Design Tool  It is impossible at the present to combine all analysis tools of various components into one package. Systems code, therefore, includes simple and reasonably accurate model of various subsystems.  We have always used the Systems code as an iterative tool during the design process: systems code identifies the area of interest in the parameter space, detailed design of a “preliminary” design point (“strawman”) helps to identify issues and refine systems code models, systems code identifies a new “strawman,” etc.  Typically, we have used COE as the object function for systems analysis while other objectives/constraint were included in the design process.  It is impossible at the present to combine all analysis tools of various components into one package. Systems code, therefore, includes simple and reasonably accurate model of various subsystems.  We have always used the Systems code as an iterative tool during the design process: systems code identifies the area of interest in the parameter space, detailed design of a “preliminary” design point (“strawman”) helps to identify issues and refine systems code models, systems code identifies a new “strawman,” etc.  Typically, we have used COE as the object function for systems analysis while other objectives/constraint were included in the design process.

5 A New ARIES Systems Code was developed recently.  The original ARIES systems code was developed in late 80s  Outdated programming.  Some models were too crude and had to be refined considerably during the design study. o A more complex model was deemed to be computationally expensive at the time. o A single code was used to examine multiple confinement concept (without using object-oriented programming and tool kits), i.e., models had to fit a large design window.  A new system code was developed recently.  Currently only applies to tokamak concept.  We are using this tool for the first time in our current study.  The original ARIES systems code was developed in late 80s  Outdated programming.  Some models were too crude and had to be refined considerably during the design study. o A more complex model was deemed to be computationally expensive at the time. o A single code was used to examine multiple confinement concept (without using object-oriented programming and tool kits), i.e., models had to fit a large design window.  A new system code was developed recently.  Currently only applies to tokamak concept.  We are using this tool for the first time in our current study.

6 ASC Flow Chart (medium detail) Systems code consists of many modular building blocks

7 Major Features of the new ARIES Systems Code  Detailed 2-D axisymmteric geometry based on plasma shape and includes maintenance considerations.  Detailed power flow and blanket/divertor modules.  TF Magnet algorithm bench-marked against finite-element analysis of ARIES magnets.  Distributed PF algorithm which produces accurate description of stored energy, cost, and VS of a free- boundary equilibrium-based PF system.  New costing algorithm  Based on Gen-IV costing rules.  Detailed 2-D axisymmteric geometry based on plasma shape and includes maintenance considerations.  Detailed power flow and blanket/divertor modules.  TF Magnet algorithm bench-marked against finite-element analysis of ARIES magnets.  Distributed PF algorithm which produces accurate description of stored energy, cost, and VS of a free- boundary equilibrium-based PF system.  New costing algorithm  Based on Gen-IV costing rules.

8 Detailed power flow model is essential for blanket/divertor models

9 He pumping power in the divertor is a strong function of heat flux capability  Analysis of three options performed, with some amount of optimization vs. heat flux (more design optimization underway).  Results reduced to polynomial fits with a very high fidelity  Analysis of three options performed, with some amount of optimization vs. heat flux (more design optimization underway).  Results reduced to polynomial fits with a very high fidelity

10 Thermal conversion efficiency models  The entire effect is caused by degradation of bulk outlet temperature due to internal heat transfer: very design-dependent (DCLL) (SiC)

11 Major Features of the new ARIES Systems Code  Detailed 2-D axisymmteric geometry based on plasma shape and includes maintenance considerations.  Detailed power flow and blanket/divertor modules.  TF Magnet algorithm bench-marked against finite-element analysis of ARIES magnets.  Distributed PF algorithm which produces accurate description of stored energy, cost, and VS of a free- boundary equilibrium-based PF system.  New costing algorithm  Based on Gen-IV costing rules.  Detailed 2-D axisymmteric geometry based on plasma shape and includes maintenance considerations.  Detailed power flow and blanket/divertor modules.  TF Magnet algorithm bench-marked against finite-element analysis of ARIES magnets.  Distributed PF algorithm which produces accurate description of stored energy, cost, and VS of a free- boundary equilibrium-based PF system.  New costing algorithm  Based on Gen-IV costing rules.

12 Systems Optimization

13 Issues with “Point-Optimization”  Experience indicates that the power plant parameter space includes many local minima and the optimum region is quite “shallow.”  The systems code indentifies the “mathematical” optimum. There is a large “optimum” region when the accuracy of the systems code is taken into account, requiring “human judgment” to choose the operating point.  Previously, we used the systems code in the optimizer mode and used “human judgment” to select a few major parameters (e.g., aspect ratio, wall loading).  Experience indicates that the power plant parameter space includes many local minima and the optimum region is quite “shallow.”  The systems code indentifies the “mathematical” optimum. There is a large “optimum” region when the accuracy of the systems code is taken into account, requiring “human judgment” to choose the operating point.  Previously, we used the systems code in the optimizer mode and used “human judgment” to select a few major parameters (e.g., aspect ratio, wall loading). “Mathematical” minimum Systems code accuracy Optimum region  Better Approach: Indentify “optimum region ” as opposed to the optimum point.

14 Identifying “optimum region ” as opposed to the optimum point  New “optimization” approach:  Indentify “optimum” parameters space as opposed to the optimum point.  In addition, experience indicates that “optimum” design points are usually driven by the constraints. In some cases, a large design window is available when the constraint is “slightly” relaxed, allowing a more “robust” and credible design.  Developed a new approach to Systems Analysis based on surveying the design space instead of finding only an optimum design point (e.g., lowest COE).  This approach requires generation of a very large data base of self-consistent physics/engineering points.  Modern visualization and data mining techniques should be used to explore design space.  New “optimization” approach:  Indentify “optimum” parameters space as opposed to the optimum point.  In addition, experience indicates that “optimum” design points are usually driven by the constraints. In some cases, a large design window is available when the constraint is “slightly” relaxed, allowing a more “robust” and credible design.  Developed a new approach to Systems Analysis based on surveying the design space instead of finding only an optimum design point (e.g., lowest COE).  This approach requires generation of a very large data base of self-consistent physics/engineering points.  Modern visualization and data mining techniques should be used to explore design space.

15 Now to visualize those points…  It is a challenge to visualize large data sets: “Lots of numbers don’t make sense to ‘low- bandwidth’ humans, but visualization can decode large amounts of data to gain insight.” - San Diego Super Computer Center  It is a challenge to visualize large data sets: “Lots of numbers don’t make sense to ‘low- bandwidth’ humans, but visualization can decode large amounts of data to gain insight.” - San Diego Super Computer Center

16 How do others visualize large data sets?  Visualizing large datasets is a difficult task, almost an art.  Too much information can be overwhelming/deceiving.  10 6 points exceed computer monitor real estate.  Visualizing large datasets is a difficult task, almost an art.  Too much information can be overwhelming/deceiving.  10 6 points exceed computer monitor real estate. NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin.) data-logging buoys SDSC Earthquake Simulation

17 We have developed a visualization tool to utilize the scanning capability of the new systems code  VASST - Visual ARIES Systems Scanning Tool  Desire to visualize the broad parameter space and to extract meaningful relationships  Graphical user interface (GUI) permits 2D plots of any parameter  VASST - Visual ARIES Systems Scanning Tool  Desire to visualize the broad parameter space and to extract meaningful relationships  Graphical user interface (GUI) permits 2D plots of any parameter Purpose:  give the user visual interaction and explorative power  extract meaningful relationships  understand design tradeoffs

18 18 Pull-down menus for common parameters Blanket used Number of points in database Constraint parameter can restrict/filter database on-the-fly Auto-labeling Correlation coefficient Save plot Color bar scale Edit plot properties Populate table with click Turn on ARIES-AT point design for reference VASST - Visual ARIES Systems Scanning Tool All self-consistent design points

19 Snap-shot of COE vs electric output for all data points (SiC blanket) SiC blanket

20 Example: COE vs Inboard Divertor Heat Flux 20 SiC blanket, 1 GWe constraint: B T < 8.5 T

21 Example: COE vs Inboard Divertor Heat Flux 21 SiC blanket, 1 GWe constraint: B T < 7.5 T

22 Example: COE vs Inboard Divertor Heat Flux SiC blanket, 1 GWe constraint: B T < 6 T

23 Example: COE vs Inboard Divertor Heat Flux SiC blanket, 1 GWe constraint: B T < 5 T

24 Example: Impact of field strength  For a given maximum  N :  Increasing B t typically increase the size of parameter space (e.g., relax many parameters:  N, n G /n, H 98, …) but does not reduce the minimum cost.  B t can be viewed as a compensation/insurance knob against R&D failure to achieve certain plasma parameters  For a given maximum  N :  Increasing B t typically increase the size of parameter space (e.g., relax many parameters:  N, n G /n, H 98, …) but does not reduce the minimum cost.  B t can be viewed as a compensation/insurance knob against R&D failure to achieve certain plasma parameters B t < 5 T COE (mills/kWh) Heat flux on in board divertor (MW/m 2 ) B t < 7 T COE (mills/kWh) Heat flux on in board divertor (MW/m 2 ) SiC Blanket

25 Summary  Exploring the “optimum region” as opposed to the “optimum point” has many desirable features:  Prevents the design point to be pushed into a “constraint corner” and allows for a more robust design point.  Clearly identifies the trade-offs and the “weak” and “strong” constraints, helping the R&D prioritization.  Identifies compensation/insurance knobs against failures of R&D to achieve certain parameters.  The extensive data base can also be used for risk/benefits analyzes by defining different optimization parameters.  Exploring the “optimum region” as opposed to the “optimum point” has many desirable features:  Prevents the design point to be pushed into a “constraint corner” and allows for a more robust design point.  Clearly identifies the trade-offs and the “weak” and “strong” constraints, helping the R&D prioritization.  Identifies compensation/insurance knobs against failures of R&D to achieve certain parameters.  The extensive data base can also be used for risk/benefits analyzes by defining different optimization parameters.

26 Project goals and plans

27 Goals of Current ARIES Study  Revisit ARIES Designs with a focus on detailed analysis edge plasma physics and plasma- material interaction, high heat flux components and off-normal events in a fusion power plant.  What would ARIES designs look like if we use current predictions on heat/particles fluxes?  What would be the maximum fluxes that can be handled by in-vessel components in a power plant?  What level of off-normal events are acceptable in a commercial power plant?  Can the current physics predictions (ITER rules, others) be accommodated and/or new solutions have to be found?  Revisit ARIES Designs with a focus on detailed analysis edge plasma physics and plasma- material interaction, high heat flux components and off-normal events in a fusion power plant.  What would ARIES designs look like if we use current predictions on heat/particles fluxes?  What would be the maximum fluxes that can be handled by in-vessel components in a power plant?  What level of off-normal events are acceptable in a commercial power plant?  Can the current physics predictions (ITER rules, others) be accommodated and/or new solutions have to be found?

28 Frame the “parameter space for attractive power plants” by considering the “four corners” of parameter space Reversed-shear ( β N =0.04-0.06) DCLL blanket Reversed-shear ( β N =0.04-0.06) DCLL blanket Reversed-shear ( β N =0.04-0.06) SiC blanket Reversed-shear ( β N =0.04-0.06) SiC blanket 1 st Stability ( no-wall limit) DCLL blanket 1 st Stability ( no-wall limit) DCLL blanket 1 st Stability ( no-wall limit) SiC blanket 1 st Stability ( no-wall limit) SiC blanket ARIES-RS/AT SSTR-2 EU Model-D ARIES-1 SSTR Lower thermal efficiency Higher Fusion/plasma power Higher P/R Metallic first wall/blanket Higher thermal efficiency Lower fusion/plasma power Lower P/R Composite first wall/blanket Higher power density Higher density Lower current-drive power Lower power density Lower density Higher CD power Decreasing P/R Physics Extrapolation

29 Study is divided into Two Phases:  Phase 1:  Examination of power-plant parameter space with the systems code to understand trade-offs.  Examination of capabilities of in-vessel components (heat and particle fluxes) in both steady-state and off- normal events, e.g., ELM, disruption (thermal).  Phase 2:  Detailed design o To verify systems code predications o To develop an integrated design o To document trade-offs and R&D needs.  Phase 1:  Examination of power-plant parameter space with the systems code to understand trade-offs.  Examination of capabilities of in-vessel components (heat and particle fluxes) in both steady-state and off- normal events, e.g., ELM, disruption (thermal).  Phase 2:  Detailed design o To verify systems code predications o To develop an integrated design o To document trade-offs and R&D needs.  Project began in Jan. 2010.

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