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Wednesday, September 16 th Warm Up: Write down how you would explain binary code to someone who had never heard of it before What is this number written.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday, September 16 th Warm Up: Write down how you would explain binary code to someone who had never heard of it before What is this number written."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday, September 16 th Warm Up: Write down how you would explain binary code to someone who had never heard of it before What is this number written in binary code? Now translate it from binary code to a number. Off Off On On Off On Off Off. Today … Please open Intel and Binary assignments review binary code assignment Review Intel assignment Practice Quiz Flow Charts

2 Binary Code Off Off On On Off On Off Off. 0010100 Translate: 0* 1 0* 2 1*4 0*8 1*16 1*32 0*64 0*128 Value = 52

3 Binary Answers What are the two numbers that computers understand? 0, 1 If those two numbers are represented by lightbulbs, what is the value assigned to a bulb that is not turned on? Zero What would be another way to write this: On Off On On Off? 10110 What is the value of the binary number 101? 1100101 If you convert your name to binary using the encoder, what is the result? If you convert a 5-letter word to binary, how many digits does the result have? 40 (every letter is represented by 8 numbers)


5 INPUT DEVICES Microphone Keyboard Mouse PC Camera Scanner

6 OUTPUT DEVICES Speakers Monitor Printer

7 STORAGE DEVICES RAM ROM Hard Drive Floppy Drive Optical Storage

8 PROCESSING DEVICES Microprocessor Motherboard

9 RAM AND ROM RAM – Random Access Memory – Temporary – Like opening the books on your desk ROM - Read Only Memory – Permanent storage – Long term – Contains the computers instructions – Doesn’t accept new information

10 Microprocessor vs embedded processor Embedded processor – made for one specific function Microprocessor – bigger, more general, used by a computer for many functions

11 Transistor Microscopic electronic switch Turns on and off Part of an integrated circuit within a computer Amplifies and switches electronic signals

12 Pixels Dots on your computer screen Red, green or blue VGA (video graphic array) translates the binary code into color combinations 96 pixels per inch

13 What Is a Microprocessor ? CPU or central processing unit Smaller than a hair Integrated circuit Often called the “brains”

14 Functions of a Microprocessor Fetch – get instructions from memory Decode- figure out what the instructions mean Execute – perform the instructions

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