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Effective E-Assessment: Making IT happen E-Assessment in Practice – Nov 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective E-Assessment: Making IT happen E-Assessment in Practice – Nov 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective E-Assessment: Making IT happen E-Assessment in Practice – Nov 2009

2 Overview Definition Building Blocks Checklists Conclusions

3 A Definition – effective assessment 1.adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected result: 2.actually in operation or in force; functioning: prepared and available for service. Although there are many definitions of assessment, central to all definitions is the making of judgments against defined, usually external, criteria.

4 The Building Blocks (e-Strategy - Harnessing Technology: DfES 2005) Infrastructure Skills Content

5 Skills and confidence Students Readiness to use technology Awareness of e-assessment Staff (internal) The shock of the new – roles & process Staff (external) The ‘hidden team’ partnership Guidelines and rules Senior management Strength and commitment of chain of command

6 Skills – internal and external 2009 @ 1949 Senior Management/Assessors/Authors? Teachers/Staff/Assessors/Authors? Graduates/Workforce of tomorrow FE/Secondary student Primary pupil

7 Infrastructure Scope of deployment Single-site/multi-site Local, regional, national, international Access and reach Platform dependence Capacity and scalability Resilience vs security Web-based vs local install Approval and ‘dummy test’ procedures Technical support Tiered roles – first line, second line Local/remote – hours of service

8 INTERNATIONAL NATIONAL LOCAL Infrastructure: Capacity & Standardisation

9 Content – does it fit? One size does not fit all Subject variance – domain concepts Level variance – Bloom’s taxonomy Mind the gap Transfer, translate, transform Authoring skills and assessment models Drivers - education Reliability and quality assurance Validity and innovation Drivers - business Service improvements, flexibility/availability Cost savings, efficiency, transferability

10 Convergent Assessment Divergent Assessment Performance Evidence Skill Tests What and where?

11 Success Checklist CATEGORY Staff – internal vs external Senior Management commitment Single-site vs multi site Web-based vs local install Technical support model Approval and training options Fit to subject and level Transfer or Transform Educational benefits Business benefits TOTAL

12 Conclusions Credibility - foundation Reliability + validity + trusted service Skills - confidence Training, guidelines and rules Infrastructure - capability Market intelligence Content - fit for purpose Better by design Control – command or cajole Circle of influence

13 Questions

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