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Annual Parishes Liaison Event WELCOME Cllr Pam Posnett, LCC Cllr Guy Jackson, LRALC.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Parishes Liaison Event WELCOME Cllr Pam Posnett, LCC Cllr Guy Jackson, LRALC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Parishes Liaison Event WELCOME Cllr Pam Posnett, LCC Cllr Guy Jackson, LRALC

2 Communities Strategy and Future Working Kristy Ball, Team Leader (Communities)

3 What we will cover today… LCC Changes Strategy and Context Building Blocks Projects and Initiatives Unlocking Community Capacity Future working

4 Strategy & Context Less money Rising demand for services Radical reform Demand management Changing services Rethinking public services

5 Leicestershire Communities Strategy The Strategy  The Strategy proposes a new ‘enabling relationship’ between the Council and communities  We want to move from a focus on ‘what’s wrong’ i.e. needs and problems to ‘what’s strong’ i.e. assets and strengths  We need to make the most of the money we have by helping communities to help themselves, supporting people to make better choices and encouraging people to take responsibility – for themselves, for others and for their place Three Priorities:  Unlock the capacity of communities to support themselves and vulnerable individuals and families  Support communities to work in partnership with us to design and deliver services including those currently delivered by the Council  Develop VCS organisations as effective providers in a diverse market which supports delivery of our priorities

6 Leicestershire Communities Strategy Supported by Eight Building Blocks:

7 Projects and Initiatives Vanguard Parish Councils in partnership with LRALC Community Capacity Building Community ICT Strategy Service Devolution support - Community Library Partnerships, Community Bus Partnerships Supporting volunteering Shire Community Solutions and Your Shire Grants Development of Toolkits and Guidance Implementation of Local Area Co-ordination

8 Unlocking Community Capacity Understanding what works Support to get started Support to keep goingWillingness to do things

9 Future Working Communication – building on good relationships and making more of what we have Recognition that Town and Parish Councils are at the heart of communities as a key point of contact Connecting Town and Parish Councils with other elements of support – “Whole is greater than the sum of its parts” Understanding where Town and Parish Councils see themselves in enabling and supporting their communities We are all in this together working for the people of Leicestershire

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