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Field System Topics Ed Himwich, John Gipson, and Jonathan Quick Ed Himwich, John Gipson, and Jonathan Quick.

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Presentation on theme: "Field System Topics Ed Himwich, John Gipson, and Jonathan Quick Ed Himwich, John Gipson, and Jonathan Quick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Field System Topics Ed Himwich, John Gipson, and Jonathan Quick Ed Himwich, John Gipson, and Jonathan Quick

2 Current Status FS 9.9.2 Field labels for disk packs AutoFTP Mark IV formatter bit slip detection GNPLT update Systests included, now with Mark5 support Nutation offset support in VEX parser Geodetic RDV Support: Semi-continuous recording Set-up unused BBCs Two cosmetic DRUDG bugs Station names missing first two characters –Two letter codes okay Warnings for some S2 configurations and …?

3 FS 9.9.3 (Winter 2006-2007) Mark 5B support Eliminate use of some mk5=… commands for normal operations Phase-cal extraction support for Mark IV decoders? CHEKR monitoring of Mark5 Update Mark 5 “Remaining Capacity” display while recording S2 DAS support put on hold Other small items generated by this meeting …

4 Field Labels for Disk Packs Labels generated from log after pack is finished, either when full or end of experiment Generated from DRUDG command line: drudg file.log vsn row col file.log – experiment log file,.log required vsn – vsn to print label for default is “all” row – row of labels to start printing at, default 1 col – column of labels to start printing at, default 1 Example drudg n06c2.log usn-0015 drudg n06c2.log usn-0015 Label printer needs to be defined in skedf.ctl

5 AutoFTP Schedule initiated FTP-ing of fringe check data Based on Paul Burgess’ approach Controlled from ‘Data Transfer Override’ Menu DRUDG places parameters in disk2file=abort command in.snp file Two defaults settable from skedf.ctl file On/Off with optional string Select default destination directory Locally customized autoftp script Requires ssh authentication on Mark5 computer Accepts optional string for possible runtime control

6 Operating System Issues FS Linux 6 Distribution Based on Debian “Sarge” Clean Install or Upgrade from FS Linux 5 (woody) 1st Quarter 2007 (Jon) Router/Firewall Inexpensive, <US$100 Should be used with older, no longer supported distributions Good idea for current distribution

7 Longer term development items I DBBC/DBE support Documentation Update Improve prediction of disk pack change times Pointing software clean-up Eliminate redundancies in pointing configuration information by introducing a source coordinate database file and reorganizing point.prc and ctlpo.ctl (aquir control file). Documentation clean-up to reflect new procedures and utilities Improved Tsys Most items completed Post processing program to generate AIPS (ANTAB) format TSYS files from Cormac Reynolds Periodic firing of calibration diode with flagging needed Convert from fort77/f2c to g77 Will allow use of source level debugger Must maintain compatibility with f2c for older distributions

8 Longer term development items II TNX (“Thanks”) command expansion This command currently provides a syntax to eliminate the display of errors that the operator knows can’t be fixed and should be ignored Will be extended to allow different error messages with the same number and two letter code to be distinguished Will not allow an error that has not occurred to be masked off. FSVUE Integrated X client (Tcl/Tk) FS Operator Interface for FS Second iteration now, uses client-server model Allows multiple “Operator Input/Log Display” consoles for remote operation Initially add-on, eventually main interface Includes log display (scrolling doesn’t jump on new input) and operator input windows Buttons to allow you to examine logs, help, and run various utilities: monit, logpl, msg, and others.

9 Longer term development items III Band changes Band configuration procedures added to set-up by DRUDG. The DRUDG control file will be expanded to include a table of station defined procedures that can be used to set-up local station equipment for a band. These procedures can also be used manually by the operator as needed. Note that use of the existing SAVE_FILE command can be used in these procedures and INITI to recover the receiver set-up between FS terminations and restarts. Add a command LOCONFIG. This will be used after the LO= commands in the IFD set-up procedure. This can be used as trigger to start configuring the Los, if doing so in each individual LO= command might cause problems. By default, LOCONFIG will be a NO-OP, but it can be defined locally and do whatever is necessary for LO configuration in one step. CALON and CALOFF SNAP variables. This intended to deal with stations that have different cal control methods for different bands. The idea is that variables will be introduced into SNAP, specifically two: CALON and CALOFF. These can be defined by the band set-up procedures described above and used as $CALON and $CALOFF in procedures when the noise diode needs to be controlled.

10 Additional Future Items I IF patching automation for Mark IV racks EVN has hardware design, but not implemented in field yet. We will need one relatively simple SNAP command to support it: A special version of PATCH and a way to control which version is used. Mark IV decoder support This is beyond the phase-cal monitoring mentioned above, mainly a few SNAP commands to control the decoder manually. Most of the effort here is actually divining what is needed and developing documentation

11 Additional Future Items II Phase-cal control monitoring from VEX schedules Mark IV decoder support already planned AIPS format file generated from post-processing Support for VLBA digital switch board

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