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Introduction and Wire Scanner Calibration BI-BL Students Meeting 23.03.2015 Aleksander Cudny Technical Student Warsaw University of Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction and Wire Scanner Calibration BI-BL Students Meeting 23.03.2015 Aleksander Cudny Technical Student Warsaw University of Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction and Wire Scanner Calibration BI-BL Students Meeting 23.03.2015 Aleksander Cudny Technical Student Warsaw University of Technology

2 2 Introduction

3 3 My thesis – Project and construction of the Breathing Simulator Main goal: project and construction of mechanism, that can be used for somnographs testing (sleep apnea diagnostics) Divided into 3 main parts: mechanics, electronics and programming Machanics: project in IronCAD, 3D Printer usage, construction of piston pump… Electronics: Arduino based project, stepper motor control, sensors readings, heater circuit… Programming: Serial connection, PC application in Python with Qt framework, PID regulator for heater control…

4 4

5 5 Students Science Circle – Muscle Stimulator First idea: t-shirt connected to PC or TV, that widens user experience and can be used in pain relief therapy First prototype – glove with electrodes that can stimulate chosen finger Keyboard connection and synchronization with music Arduino based project with PC application in Python Also: examination biological age of ventricles with Arteriograph, control interface via EMG signals, and more…

6 6 What has been done until today?

7 7 New Wire Scanner Calibration LabVIEW – because it will be part of bigger software written in that language Beginning: folder with calibration data End: calibration curves based on polynomial fit Other goals: As fast as possible (no more than 60 seconds) Preview of the found peaks Saving file into.csv later into.clt file Conversion into subvi

8 8 Wire Scanner

9 9 Wire Scanner Calibration – outside the machine Laser Splitter PhotodiodeCombiner Wirescanner

10 10 Method – 1. Window around max value

11 11 2. Low-pass filtering

12 12 3. Derivative

13 13 4. Threshold and finding zeros

14 14 5. Final effect for one file

15 15 6. Calibration curve and polynomial fitting

16 16 Program – beginning and plots preview

17 17 Program – choosing polynomial fit and saving

18 What’s next? Conversion into subvi as part of new Wire Scanner Software Saving procedure into.clt format Picoscope work 18

19 19 Thank you for your attention

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