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Reform = Women’s Rights movement

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1 Reform = Women’s Rights movement
Name _________________________ Date ________________ Pd. _______ Social Reform Worksheet #1/Chapter 14 Reform = What is social reform then? Who often led the movements in social reform? Women’s Rights movement Dress reform? Female reformers also fought for what most women today consider a personal right – freedom of dress. During the mid-1800’s, women were expected to wear long skirts that weighted about 20 pounds and corsets that put extreme pressure on the abdominal area. These corsets often broke ribs and damaged internal organs/ Some women began wearing bloomers – baggy pants worn under a short skirt. “I ask no favors for my sex…All I ask our brethren (brothers) is that they will take their feet from off our necks, and permit us to stand upright on that ground which God designed us to occupy.” Women were active in the movements to reform prisons and schools. They fought for temperance and worked for abolition. But with all their work for social change, women still lacked many rights and opportunities of their own. Throughout the 1800’s, the women’s rights movement gradually became stronger and more organized. True/False – All women supported the women’s rights movement of the 1800’s.

2 Seneca Falls Convention
Name _________________________ Date ________________ Pd. _______ Social Reform Worksheet #1 Seneca Falls Convention Declaration of Sentiments: Susan B. Anthony Time Line – Women’s Rights

3 What is temperance? Amendments?
Name _________________________ Date ________________ Pd. _______ Social Reform Worksheet #2 Movement Leaders Accomplishments Prison and mental health Temperance Education What is temperance? Average American annual consumption of alcohol: 1830: 2011: 22 gallons (rough est.) (another name…) What was the concern about alcohol abuse? Amendments? 18 21

4 Why educate? Horace Mann Common-school movement What affected the
Name _________________________ Date ________________ Pd. _______ Social Reform Worksheet #2 Common-school movement Why educate? Does this exist today? What affected the quality of education? Horace Mann C O N T R I B U S

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