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Questioning Blooms Taxonomy Multiple Intelligences EDEL 429 CSUB Debbie Meadows Borman and Levine (1997) A Practical Guide to Elementary Instruction, Chapter.

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Presentation on theme: "Questioning Blooms Taxonomy Multiple Intelligences EDEL 429 CSUB Debbie Meadows Borman and Levine (1997) A Practical Guide to Elementary Instruction, Chapter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Questioning Blooms Taxonomy Multiple Intelligences EDEL 429 CSUB Debbie Meadows Borman and Levine (1997) A Practical Guide to Elementary Instruction, Chapter 7

2 Questioning 300-400 questions per day (Levine and Long, 1987) Guides student thinking Determines how students process information

3 Purposes of Questioning Motivation Prior Knowledge Stimulate Thinking Pace Instruction Check for Understanding Increase Student Involvement Build Communication Skills

4 Nature of Questions Convergent –Who is the 16 th president of the USA? –One right answer Divergent –What is the name of a mammal? –More than one right answer

5 Levels of Questions Low-Level –Mental recall to answer –List two differences between a predator and a prey? High-Level –Thought to answer –Which animal has a better life: predator or prey? Higher Order Thinking Skills -- HOTS

6 Blooms Taxonomy Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Tell, list, count Describe, restate, explain Apply, solve, use Dissect, inspect, uncover Create, develop, invent Rank, judge, support

7 Questions and Thought Processes Low-Level Convergent What is 5x9? Recall, attention to detail High-Level Convergent Look carefully at this bug, based on its characteristics, is it an arthropod or arachnid? Problem solving, clues, classification, categorization Low-Level Divergent What are some reasons living things die? Recall, attention to detail High-Level Divergent If you could invent anything, what would help mankind most? Recall, analysis, synthesis, evaluation

8 Approaches to Questioning Wait Time Redirection Prompting Probing

9 Wait Time Time a teacher gives the student to answer the question Time teacher waits for explanation or clarification 3 or more additional SECONDS effectively increases response numbers and quality

10 Redirection Asking the same question to multiple students without teacher clarification or additional support –What is your favorite color? –What do you know about cats? Includes more students in the discussion Increases attentiveness and involvement

11 Prompting Leading students to the correct answer by using hints or additional clarification –I dont know. Guide the first student to the answer without using peer support (phone a friend) Teacher has to think on their feet, can be difficult to master this skill

12 Probing Encouraging students to elaborate on an incomplete answer Controls the ineffective rapid-fire questioning technique Draws out meaning from the student, not the teacher

13 Questioning Best Practices Plan the questions in advance Clarify the purpose of the questions Use a balanced combination of low/high, convergent/divergent questions

14 Final Thoughts on Questioning Ratio of boys to girls Raised hands versus non-raised hands Sides of the room Front and back of the room Student answered versus Teacher answered

15 Multiple Intelligences Linguistic- word Logical-mathematical Spatial-Visual Bodily-Kinesthetic Musical-Rhythmic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalist *Existentialist-Big Picture

16 Additional Websites Multiple Intelligences – – Blooms Taxonomy – – ers_blooms.html ers_blooms.html Questioning-- HOTS – 1/sort=1 1/sort=1 –

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